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t of prisoners of war, captured during the late campaign from November fifteenth to December twenty-first, 1864: Moses White, Colonel, Thirty-seventh Tennessee infantry: J. H. W. Clinch, Colonel, Aid General Hardee; George P. Harrison, Colonel, militia; Thomas F. Wells, Lieutenant-Colonel, Georgia militia; A. D. Taylor, Captain, Post Quartermaster, Eatonton, Georgia; Charles W. Baldwin, Captain, Cobb's Georgia Legion; S. McCombs, Captain, Brigade Commissary of Subsistence, Cook's brigade, Ewell's corps; J. R. Respass, Captain, commanding militia company; Benjamin Milliken, Captain, First Georgia Reserves, company E; F. M. Boace, First Lieutenant, Sixth Georgia cavalry ; T. G. Batsman, First Lieutenant, First Arkansas, Co. A; W. H. Best, First Lieutenant, Twenty-fifth Georgia; D. L. Ambrose, First Lieutenant, Twenty-Fifth Georgia; Samuel G. Bowman, First Lieutenant, Fourth Tennessee; William H. Davis, First Lieutenant, Fifth Georgia cavalry; R. L. Mitchell, Lieutenant, Fourth Kentuc
Tavern to Raccoon F )rd. I could hear of no works or defences on the Orange and Fredericksburgh turnpike or plank-road. Ewell's corps, estimated between twentyfive and thirty thousand men, held the line from Bartlett's Mill to near Rapidan Statione tavern coming into the presence of a considerable force of the enemy, said by prisoners to be parts of two divisions of Ewell's corps. At this point I directed General Warren to halt and maintain his ground until connection was made with the Thir Tavern, the advance the next day would either have passed the formidable position of Mine Run without opposition, or had Ewell attempted to check the movement, he would have been overwhelmed before reinforced by Hill. Prisoners reported that Hill s had been prompt and vigorous on the twenty-seventh, assisted by the Sixth and Second, there was every reason to believe Ewell could have been overcome before the arrival of Hill. And after the enemy, through these culpable delays, had been permit
ommunications, the Ninth cavalry, supported by Ewell's division, was ordered to seize the York Rivess citizens, General Jackson, with his own and Ewell's division, was ordered to proceed toward Gordground covered with his dead and wounded. General Ewell, with the two brigades on the extreme righres fell into our hands. General Jackson left Ewell's division, with the Fifth Virginia cavalry, u In the afternoon the enemy advanced upon General Ewell at Bristoe, from the direction of Warrentoeved by the brigades of Lawton and Trimble, of Ewell's division, commanded by General Lawton. Jacks left, supported by the remaining brigades of Ewell. At early dawn, on the seventeenth, the enewho succeeded General Lawton in the command of Ewell's division, was ordered by General Jackson to ,Starke's,Jackson's,459 13th Georgia,Lawton's,Ewell's,91928 26th Georgia,Lawton's,Ewell's,3787124iana,Hays's,Ewell's71320 6th Louisiana,Hays's,Ewell's173653 7th Louisiana,Hays's,Ewell's12122 19[45 more...]
the village, about a mile from the river. General Ewell was some four miles distant, near the roadneral Shields had hardly been repulsed, before Ewell was seriously engaged with Fremont, moving on h he had moved in the morning, reported to General Ewell about two P. M., and was placed in rear. him the following morning. Accordingly, General Ewell was directed to move from his position at ack, and the enemy advanced. Seeing this, General Ewell ordered my brigade, now consisting of the rigade, had been ordered to my support, by General Ewell. I ordered Colonel Walker to move on my rin front and on the flank, sending word to General Ewell that the enemy had been repulsed on our riate with me, and his directions to consult General Ewell and be guided by him. On returning to Genurnoy, of the Sixth, accompanied me to see General Ewell, who was kind enough to intercede with Gene had been raging between the forces of Major-General Ewell and Major-General Fremont since about t[30 more...]
nd important support, before described, to General Ewell's command, pressed to the brow of the hill division. In the three remaining divisions — Ewell's, Whiting's, and Jackson's — the returns showt, T. J. Jackson, Lieutenant-General. General Ewell's Report. headquarters Third divisionoved forward more rapidly than ever. From General Ewell I learned something of the condition of th, near Liberty Mills, July 28, 1862. Major-General R. S. Ewell, commanding Second Division, Valley y engaged were hotly pressed. By order of General Ewell, I took the Fifteenth Alabama, Colonel CanTurkey Creek, on the right. I reported to General Ewell, and a few moments after, to D. H. Hill, w General Ewell and the commanding General. General Ewell decided to await further orders at Despatc the firing. As I was going up, Major-General Ewell rode up, and approved of my action. I then wehen they were ordered by an Aid-de-camp of General Ewell to lie down and remain until the exact pos[59 more...]<
, I was ordered to move in that direction with Ewell's and Jackson's divisions, from my position onesting near the street down which I understood Ewell was to pass, and ready to take my appointed plecognized it to be Jackson's, and learned that Ewell had taken another route by Liberty Mills. Of General H. immediately in rear of that of General Ewell. As General H. says that he was to move a the enemy's right, whilst the division of General Ewell was ordered to attack him upon the left. es very difficult. The field batteries of General Ewell were now shelling the enemy, when General s Seventh brigade, August 14, 1862. Major-General R. S. Ewell, commanding Third Division: Genere morning of that day, I was ordered by Major General Ewell to move forward to the cavalry camp of in our front, my brigade, by direction of General Ewell, was advanced on the road toward Culpeper 's,) supported by the Louisiana brigade of General Ewell's division, and that I would advance from [27 more...]
ction of Warrenton Junction was heard, and General Ewell divided his force so as to take simultaneoter Harper's Ferry. General Lawton, commanding Ewell's division, was directed to move along the turColonel and A. A. G. Headquarters of Lieutenant-General Ewell, July, 1863. Major: I herewith fornaHays's,Ewell's,104050 Sixth LouisianaHays's,Ewell's,182947 Seventh LouisianaHays's,Ewell's,6636e's,Ewell's,134962 Fifteenth AlabamaTrimble's,Ewell's,97584 Twentieth North Carolina D. H. Hill'sst 16 to September 27, 1862. headquarters Ewell's division, January 12, 1863. Captain A. S. Peoved the brigade into the woods indicated, General Ewell having re-crossed, after seeing the whole nshaw's farm, following the division of Major-General Ewell, which marched in rear of that of Major Arrived on the field after dark, finding General Ewell badly wounded. Soon after the firing ceasy I was engaged in protecting the flank of General Ewell's division, and followed in his rear from [81 more...]