Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 21, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Epps or search for Epps in all documents.

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t for less than five hundred dollars per day. --Under the circumstances, it was within the province of the Council to change the place of holding the election in Monroe Ward. On motion of Mr. Griffin, the place was changed from Lacy's shop to Epps's shop, adjoining. William E. Granger was appointed conductor of election in Jefferson Ward in place of R. T. Seal, whose duties as Chief-of-Police would call him elsewhere on that day. Mr. Walker said he had a subject to bring before thng poor, he thought that this class should be removed from the city and sent North, to follow the fortunes of their kindred, and thus lessen the drain upon our supplies. He moved the appointment of a committee of three to wait upon the Secretary of War and confer with that official as to the best mode to accomplish the end in view. After some discussion, the subject was referred to a special committee, consisting of Messrs. Walker, Clopton and Epps. On motion, the Council adjourned.