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John D. Billings, Hardtack and Coffee: The Unwritten Story of Army Life, I. The tocsin of war. (search)
Vice-President of the United States. The doctrine which he and his party advocated was the right to carry their slaves into every State and Territory in the Union without any hindrance whatever. Then there was still another party, called by some the Peace Party, which pointed to the Constitution of the country as its guide, but had nothing to say on the great question of slavery, which was so prominent with the other parties. It took for its standardbearer John Bell, of Tennessee; and Edward Everett, of Massachusetts, was nominated as Vice-President. This party drew its membership from both of the others, but largely from the Democrats. Owing to these divisions the Republican party, which had not been in existence many years, was enabled to elect its candidate. The Republicans did not intend to meddle with slavery A Bell and Everett Campaigner. where it then was, but opposed its extension into any new States and Territories. This latter fact was very well known to the slave
gia, 270 Copperheads, 20 Corps badges, 250-68,368 Corse, John M., 400-401 Covington, Ky., 100 Crook, George, 267 Culpeper, Va., 317,353 Davis, Jefferson, 64 Davis, W. S., 329 Dayton, L. M., 401 Desertion, 157-63 Douglas, Stephen A., 15 Draft,68-69,215-16 Dry Tortugas, 156 Eaton, Joseph H., 130 Ellis, George, 51 Ely's Ford, Va., 384 Embler, A. Henry, 266 Emory, William H., 265 Enlisting, 34-42, 198-202 Envelopes (patriotic), 64-65 Everett, Edward, 16 Executions, 157-63 Faneuil Hall, 31,45 First Bull Run, 27, 251-53,298, 340,356 Flags, 338-40 Foraging, 231-49 Ford, M. F., 264 Fort Hell, 59,385 Fort Independence, 44 Fort Lyon, 255 Fort McAllister, 406 Fort Monroe, 120, 162 Fort Moultrie, 22 Fort Sedgewick, 385 Fort Sumter, 22 Fort Warren, 44-45 Fort Welch, Va., 162 Fredericksburg, 100,237,308, 391 Fremont, John C., 46 French, William H., 307,353 Fresh Pond, Mass., 45 Games, 65-66
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, VI. September, 1861 (search)
t to the President. September 18 Gen. Floyd has been attacked at Gauley, by greatly superior numbers. But he was intrenched, and slew hundreds of the enemy before he retreated, which was effected without loss. September 19 We hear of several splendid dashes of cavalry near Manassas, under Col. Stuart; and Wise's cavalry in the West are doing good service. September 20 Col. J. A. Washington has been killed in a skirmish. He inherited Mount Vernon. This reminds me that Edward Everett is urging on the war against us. The universal education, so much boasted of in New England, like their religion, is merely a humbug, or worse than a humbug, the fruitful source of crime. I shall doubt hereafter whether superior intelligence is promotive of superior virtue. The serpent is wiser than the dove, but never so harmless. Ignorance is bliss in comparison with Yankee wisdom. September 21 The Secretary has authorized me to sign passports for the Secretary of War. My son
se policy was to extend the institution, and create new slave States. Its candidates were John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky for President, and Joseph Lane of Oregon for Vice-President. 4. The Constitutional Union party, which professed to ignore the question of slavery, and declared it would recognize no political principles other than the Constitution of the country, the union of the States, and the enforcement of the laws. Its candidates were John Bell of Tennessee for President, and Edward Everett of Massachusetts for Vice-President. In the array of these opposing candidates and their platforms, it could be easily calculated from the very beginning that neither Lincoln nor Douglas had any chance to carry a slave State, nor Breckinridge nor Bell to carry a free State; and that neither Douglas in the free States, nor Bell in either section could obtain electoral votes enough to succeed. Therefore, but two alternatives seemed probable. Either Lincoln would be chosen by electora
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 6: the call to arms. (search)
ter meeting of two hundred thousand of her people. Before the surging crowds that filled the streets, and drowned all noises in their huzzas for the Union, the New York Herald displayed the stars and stripes, and changed its editorials from a tone of sneering lament to a fierce and incessant war-cry. Every prominent individual in the whole North was called or came voluntarily to prompt espousal of the Union cause by public letter or speech. Ex-President Buchanan, ex-President Pierce, Edward Everett, General Cass, Archbishop Hughes, Mayor Fernando Wood, John A. Dix, Wendell Phillips, Robert J. Walker, Wm. M. Evarts, Edward D. Baker, David Dudley Field, John J. Crittenden, Caleb Gushing, Hannibal Hamlin, Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and radicals, natives and foreigners, Catholics and Protestants, Maine and Oregon, all uttered a common call to their countrymen to come to the defence of the Constitution, the Government, and the Union. Of all these recognized public leaders
