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yland, 1 March, 1763. I am by authority informed that a scheme is forming for establishing 10,000 men, to be British Americans standing force there, and paid by the colonies. that these regiments were, for the first year only, to be supported by England, Jasper Mauduit, agent of the province of Massachusetts, to the speaker of the House of Representatives, 12 March, 1763, to be found in Massachusetts' Council Letter Book of Entries, i. 384, relates, that, a few days before, the secretary at war had proposed an establishment of twenty regiments for America, to be supported the first year by England, afterwards by the colonies. Compare, too, same to same, 11 Feb., 1764. See also, the accounts received in Charleston, S. C., copied into Weyman's N. Y. Gazette, 4 July, 1763, 238, 2, 2, and 3: Charleston, S. C., June 14th.—It is pretty certain that twenty British regiments, amounting to 10,000 effective men, are allotted to this continent and the British islands; some of them are t
e provision for the support of the Church of England, so that dissenters themselves, who more and more abounded in that colony, should not be exempted from sharing the cost of the established religion. In Georgia, the stamp duty chap. XIII.} 1765. May. seemed as equal as any that could be generally imposed on the colonies; Georgia Committee to Knox, 15 April, 1765. though the manner of imposing it greatly inspired alarm. While the act was in abeyance, Hutchinson had, in letters to England, pleaded for the ancient privilege of the colonies with regard to internal taxes; but, on learning the decision of parliament, he made haste to say, that it could be to no purpose to claim a right of exemption, when the whole body of the people of England were against it. He was only waiting to know what more parliament would do towards raising the sums which the colonies were to pay, and which as yet were not half provided for. Hutchinson to I. Williams, 26 April 1775. Openly espousing
for the liberties of the continent; and even while they were deliberating, the vast prairies of Illinois, the great eastern valley of the Mississippi, with all its rivers gushing from the Alleghanies, with all its boundless primeval forests, spreading from the mountain tops to the alluvial margin of the mighty stream, with all its solitudes, in which futurity would summon the eager millions of so many tongues to build happy homes, passed from the sway of France into the temporary custody of England. The French officers had, since the peace, been ready loyally to surrender the country to the English. From Mobile, Ross had passed through the land of the Choctaws and the Chickasaws, to the Cherokee river, which he descended in a canoe of his own building, to the Ohio, and so to the Mississippi and the Illinois. But the Illinois, the Missouri, and the Osage tribes, in a council held at Fort Chartres, breathed nothing but war. In vain did St. Ange entreat them to be soothed. My fathe
765. Nov. General and Solicitor-General, to make examples of some very few, this colony will remain quiet. Others of his letters pointed plainly to John Morin Scott, Robert R. Livingston, and William Livingston, as suitable victims. At the same time, some of the churchmen avowed to one another their longing to see the Archbishop of Canterbury display a little more of the resolution of a Laud or a Sextus Quintus; for what, said they, has the church ever gained by that which the courtesy of England calls prudence? Thomas B. Chandler, 12 Nov. 1765. Yet when Moore, the new governor, arrived, he could do nothing but give way to the popular impulse. He dismantled the fort, and suspended his power to execute the Stamp Act. Sir H. Moore to Conway, 21 Nov. When the assembly came together, it confirmed the doings of its committee at the Congress, and prepared papers analogous to them. In New Jersey, Ogden found himself disavowed by his constituents. The assembly, by a unanimous
ry had not been changed, Richard Rigby, Force: Am. Archives, i. 76. the leader of the Bedford party, long persisted in asserting, the stamp tax would have been collected in America with as much ease as the land-tax in Great Britain. The king had dismissed from power the only ministry bent resolutely on enforcing it; and, while America was united, his heart was divided between a morbid anxiety to execute the law, and his wish never again to employ Bedford and Grenville. The opinion of England was as fluctuating as the mind of the king. The overbearing aristocracy desired some reduction of the land tax at the expense of Ame- chap. XX.} 1765. Dec. rica; and sordid politicians, accustomed to hold provincial offices by deputy, or to dispose of them to their friends, wished to increase the value of their patronage by maintaining this absolute supremacy at all hazards. The industrial classes were satisfied with the monopoly of her market. The maritime and manufacturing towns in t
ns; but calmly, and with consummate and persuasive address, De Guerchy, 23 Feb. he argued for the repeal, with eloquence which expressed conviction, and which yet could not have offended even the sensitive self-love of the warmest friends of the act. He ac- chap. XXIII.} 1766. Feb. knowledged his perplexity in making an option between two ineligible alternatives, pronounced, however, for repeal, as due to the liberty of unrepresented subjects, and in gratitude to their having supported England through three wars. The total repeal, replied Grenville, will persuade the colonies that Great Britain confesses itself without the right to impose taxes on them, and is reduced to make this confession by their menaces. Do the merchants insist that debts to the amount of three millions will be lost, and all fresh orders be countermanded? Do not injure yourselves from fear of injury; do not die from the fear of dying; Junius, 19 Dec. 1767. the merchants may sustain a temporary loss,