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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kearny, Stephen Watts 1794-1847 (search)
my of the West, Ciudad de Los Angeles, Jan. 16, 1847. By direction of Brigadier-General Kearny, I send you a copy of a communication to him from the Secretary of War, dated June 18, 1846, in which is the following: These troops, and such as may be organized in California, will be under your command. The general directs that no change will be made in the organization of your battalion of volunteers, or officers appointed in it, without his sanction or approval being first obtained. Wm. F. Emory, Lieutenant and Acting Assistant Adjutant-General. This note at once raised the question whether he was to obey General Kearny, and thereby, so far as his example could go, invalidate the acts of Commodore Stockton, in which he had co-operated, or obey Commodore Stockton, and, so far as his decision would go, sustain the validity of those proceedings which he believed to be both legal and patriotic. If he took the former course, he incurred the liability to be arraigned, and, in his
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Pleasant Grove, battle of. (search)
Pleasant Grove, battle of. At Pleasant Grove, 3 miles from Sabine Crossroads, La., General Emory, advancing with his corps, halted on April 8, 1864, when the Nationals, defeated at the Crossroads, were retreating. Across the road along which the fugitives and their pursuers were advancing General Dwight formed his brigade, and on his left was another brigade, commanded by Col. Lewis Benedict. Another was held in reserve. Their ranks were opened to receive the flying columns, which passed through to the rear, the Confederates close upon their heels. In strong force they assailed Emory's troops. A severe battle ensued, which lasted an hour and a half, the Confederates making the most desperate efforts to turn the National left, firmly held by Benedict. The assailants were repulsed, and very soon the battle ceased on that part of the field. Everywhere else the Confederates were thrown back, with great slaughter. Then the Nationals retired to Pleasant Hill, 15 miles distant,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Pleasant Hill, battle of. (search)
re following the Nationals in strong force after the battle at Pleasant Grove, Banks formed a battle-line at Pleasant Hill, 15 miles east of the latter place, with Emory's division in the front, the right occupied by Dwight's brigade, another, under General Millan, in the centre, and a third, under Colonel Benedict, on the left. Ad towards Grand Ecore. Towards noon (April 9), the Confederate advance appeared, and between 5 and 6 P. M. a furious battle began. The assailants fell heavily on Emory's left, held by Benedict's brigade, with crushing force, and pushed it back. At the first onset, and while trying to rally his men to charge, Benedict was slain by a bullet which passed through his head. While the left was giving way, and the Confederates had captured four guns, Emory's right stood firm until enveloped on three sides by a superior force, when it fell back a little. Then the tide was changed by a heavy countercharge by Smith's veterans, under General Mower. The right of t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Red River expedition. (search)
tes fell back until they reached Sabine Cross Roads, 54 miles from Grand Ecore, were they made a stand. It was now evident that the further advance of the Nationals was to be obstinately contested. The Trans-Mississippi army, under Gen. E. Kirby Smith, was there 20,000 strong. A fierce battle occurred (April 8), which resulted in disaster to the Nationals. The shattered columns of Franklin's advance fell back 3 miles, to Pleasant Grove, where they were received by the fine corps of General Emory, who was advancing, and who now formed a battle line to oppose the pursuers. There another severe battle was fought, which ended in victory for the Nationals (see Pleasant Grove, Battle of.). Although victorious, Banks thought it prudent to continue his retreat to Pleasant Hill, 15 miles farther in the rear, for the Confederates were within reach of reinforcements, while he was not certain that Smith, then moving forward, would arrive in time to aid him. He did arrive on the evening of
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Sabine cross-roads, battle of. (search)
Confederates made a stand at Sabine Cross-roads, La., during the Red River expedition under General Banks, in 1864. Franklin's troops moved forward, with General Lee's cavalry in the van, followed by two thin divisions under General Ransom. General Emory followed Ransom. Among his troops was a brigade of colored soldiers. Lee was ordered to attack the Confederates wherever he should find them, but not to bring on a general engagement. Franklin advanced to Pleasant Hill (q. v.), where Banksong their whole line, and drove them back. Franklin, with a division under General Cameron, arrived at five o'clock, but the overwhelming number of the Confederates turned the National flank and struck their centre heavily. This assault, like the first, was stubbornly resisted, but, finding the Confederates gaining their rear, the Nationals fell back, and were received by General Emory, who was advancing. Ransom lost ten guns and 1,000 men captured, and Lee 156 wagons filled with supplies.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Shenandoah Valley, chronology of the operations in the (search)
now under General Early, move rapidly down the Shenandoah to the Potomac, and spread consternation from Baltimore to WashingtonJuly 2-3, 1864 Gen. Lew. Wallace attempts to check the Confederates at Monocacy, but is defeated with a loss of ninety-eight killed, 579 wounded, and 1,280 missing July 9, 1864 Confederate cavalry approach BaltimoreJuly 10, 1864 On the 11th Early is within 6 or 7 miles of Washington, and menaces the capital on the 12th, but retires on the 13th. The 19th Corps (Emory's), arriving at Fortress Monroe from Louisiana, and the 6th Corps from before Petersburg, sent by Grant under Wright to attack Early, pursue him some distance up the valley, and return to Leesburg, and are ordered back to Petersburg. Early returns as soon as the pursuit ceases; strikes Crook at Martinsburg, defeats him, and holds the Potomac from Shepardstown to Williamsport, Early now sends B. R. Johnston and McCausland with some 3,000 cavalry on a raid into PennsylvaniaJuly 30, 1864 App
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Louisiana, (search)
vernor Dunn, the election of P. B. S. Pinchback by the Senate in extra session is claimed as unconstitutional by the opposition, led by George W. Carter, speaker of the House, and known as Carterites ......Nov. 22, 1871 Warmouth legislature meets at Mechanics' Institute; the Carterites over the Gem saloon, on Royal Street, Jan. 6. Colonel Carter, by proclamation, proposes to seize the Mechanics' Institute building, and appears before it with several thousand men, but is prevented by General Emory......Jan. 22, 1872 In extra session the House, in the absence of Colonel Carter, declares the speaker's chair vacant, chooses O. H. Brewster speaker, and approves the course of Governor Warmouth......1872 Act passed funding the indebtedness of the State......April 30, 1872 Conventions of the two wings of the Republican party at Baton Rouge, headed respectively by Packard and Pinchback. The Packard convention nominates William Pitt Kellogg for governor......June 19, 1872 Adjo
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Winchester, battles of (search)
nes by sending half his army on a reconnaissance to Martinsburg (which Averill repulsed), Sheridan put his forces under arms, and, at 3 A. M. on Sept. 19, they were in motion towards Winchester, Wilson's cavalry leading, followed by Wright's and Emory's corps. Wilson crossed the Opequan at dawn, charging upon and sweeping away all opposers, and securing a place, within two miles of Winchester, for the deployment of the army. There they formed, with Wright's corps on the left, flanked by Wilson's cavalry, Emory in the centre, and Crook's Kanawha infantry in reserve in the rear. Early had turned back towards Winchester before Sheridan was ready for battle, and strongly posted his men in a fortified position on a series of detached hills. Averill had followed them closely from Bunker's Hill, and he and Merritt enveloped Winchester on the east and north with cavalry. Between the two armies lay a broken, wooded country. The Nationals attempted to reach Early's vulnerable left win