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Henry Fowler; privates Henry Cook, G W Circy G W Dyess, W Dyess, A D Lowery, W J McNeal, W T Pi E L Rhodes W H Shields, John Strowd, lst Lieut J T Davis. Company E.--Wounded: Serg'ts D' Cunningham, slightly; M Murphy, severely; Corp I F M Edwards, slightly; Privates W G Austin, severely; W C Brandon, slightly; John Learman, severely; J W Campbell, slightly; C E Drake, severely; L A Dobbs, severely; W Frelas, mortally; J B Frazier. W J Farmer, severely; J A Henderson, severely; C H Hunte; C M Barge in breast, mortally; W F Wood, in leg; J J Wood, in leg; J W Hightower, in leg; S W Johnson in foot; Jesse Brantly, in the knee, slight; J G Joiner, in thigh. Company --Killed: Corp'l O P Elkirs, T Miller, W Wyatt. Wounded: E J Edwards, left shoulder, seriously: J J Hale, right lung, mortally, since dead; Howell Jones, through the neck, seriously; E Webster, in thigh, R T Wood, in bowie's, seriously; K Northington, right side seriously; W R Hodges, in the arm; W F Reynolds, in