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Index. (search)
, 5 et seq. Dennison, Governor, 140 Dix, Secretary John A., 33, 76, 208 Doubleday, Captain (afterward General) Abner, 29, 64 Douglas, Stephen A., adherents of, 8; his interview with President Lincoln, 76 Dogan Heights, 191 Duke, Captain, 117 Dumont, Colonel, 143, 15 E. Ellsworth, Col. E. E., 110 et seq.; shot at Alexandria, 113; buried from the White House, 114 Ellsworth's Zouaves, 110 Elzey, General, 194 Evans, Colonel, 183 Evarts, Wm. M., 76 Everett, Edward, 76 F. Falling Waters, W. Va., skirmish at, 162 Federal Hill, Baltimore, 108 Field, David Dudley, 76 Fitzpatrick, Senator, 37 Florida, attitude of, with regard to secession, 2, 8; secession of, 14 Floyd, Secretary, 6, 17, 20, 23 et seq., 26, 30; his malfeasance in office, 31; resigns, 32 Follansbee, Captain, 86 et seq. Foster, Captain, 28, 63 Fox, Captain G. V., 51; sails in command of expedition for relief of Fort Sumter, 59 Franklin, General W. B.,
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 2: Introductory Sketches. (search)
red for college in the schools of these two cities and was graduated at Yale in 1859. It so happened that I had never visited the South since the original removal of the family, which occurred when I was some twelve years of age; so that practically all my education, associations and friendships were Northern. True, I took position as a Southerner in all our college discussions and debates, but never as a fire-eater or secessionist. Indeed, I was a strong Union man and voted for Bell and Everett in 1860. After my graduation in 1859 I passed the late summer and autumn in the Adirondack woods fishing and hunting with several classmates, and devoted the rest of the year to general reading and some little teaching, in New Haven; until, becoming deeply interested in the fierce struggle over the Speakership of the House of Representatives, I went to Washington, and from the galleries of the House and Senate eagerly overhung the great final debates. I had paid close attention to orat
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Index. (search)
P., 156 Hancock, Winfield Scott, 79-80, 248, 305 Hand-to-hand fighting, 333-34. Hannibal, 119 Hanover Junction, Va., 228, 231,266, 269 Hardaway, Robert Archelaus, 312, 316 Harpers Ferry, Va. (W. Va.), 125, 198 Harrisburg, Pa., 209 Harvard University, 51, 62, 130 Haskell, Alexander Cheves, 57 Haskell, John Cheves, 53, 316 Havelock, Henry, 367 Hays, Harry Thompson, 172, 197, 201, 210, 212 Helper, Hinton Rowan, 26 Heth, Henry, 192, 209 Hickman, John, 27 Everett, Edward, 25 Evolution, 20 Ewell, Richard Stoddert: description of and anecdotes concerning, 205- 206, 236, 244-46; mentioned, 105, 192, 198-99, 209, 211, 214-15, 232, 258, 260-63, 311, 335 F Company, Junior, 44-45. Fairfax, John Walter, 272 Falligant, Robert, 275-78, 280-83, 339 Featherston, Winfield Scott, 64 Field, Charles Williams, 274 Fillmore, Millard, 32 Finegan, Joseph, 311 Firing on friends, 327-28, 333 Fiser, John C., 129 Five Forks, 110 Flags captured,
ny Senator who was speaking; but Mr. Webster, except when Mr. Calhoun or some other intellectual giant had the floor, had the air of protecting indulgence that a superior being might wear to an inferior. He was rarely offensive, but sometimes showed a dignified indulgence to weakness that was hard to hear. He never was voluble. A strong instance of the brevity of his wit was given once, when it had been expected that Mr. Webster would be nominated for the Presidency, but Messrs. Bell and Everett were chosen for the ticket. After the nomination was made, some people went up to Mr. Webster's house to serenade him. He was irritated and disappointed, and had just composed himself to sleep when the Marine Band blared out Hail to the chief. He did not appear for some time, and when the cries of Webster! Webster! became tumultuous, he put his head out of the window and said: My friends, the sun rules the day, and mankind watches his coming and going; but where, can you tell me where,
red with my little brother Jeff. When he was nine years old I sent him to his brother to be rebuked for playing hookie from school; he returned not disconcerted, but quite cheerful. I asked him what Mr. Davis had said. He answered, Oh! I shall not do it again, but brother Jeff knows how a man feels, and understands that he sometimes gives way when he is bored without meaning to do it. As soon as practicable, when our year was out in this house, we removed to one once occupied by Mr. Edward Everett, at the corner of F and Fourteenth Streets, much nearer to the War Department, not larger, but more commodious. The President had brought with him from Concord the son of a widowed friend, to be his private secretary. Sidney Webster was a young man of pleasant, decorous manners, and a nice sense of propriety and honor. He made himself acceptable to the President's Cabinet, and to visitors very generally. The position is a difficult one to fill, and the temptation is very great