Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for England or search for England in all documents.

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document is generally attacked, and comparisons are drawn between it and the one lately emanating from Jeff. Davis — much to its disadvantage, the English newspapers contend. The point made of the President's silence relative to the Trent affair is that it is indicative of immediate war — the exceptions to this view being few. It appears to be difficult for the English press to accept any other solution of the Trent difficulty but that of war. The Observer, the Ministerial organ, says that England wishes for peace, but that she will gain by war, as it will enable her to rectify her American frontiers, open the ports of the South, and give a lesson to the United States. A rumor was current that the blocking up of Charleston harbor with stone was likely to lead to difficulty; that England's warlike preparations would continue lin view thereof, and that her demands did not end with the surrender of Mason and Slidell. The war preparations in England continue unabated. In France the
was called to the chair; prayer was made by the venerable Dr. Hoge, amid the booming of cannon. Gov. Tod said: If there is a man in all the country that does not rejoice over the news of to-day, frown on him, brand him as a traitor. Is he in your churches? turn him out. Is he in your Assembly? put him out. Is he in your family? shut the door in his face. [Cheers.] We want it understood as the voice of this meeting, that the Government is to hang all guilty traitors; and that if England continues to threaten, we will next pay our respects to her. Speeches were also made by Mr. Thomas Ewing, Lieut.-Governor Stanton, Mr. Delano, Col. B. McCook, Messrs. Groesbeck, Fink, Monroe, Flagg and Galloway. Senators, Representatives, State officers and the people, had a refreshing season, and adjourned after three cheers for the Union. A battle took place at Sugar Creek, Arkansas, this day. The rebels were concealed in the woods on both sides of the road. The country was brok
the toast of The clergy. About one hundred persons sat down to dinner, and there was generally a very pleasant time. To the toast of The President, the band, by mistake, played God save the Queen, which made considerable fun at the table. Not understanding English very well was probably the cause of this little mistake. Unfortunately for the London Times and its celebrated prophecy of what would be the manner of the celebration, it happened to be in a very different style. No abuse of England took place in the replies to the toasts. The day was very pleasant, and was the first for the past four weeks that had been fine. The party broke up about six P. M.--London News, July 12. General McClellan issued an address to the Soldiers of the army of the Potomac, recapitulating the events through which they had passed during the preceding ten days, and declaring that they should yet enter the capital of the so-called Confederacy. --(Doc. 79.) A small body of Union troops und
ces of the United States under his command, and gave twenty-four hours for innocent and helpless persons to withdraw.--Fitz-John Porter was cashiered and dismissed the service of the United States. At Ashton, England, Milner Gibson, M. P., President of the British Board of Trade, delivered an address to his constituents reviewing the position of England toward the United States. He alleged that slavery was the main cause of the war by inducing even secession for its defence. He urged England to adhere to her neutral course in the strictest manner, and denied the wisdom of foreign mediation, intervention, or a hasty recognition of the so-called confederates. In this connection Mr. Gibson recited statistics setting forth the largely increased imports of breadstuffs and provisions from the United States to England during the year just ended, and warned his hearers that if the Executive involved their country in a war with the United States their first act should be to blockade th