Browsing named entities in Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct.. You can also browse the collection for Andrew Eliot or search for Andrew Eliot in all documents.

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man, from James 2:5; dined with Mr. Allen, visited Mr. Jennings, Thayer, Rev. D. Chauncey and D. Eliot, where I stopt. 22d. Dined with Mr. Allen, visied Mr. Taylor, heard D. D. Sewall ex. Act. 17:30—and slept at Mr. Allen's. 23d, visited Mr. Eliot, Hurd, &c., then to Cambridge, and called on Mr. Marsh and Mayhew, D. D. Wigg, and Rev. Mr. Appleton, where I dined. After, I returned home in comp, Tutor H. U. from 1741 to 1766. Porter—Rev. John Porter grad. 1736, one year after S. C.; and Eliot—Andrew Eliot, perhaps, H. U. 1737, ord. Boston, 1742. Flynt—may be the grad. in 1733. ClassesAndrew Eliot, perhaps, H. U. 1737, ord. Boston, 1742. Flynt—may be the grad. in 1733. Classes not being very large, and all being required to go to prayers, and meeting together, and being naturally thrown together, much because of the difficulty of getting to Boston, and the small number of oke's diary are continued: 1742, Jan. 3.—P. M., went to Boston, visited Mr. Allen, Phillips, Eliot, Hurd—cui pecun. red. £ 14; returned by the way of Cambridge; called on Mr. Emerson, Ma