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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The opposing forces at Shiloh. (search)
W. H. Stephens; 9th Tenn., Col. H. L. Douglass; Miss. Battery, Capt. Melancthon Smith. Brigade loss: k, 75; w, 413; m, 3 =491. Cavalry: 1st Miss., Col. A. J. Lindsay; Miss. and Ala. Battalion, Lieut.-Col. R. H. Brewer. Cavalry loss: k, 5; w, 12; n, 2 = 19. Unattached: 47th Tenn., Col. M. R. Hill. Second army corps, Major-Gen. Braxton Bragg. Escort: Alabama Cavalry, Capt. R. W. Smith. First division, Brig.-Gen. Daniel Ruggles. First Brigade, Col. Randall L. Gibson: 1st Ark., Col. James F. Fagan; 4th La., Col. H. W. Allen (w), Lieut.-Col. S. E. Hunter; 13th La., Major A. P. Avegno (m w), Capt. S. O'Leary (w), Capt. E. M. Dubroca; 19th La., Col. Benjamin L. Hodge, Lieut.-Col. J. M. Hollingsworth. Brigade loss: k, 97; w, 488; m, 97 =682. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Patton Anderson: 1st Fla. Battalion, Major T. A. McDonell (w), Capt. W. G. Poole, Capt. W. C. Bird; 17th La., Lieut.-Col. Charles Jones (w); 20th La., Col. August Reichard; 9th Texas, Col. W. A. Stanley; Confederate
J. Lindsay, First Mississippi Cavalry. No. 164.-Lieut. Col. John H. Miller, First Mississippi Cavalry. No. 165.-Lieut. Col. R. H. Brewer, battalion of Mississippi and Alabama cavalry. No. 166.-General Braxton Bragg, C. S. Army, commanding Second Army Corps. No. 167.-Brig. Gen. Daniel Ruggles, C. S. Army, commanding First Division. No. 168.-Col. Randall L. Gibson, Thirteenth Louisiana Infantry, commanding First Brigade, with application for Court of Inquiry. No. 169.-Col. James F. Fagan, First Arkansas Infantry. No. 170.-Col. H. W. Allen, Fourth Louisiana Infantry. No. 171.-Capt. E. M. Dubroca, Thirteenth Louisiana Infantry. No. 172.-Col. B. L. Hodge, Ninteenth Louisiana Infantry. No. 173.-Brig. Gen. Patton Anderson, C. S. Army, commanding Second Brigade. No. 174.-Capt. W. G. Poole, Florida Battalion (infantry). No. 175.-Lieut. Col. Charles Jones, Seventeenth Louisiana Infantry. No. 176.-Col. August Reichard, Twentieth Louisiana Infantry. No.
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott), April 29-June 10, 1862.-advance upon and siege of Corinth, and pursuit of the Confederate forces to Guntown, Miss. (search)
venth Mississippi Infantry, of engagement at Farmington, May 9. No. 66.-Col. James F. Fagan, First Arkansas Infantry, commanding Fourth Brigade, of engagement at Fassippi Volunteers, who continued to lead his company, although wounded. Colonel Fagan, commanding the Fourth Brigade, speaks in high terms of the bearing of the   37th Mississippi     1       1   Total     1       1   Fourth Brigade (Fagan's):                   1st Arkansas   1   3     4     2d Texas            o overtake us and get into position. I was soon after ordered to report to Colonel Fagan, and nothing of any great importance subsequently occurred, as we [were] wing. Capt. W. G. Barth, Assistant Adjutant-General. No. 66.-report of Col. James F. Fagan, First Arkansas Infantry, commanding Fourth Brigade, of engagement at Faconjunction with Captain Ketchum's section of artillery, to be supported by Colonel Fagan's brigade. I moved forward and had reached the
1864, he was sent to command the Department of Alabama, Mississippi and East Louisiana, and surrendered to Major-General Canby, May 4, 1865. He died in New York City, April 12, 1879. Army of Missouri In August, 1864, General E. Kirby Smith ordered Major-General Sterling Price to move into Missouri. It was expected that the various independent bands could be organized and bring at least twenty thousand recruits into the Confederate army. Price's force, consisting of the divisions of Fagan, Marmaduke, and Shelby, amounted to nearly twelve thousand men, and is variously called the Army of the Missouri, Price's Expeditionary Corps, and the Army in the Field. After a Confederate generals--no. 12 Mississippi John W. Frazer commanded a brigade. Samuel J. Gholson commanded a brigade. William F. Tucker led a brigade under Hood. Benjamin G. Humphries led a brigade in Virginia. William E. Baldwin, commander of a brigade at Mobile. Jacob H. sharp led a br
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), General officers of the Confederate Army: a full roster compiled from the official records (search)
ly, Jubal A., May 31, 1864. Stewart, A. P., June 23, 1864. Major-generals, provisional army Anderson, J. P., Feb. 17, 1864. Bate, William B., Feb. 23, 1864. Bowen, John S., May 25, 1863. Breckinridge, J. C., Apr. 14, 1862. Butler, M. C., Sept. 19, 1864. Cheatham, B. F., Mar. 10, 1862. Churchill, T. J., Mar. 17, 1865. Crittenden, G. B., Nov. 9, 1861. Cleburne, P. R., Dec. 13, 1862. Cobb, Howell, Sept. 9, 1863. Donelson, D. S., Jan. 17, 1863. Elzey, Arnold, Dec. 4, 1862. Fagan, James F., April 25, 1864. Field, Chas. W., Feb. 12, 1864. Forney, John H., Oct. 27, 1862. French, S. G., Aug. 31, 1862. Gardner, F., Dec. 13, 1862. Grimes, Bryan, Feb. 15, 1865. Gordon, John B., May 14, 1864. Heth, Henry, Oct. 10, 1862. Hindman, T. C., April 14, 1862. Hoke, Robert F., April 20, 1864. Huger, Benj., Oct. 7, 1861. Johnson, B. R., May 21, 1864. Johnson, Edward, Feb. 28, 1863. Jones, David R., Oct. 11, 1862. Jones, Samuel, Mar. 10, 1862. Kemper, J. L., Sept. 19, 1864.
