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The Daily Dispatch: May 11, 1864., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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The Daily Dispatch: May 11, 1864., [Electronic resource], The Combined movement on Richmond — the enemy on the Southside — fight at Chester — the great cavalry Raid, &c. (search)
Charged with Murder. --The case of Thos. Boyd, the sentinel who shot the negro Henry Anderson, on the city end of the Danville Railroad bridge, on Sunday evening, was examined before the Mayor yesterday morning. Richard J. Farley, a switchman of the Danville Railroad Company, was the principal witness for the Commonwealth. His testimony was very confused and unsatisfactory. He had witnessed the whole affair from the first challenge of the negro by the sentinel until the firing of the latter, but he had either not observed or had forgotten the material points. His first statement was that the sentinel had ordered the negro to halt and show his pass, near the bridge; that the negro had said he would show it when he came back, and walked on, and that being again ordered to halt he did so, and while standing still, with his side partially turned to the latter, was shot by him, the parties being somewhere between four and ten feet asunder. On a cross examination he said the