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Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert 36 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 3 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: July 13, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 41 results in 6 document sections:

Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 20: from Spottsylvania to Cold Harbor (search)
n of his command splendid services of Lieut. Robt. Falligant, of Georgia, with a single gun hot firidges and getting ready June 2d removal of Falligant's lone gun at night. After feeling our lid opened fire on the right flank, and all of Falligant's horses fell at the first volley. The enemade did not, however, advance one foot after Falligant's horses were shot; but it was already consi of June, when it was moved back, every time Falligant's gun fired while I was at headquarters, Gethen he would express his determination that Falligant's gallantry and services should receive theirshaw's old brigade, one of those supporting Falligant's gun, came in, reporting that his part of tttle work, under the mouth of the piece, and Falligant kneeled by him and pressed his finger where on, to bridge two or three ravines, to visit Falligant's gun several times and to keep it supplied en heard him call, in a low tone, Falligant, Falligant! Then I heard the sort of groan or grumble [5 more...]
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 24: fatal mistake of the Confederate military authorities (search)
it; or exhibit the most decided and even brilliant capacities for command or advancement, the advancement or command might never come. Take the case of Lieutenant Falligant at Cold Harbor, already mentioned. Our battalion report set forth his splendid conduct in detail; General Kershaw, commanding our division, was full of enthusiastic admiration, and promised --and I have no doubt fulfilled his promise — to press Falligant's promotion; yet no notice was ever taken of the matter. If Falligant had done in Napoleon's army precisely what he did in the Army of Northern Virginia I have no doubt he would have been decorated on the field and promoted to be fFalligant had done in Napoleon's army precisely what he did in the Army of Northern Virginia I have no doubt he would have been decorated on the field and promoted to be full colonel of artillery. He was a second lieutenant when he rendered his superb service at Cold Harbor, 1864. If I mistake not, he was a second lieutenant at Appomattox. I think it was at Suffolk that a private soldier in one of the regiments of the Confederate force investing the place proposed, and alone and single-handed
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Index. (search)
rsity, 51, 62, 130 Haskell, Alexander Cheves, 57 Haskell, John Cheves, 53, 316 Havelock, Henry, 367 Hays, Harry Thompson, 172, 197, 201, 210, 212 Helper, Hinton Rowan, 26 Heth, Henry, 192, 209 Hickman, John, 27 Everett, Edward, 25 Evolution, 20 Ewell, Richard Stoddert: description of and anecdotes concerning, 205- 206, 236, 244-46; mentioned, 105, 192, 198-99, 209, 211, 214-15, 232, 258, 260-63, 311, 335 F Company, Junior, 44-45. Fairfax, John Walter, 272 Falligant, Robert, 275-78, 280-83, 339 Featherston, Winfield Scott, 64 Field, Charles Williams, 274 Fillmore, Millard, 32 Finegan, Joseph, 311 Firing on friends, 327-28, 333 Fiser, John C., 129 Five Forks, 110 Flags captured, 340-41. Flintlock muskets, 40 Flood, Edward, 184-85. Flournoy, Thomas Stanhope, 31 Foraging, 199-200, 210, 230-31, 233- 34, 264-65, 301 Fort Harrison, Va., 316-17. Fort Johnston, Va., 67-72, 130 Fort Lafayette, N. Y., 354 Fort Magruder, Va., 79,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Twelfth Alabama Infantry, Confederate States Army. (search)
ion. After the 13th for several days the two great leaders manoeuvered for advantage, Grant continuing his flank movement while Lee kept in front of him, offering daily battle. These movements continued until the two armies reached Richmond, and soon thereafter General Early was detached and sent on his famous campaign through the Valley and to Washington, which has been described elsewhere in this sketch. A fine martial poem, called, The Man of the Twelfth of May, written by Captain Robert Falligant, of Savannah, fitly and eloquently describes this remarkable and heroic incident. From it I make the following extract: When history tells her story, Of the noble hero band, Who made the green fields gory For the life of their native land, How grand will be the picture Of Georgia's proud array As they drove the boasting foemen back On that glorious Twelfth of May! Whose mien is ever proudest When we hold the foe at bay? Whose war-cry cheers us loudest As we rush to the bloody fra
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
ial literary society, 194; Respect of private property, 266 Crater, battle of the, 351, 355, 358 Crawford J. H., 71 Crocker, James, 111 James F., 111 Cutshaw, Col. W. E., 16. 320 Daniel, Major John W., 17, 44, 58, 72, 99, 336, 341, 344, 359 Davis, Capt. James T. killed 201 Died on the field of honor, 43, 67 Dispatch captured, 228 Dow, capture of Gen. Neal, 94 Drug conditions of the Confederacy, 161 England, Capt. A. V. killed, 19 Ewell, Gen. R. S., 19 Falligant, Capt. Robert 296 Farragut, Admiral D. G., 2 Fauntleroy, Gen. T. T., 286 Featherstone, Capt. J. C., 358 Federal Army, Foreigners in, 240 Federal, vessels destroyed, 8, 84 Ferrero, Gen. E. 367 Fleming, Prof. W. L., 161 Flournoy, Mack, killed, 290 Federicksburg, battlefield of, 120 Freitchie, Mythical Barbara, 265 Fulkerson, Col. A., 57 Gaines, Lieut. S. M., 69 375 Garber, Maj. A. W., 341 Gardner, Gen. Frank, 83 Garnett Gen. R. B., sword of and ho
Albemarle; William Merry Perkins, Buckingham; R. A. Sclater, Hampton; Charles W. Turner, Goochland. School of Greek.--Robert C. Berkeley, Hanover; John W. Gillespie, Louisa; C. Powell Grady. Loudoun; Jerry Malcolm Harris, Louisa; C. N. Berkeley Minor, Hanover; Thomas H. Norwood, Georgetown, D. C.; Samuel H. Pulliam, Richmond city; Charles M. Rives, Albemarle. School of Modern Language, French Language and Literature--Daniel H. Boyden, Albemarle; Randolph Fairfax, Alexandria; Robert Falligant, Savannah, Ga. A Frederick Fleet, King and Queen; Robert Frazer, Orange; N Branham Hamner, University of Virginia; Alfred T. Harris, Jr., Richmond; Waller Holladay, Albemarle; Hodijah L. Meade, Richmond; Randolph H McKim, Baltimore; A. S. Pendleton, Lexington; Samuel H. Pulliam, Richmond; J. Howard Smith, Albemarle; Fenton E. Wrenn, Isle of Wight; A K. Yancey, Albemarle. German Language and Literature.--Julian Fairfax, Alexandria; C. Powell Grady, Loudoun; Thomas H. Norwood, George