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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Jackson's Valley campaign of 1862. (search)
hes, while good roads led from his rear to General Ewell. Thus secure in his position, Jackson at could be spared to him beyond the commands of Ewell and of Edward Johnson, the latter of whom was ge, some thirty miles northeast of Staunton. Ewell with an equal force was in the vicinity of Gorwell kept Banks in checks. Then he would join Ewell, and with all his strength attack Banks. To accomplish this Ewell was ordered to cross the mountain and occupy the position Jackson had held fhus keeping up the menace of Banks' flank. As Ewell approached, Jackson left camp on the 30th of Aemont's report. by Ashby, supported by part of Ewell's division. On Sunday McDowell, desparing of c, to watch movements there, and to assist General Ewell if necessary. Ewell was drawn up on a woo and his loss two hundred and eighty seven. Ewell's report. Fremont's force twice as great, and ching through Harrisonburg, New Market, Luray, Ewell joining him on the road and swelling his force[20 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the campaign of 1864 in Virginia. (search)
only have disposed of Hancock for the day, but would have thrown a powerful force perpendicular to General Grant's centre and right wing, already confronted by General Ewell. There is a lull all along the line. It is the ominous stillness that precedes the tornado. Three brigadas under Mahone — a dangerous man — are already in upon that shattered, reeling flank! But no; there are no reserves. Heth has not yet reorganized, and Wilcox has moved far to the left to open communication with Ewell. The firing ceases, and the victory, almost won, slips from our grasp. When Hancock's left had been shattered and driven back, General Longstreet conceived theof battle. Night had come; the roar of the strife had ceased on the right. The forged thunder-bolt, aimed by a master's hand, still remained to be delivered from Ewell's left, to close the first act of the bloody drama of 1864, and to consign the battle of the Wilderness to history. When the Muse of history shall have done her
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Gettysburg. (search)
m my memory. While in camp I heard that General Ewell was in Carlisle and York, and had gone, orhad heard the day before or heard it here that Ewell's corps had been ordered to return to the mained if I should follow the troops or wait until Ewell's train had passed. Fairfax rode to General Las ordered to attack the next morning, and General Ewell was directed to assail the enemy's right apected, but before notice could be sent to General Ewell, General Johnson had already become engagement. Two of the corps commanders, Hill and Ewell, were new in their places. Longstreet's attime, and was not promptly seconded by Hill and Ewell when made. Ewell's divisions were not made Ewell's divisions were not made to act in concert — Johnson, Early, Rodes acting in succession. General Lee always expressed thebut had failed. He said that he had consulted Ewell, and told him if he could not carry his part otigrew and Wilcox moved with him, and Hill and Ewell vigorously seconded this onset, General Lee ne[8 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Bristoe campaign-preliminary report of General R. E. Lee. (search)
sumed, and the two columns reunited at Warrenton in the afternoon, where another halt was made to supply the troops with provisions. The enemy fell back rapidly along the line of the railroad, and early on the 14th the pursuit was. continued, a portion of the army moving by way of New Baltimore towards Bristoe station and the rest, accompanied by the main body of the cavalry, proceeding to the same point by Auburn mills and Greenwich. Near the former place a skirmish took place between General Ewell's advance and the rear guard of the enemy, which was forced back and rapidly pursued. The retreat of the enemy was conducted by several direct parallel roads, while our troops were compelled to march by difficult and circuitous routes. We were consequently unable to intercept him. General Hill arrived first at Bristoe, where his advance, consisting of two brigades, became engaged with a force largely superior in numbers posted behind the railroad embankment. The particulars of the act
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Correspondence concerning the campaign of 1864. (search)
oke and Anderson, where there was an interval in our line, causing the right of Anderson and the left of Hoke to fall back a short distance. General Hoke subsequently recovered his position, and General Anderson's right assumed one a short distance in rear of that it first occupied. This morning the enemy's movement to our right continuing, corresponding changes were made in our line, Breckinridge's command and two divisions of General Hill being placed on the right. General Early, with Ewell's corps and Heth's division, occupied our left, and was directed to endeavor to get upon the enemy's right flank and drive down in front of our line. General Early made the movement in the afternoon, and drove the enemy from his entrenchments, following him until dark. While this attack was progressing, General Hill reinforced Breckinridge with two brigades of Wilcox's division, and dislodged the enemy from Turkey Hill, in front of our extreme right. Very respectfully, your obedient ser
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial Paragrpahs. (search)
