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Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). You can also browse the collection for R. S. Ewell or search for R. S. Ewell in all documents.
Your search returned 73 results in 5 document sections:
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Gregg 's brigade of South Carolinians in the Second . Battle of Manassas . (search)
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Ewell at First Manassas . (search)
General Ewell at First Manassas.
Colonel Campbell Brown's reply to General Beauregard.
f an unselfish, noble, and useful life.
General Ewell was scrupulously careful of the military r movement.
I dispatched an immediate order to Ewell to advance, but within a quarter of an hour, j as made aware of this supposed backwardness of Ewell by a message from D. R. Jones.
3. That on r ace four days after the battle.
It shows that Ewell did exactly what Beauregard says he ought to h and that the order sent back by Beauregard to Ewell was not one to advance, but to retire from an uctions.
Upon my report of these facts, General Ewell at once issued the orders for his command Lewis house, the field of battle on the left.
Ewell moved rapidly, sending General Lee and another ack to our former position.
(Addressed) General Ewell. (Signed) G. T. B.
If any other order given to the same express.
Respectfully, R. S. Ewell, B. G.
Manassas, Va., July 26, 1861.
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), From the Rapidan to Spotsylvania Courthouse . (search)
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Evacuation of Richmond . (search)
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Kilpatrick -Dahlgren raid against Richmond . (search)