t. He was valuably assisted by Cols. W. H. Brooks and H. D. King, Lieutenant-Colonels Gunter and McCord, Major Dillard and others, and put in the service three full regiments of infantry and one of cavalry. Col. H. L. Grinsted raised two regiments of infantry; Cols. D. McRae, J. C. Pleasants, A. J. McNeill and C. H. Matlock each raised a regiment. In raising Arkansas troops, and afterward in their organization, important services were rendered by the following, among other officers: Cols. J. F. Fagan, Shaler, Shaver, Morgan, Glenn and Johnson; Lieutenant-Colonels Geoghegan, Magenis, Polk, McMillan, Wright, Hart, Young and Crawford; Majors Bell, Gause, Cocke, Baber, Yell, Hicks, Chrisman and Crenshaw, and Captains Johnson, Ringo, Martin, Home, Blackmer and Biscoe. In Arkansas there were raised and organized, under my orders, thirteen regiments and one battalion of infantry, two regiments and one battalion of cavalry, and four batteries—all war troops—besides upward of 5,000 irreg
was ordered to fall back from Greenville, across the mountains, to this camp. The new cavalry regiment organized by Colonel Fagan, Lieutenant-Colonel Monroe and Major Johnson, which had been scouting on Grand prairie, between Little Rock and Whitereen forests. It hung for days on the leaves, which had not been turned by previous frosts, an unusual spectacle. Colonel Fagan was promoted to brigadier-general and ordered to Camp Mazzard, in charge of an infantry brigade. Lieut.-Col. J. C. al and special commendation to promotions: Generals Frost, Shoup and Marmaduke, commanding divisions; Generals Roane, Fagan, Parsons and McRae, and Colonels Shaver and Shelby, commanding brigades, did their duty nobly. I strongly commend them t Guess and Alexander; Etter's Arkansas battery. Second division, Brig.-Gen. Francis A. Shoup: First brigade, Brig.-Gen. James F. Fagan—Col. A. T. Hawthorn's Arkansas regiment; Twenty-second Arkansas, Col. J. P. King; Twenty-ninth Arkansas, Col. J
at that date embraced the Arkansas brigades of Fagan, McRae and Tappan (formerly Shaver's), and M. the advance upon the latter by General Price. Fagan's charge upon the redoubt was repulsed, and hecommand to shelter in the timber and ravines. Fagan having retired from the assault, Parsons alonethat I could not send any effective aid to General Fagan without too greatly endangering my own posnd ordered me at once to the assistance of General Fagan, who was attacking the fort south of Gravery manner, ordered me to the assistance of General Fagan. I had not more than 200 men with me. Wit, of Hart's regiment, with his company, to General Fagan, to say that I was unable to attack the wo especially to Lieut. John W. McKay. Gen. Jas. F. Fagan's report accounts for the Arkansas men uC. Thomas were also specially commended by General Fagan. Capt. Walton Watkins, of Hawthorn's regimulted Battery D [Hindman hill demonstration by Fagan], to reach which they must pass through a deep[15 more...]
nd not allowing for the losses at Helena, was as follows: Price's division, Arkansas brigades of Fagan, McRae and Tappan, and Missouri brigade of Parsons, 5,500; Marmaduke's Missouri division, 3,000;sume command of the district. Assuming this duty immediately, Price left his division under General Fagan, whose headquarters were at Searcy, near the Little Red, a branch of White river. Being ser Arkansas near Pine Bluff, to move at once with his infantry and artillery to Little Rock, and Fagan's division, camped at Des Arc and Searcy, to take position upon Bayou Meto, 12 miles northeast orce into position to meet him again; but he advanced upon me no further. On August 15th, General Fagan had been relieved of the command of Price's division, and Gen. D. M. Frost placed in command of the infantry, consisting of his own brigade, Fagan's, Parsons' and McRae's, occupying the intrenchments on Bayou Meto, northeast of Little Rock. A week later, General Frost, fearing to bring Tap
H. Brooks, who had obtained a transfer from his infantry brigade in Fagan's division, with authority to raise a cavalry brigade in Washington present: Price's division infantry, 5,795, 16 pieces of artillery; Fagan's infantry, 2,257; Marmaduke's cavalry, 4,482, 16 pieces of artillepresent for duty, was ordered to Louisiana to reinforce Taylor, and Fagan's brigade was soon called from Camden to the same field. Thus Pricith his brigade, about 500 men. Cabell's brigade was transferred to Fagan's division. On the 8th the enemy advanced, but did not drive Marmarie. Greene's regiment was relieved from outpost duty by troops of Fagan's brigade. Marmaduke had caused breastworks of logs and small eartce; escort, Fourteenth Missouri battalion, Maj. Robert C. Wood. Fagan's cavalry division, Brig.-Gen. James F. Fagan: Cabell's brigade, BrBrig.-Gen. James F. Fagan: Cabell's brigade, Brig.-Gen. W. L. Cabell—First Arkansas, Col. James C. Monroe; Second Arkansas, Col. T. J. Morgan; Fourth Arkansas, Col. A. Gordon; Seventh Arka
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