won a splendid victory over Sheridan's overwhelming numbers, when it was wrested from its grasp by a flank and rear movement of the enemy's cavalry, which alone considerably outnumbered Early's whole army. Indeed, as one looks out on this beautiful landscape, every hill, and valley, and stream, and hamlet, seems redolent with memories of those stirring movements by which Winchester changed hands no less than eighty-three times during the war, and we can almost see Johnston, Jackson, Stuart, Ewell, Ashby, A. P. Hill, Early, Breckinridge, Gordon, Rodes, Ramseur, Pegram, and other chieftians leading their brave men to the onset. How appropriate that, amid such scenes as these, a monument should be reared to the unknown and unrecorded dead of the rank and file who followed these splendid leaders. But above all, there stands hard by the heroic old town of Winchester, whose people, from 1861 to 1865, threw open their doors to the Confederate soldier, and esteemed it a sweet privilege
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Gettysburg campaign--full report of General J. E. B. Stuart. (search)
vance instead of peaceable surrender, as in the case of General Ewell. General Fitz. Lee's brigade was charged with the duty erations), I moved forward to a position to the left of General Ewell's left, and in advance of it, where a commanding ridge 's operations, I held such a position as not only to render Ewell's left entirely secure, where the firing of my command, misr corps (Longstreet's), occupied the centre, and the Third (Ewell's) brought up the rear. The cavalry was disposed of as foln, and informed me, to my surprise, that a large portion of Ewell's corps trains had preceded the army through the mountains.reet's corps, Baker's of Hill's corps, and the remainder of Ewell's corps. A pontoon bridge had been constructed at Fallinort, where Longstreet's and Hill's corps were to cross, and Ewell's corps was to ford the river at Williamsport — in rear of , while Baker's brigade was ordered to bring up the rear of Ewell's corps — which was in rear — and Jones' brigade was ordere<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Barbara Frietchie --refutation of Whittier's myth. (search)
's or any other woman's hand, then he heard and witnessed what was heard and witnessed by no other mortal man. Neither General Jackson nor any other officer in our army was capable of giving such a command. On the morning that we passed through Frederick, on the expedition for the capture of Harper's Ferry, the two following incidents occurred, one of which I witnessed in person and the other was described to me by an entirely reliable officer of Hays' Louisiana brigade: As my brigade, of Ewell's division, was marching through the town, on the street which connects with the road to Boonsboroa, a young girl about ten or eleven years old was standing on the platform in front of a framed wooden house, on the left side of the street a's we marched, with a small flag (United States), of the size commonly called candy flags, in her hand, which she was slowly waving while reciting, in a dull, monotonous tone, Hurrah for the Stars and Stripes! Down with the Stars and Bars! By her side st
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official diary of First corps, A. N. V., while commanded by Lieutenant-General R. H. Anderson, from May 7th to 31st, 1864. (search)
's forces comprise the Fifth corps (Warren's). Ewell's corps arrives in the afternoon, and the enemg the attack. Commanding-General arrives with Ewell. May 9th Quiet in morning. Troops in lit the same hour (7 P. M.) an attack is made on Ewell's lines, and succeeds in breaking through Dolens and Humphreys are sent to report to General Ewell. At night a part of Ewell's line is thrown baEwell's line is thrown back to a new position, leaving, however, eighteen guns in the hands of the enemy. May 13th Dayading. Wofford, Bryan and Jenkins returned by Ewell. Report of General Stuart's death received. At 4.45 A. M. the enemy makes an attack on Ewell with a furious cannonade. The attack is easilthe morning of the 20th. May 20th Quiet. Ewell's front reported to be uncovered. May 21st Ewell moves to our right and takes position along the Po. During the day the enemy is ascertaineud Tavern, and thence down the Telegraph road, Ewell preceding us. Hill takes a western road. The [1 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official diary of First corps, A. N. V., while commanded by Lt.-General R. H. Anderson, from June 1st to October 18, 1864. (search)
time repulsed with severe loss to the enemy. At eight o'clock A. M. fourteen had been made and repulsed (this means, I suppose, fourteen lines advanced). Law wounded. At dark a final and furious assault is made on Martin, the right brigade of Hoke. Hunton also severely engaged. June 4th Heavy skirmishing. In the afternoon the enemy becomes unusually quiet, and from this some new movement is apprehended. June 5th Quiet, and affairs unchanged. June 6th Enemy retires from Ewell's and Field's front. Hoke removed from the command of General Anderson. Enemy's line bends back from Pickett's. June 7th Early engaged in finding the enemy. Pickett's skirmishers supporting and co-operating with him. June 8th Orders are received to attack with Pickett at daylight to-morrow morning, if the enemy should be discovered to be withdrawing. June 9th Enemy still in force in front. Early removed from the left, and Field and Pickett extend to fill the old trenche