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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The battle of fleet Wood. (search)
one of our largest and best regiments. The men were deeply humiliated by this disgraceful conduct. Through their colonel they presented to General Stuart an humble confession of their fault, and a promise that they would wipe out their disgrace upon the next field of battle — a promise which the future history of the regiment fully redeemed. This affair cost us some valuable lives. The bursting of one shell killed Lieutenant Colonel Frank Hampton, brother of General Wade Hampton, and Captain Farley, volunteer aide-de-camp to General Stuart, and carried away the foot of Colonel M. C. Butler, necessitating amputation of the leg, and depriving his regiment of his valuable services for many months. In summing up the results of this battle it must be remembered that Robertson's Brigade, which numbered more than a thousand men, did not, at any time in the day, participate in the fighting.* *Inasmuch as General Robertson has, in the Memphis Appeal, complained of injustice done him by