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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson 34 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli 2 0 Browse Search
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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Index. (search)
, 17. Crowe, Mrs., 226. D. Dana, Chief Justice, 27. Dana, R. H., 95. Dana, R. H., Jr., 24 Dante degli Alighieri, 86. Davis, George T., 3, 34. Davis, J. C., 3. Davis, W. T., 52. Degerando, Baron. 69. De Quincey, Thomas, 226,229. Derby, Mrs., 223. Dewey, 0., 62. Dial, origin and history of, 130; prospectus of, 152. Dwight, J. S., 146, 149, 162,164. E. Easrman, Mrs. S. C., 3. Eckermann, J. P., 91, 189, 284. Edgeworth, Maria, 132. Eichhorn, J. G., 45. Emerson, Ellen, 67. Emerson, R. W., letters to, about Dial, 151, 154, 157, 166, 168, 169, 171; about Brook Farm, 181, 182; from Chicago, 193, 196; on sailing for Europe, 220; other letters to, 67, 68, 70, 80, 86, 89, 94, 199, 301, 310. Description of, in diary, 66; passages from unpublished poems of, 66; letters concerning. 62, 63; criticisms on, by M. . 0., 66, 70, 72, 121, 157, 166,167, 284, 310; extracts from his Dial papers, 137, 176; his inadequate estimate of M. F. O., 300; his defense of Alco
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Chapter 1: Cambridge and Newburyport (search)
account he afterwards heard of Alfred, who also, it appeared, was at Cheltenham at that precise time! This note to Emerson explains itself: Artichoke Mill, July, 1850 During your absence I made a visit to your study which I would gladly hae answer. Also from the journal: February 29 (1852) Ellery said: There was no electricity in that lecture of Emerson's on Economy — it was dull. No weather in it, no outdoors. Emerson has no love of beauty or knowledge of it -he gaveEmerson has no love of beauty or knowledge of it -he gave it all up after he wrote Nature --he is all humanitarianism — he is every shrewd Yankee merchant-that's what he is. He saw early that he must have a system if he wanted to make any impression — everybody was unsettled and he must be fixed. Irates you directly from men, if you care anything about it; you are unsocial and puzzle them. Beauty is just as hard as Emerson is on his side, but his is the popular side — all this humanitarianism business. There is Thoreau, he knows about it
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Chapter 2: the Worcester period (search)
vings .... He has written two perfectly charming essays on Emerson and Hawthorne for the lovely illustrated Homes of Americanu could have heard them roar with laughter when I quoted Mr. Emerson's remark that Evangelical doctrines were like the measlethem to consult me again. This note written in 1855 to Emerson is interesting as showing the price then paid to lecturerstten when Mr. Higginson was thirty-four years old: Mr. Emerson is bounteous and gracious, but thin, dry, angular, in inciatively, are (as you perhaps anticipate) Shakespeare and Emerson; though when you read either is a secondary thing. From EEmerson, I differ, . . . in temperament, attitude, and many conclusions; but in spite of this I know of no author whose writinle replaced by another. July 10, 1859 Dearest Mother: Emerson says, To-day is a king in disguise ; and it is sometimes oon for me to have sat at the same table with Longfellow or Emerson, as it now seems that men should have sat at table with Wo
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Chapter 3: Journeys (search)
se of need. There we shouldered our packs and were reduced to a minimum of comforts for that reason; here we had boats for carrying everything and lived in comparative luxury; the party having, for instance, got milk every day, thus obviating Mr. Emerson's grand objection to the wilderness, that the cows were not driven in. On the other hand, the style of camping was not so agreeable as in Maine, closed tents being used and the fires not kept up all night. Indeed, I personally only camped out he stays there all summer and paints while the other artists and savants who make up the Adirondack Club (or Amperzanders as the boatmen call them) come and go. This summer there have been James Lowell, Estes Howe, Judge Hoar, Horace Gray; and Emerson and Longfellow and others are now coming. John Holmes came, carried in an armchair through the forest by four men; they said it was hard, but he was so funny. They are just buying the pond and its whole surroundings, to keep them sacred from l
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Chapter 7: Cambridge in later life (search)
rimary school is or how many pounds sterling twenty-five hundred dollars represent; and he sometimes says things awkwardly, meaning no harm, as when he said to Ellen Emerson of her father in England, I understand he wished to see me, which offends Boston and Concord, but really meant nothing. I have heard him say nothing uppish ar style of contrast. I am almost indignant when you speak of the barren sentiment of a plain New England life --plain if you please, but not necessarily barren. Emerson and Hawthorne certainly did not find it practically barren, though the latter in one moment of degeneracy made a similar remark. The strength of Whittier has beeere by going up to Concord for a Sunday and searching out the minutest memorials of Thoreau, while not interesting himself in the least in anything connected with Emerson and Hawthorne. The following was written in a copy of The Monarch of Dreams which was given to Stedman: Cambridge, October 24, 1887 This is rather my favo