Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 29, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for J. Elphinstone or search for J. Elphinstone in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: May 29, 1863., [Electronic resource], The elegant and Comfortable for Yankee envy. (search)
The Charleston Affair in Parliament — a General talk of iron-clads and iron Navies. Sir J. Elphinstone rose to move that an address should be presented to Her Majesty, that she would be graciously pleased to appoint a royal commission to consider the best mode of construction and form of iron clad ships which were to compose the future navy of England, and to report upon the ships at present built and building, and the amount of dock and basin accommodation required for their use at home and abroad. The honorable baronet said that during his time there had been three reconstructions of the British navy, which had cost large sums of money to this country. One very great objection to our present system was the diversity of sizes in which these ships had been built. There was nothing more essential than equality rate. [Hear, hear.] The ruling rate of speed of a squadron was found to be that of the slowest ship; and whilst the Warrior and Black Prince could make fifteen or