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e noble Lord whether the course now proposed to be adopted of prohibiting the vessels-of-war and privateers of both parties from bringing prizes into the ports of the United Kingdom, was not different from that which had in former times been pursued by this country? Mr. Henley asked whether the law of France, as stated by the noble Lord, applied to the vessels of States, or was confined to privateers? Lord. J. Russell — I stated that law is applicable to privateers only. Sir J. Elphinstone asked what measures had been taken by the Government to inform British seamen who were at present at sea that it was their policy to observe a strict neutrality between the parties to this contest. Unless a notice was affixed to the mainmast of every British trader,--[order, order.] The Speaker informed the honorable baronet that he was not in order in entering into an argument. Lord J. Russell said that a proclamation had been issued by her Majesty, declaring her neutrality