Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I.. You can also browse the collection for N. L. Farnham or search for N. L. Farnham in all documents.

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ken prisoners. Among our killed were Col. James Cameron, brother of the Secretary of War--of the 79th New York (Highlanders); Col. Slocum, and Major Ballou, of the 2d Rhode Island; and Lieut. Col. Haggerty, of the 69th New York. Among our wounded were Gen. David Hunter and Gen. S. P. Heintzelman--commanding divisions; Col. Oliver B. Wilcox, of Michigan; Col. Gilman Marston, of the 1st New Hampshire; Col. A. M. Wood, of the 14th New York; Col. H. W. Slocum, of the 27th New York; and Col. N. L. Farnham, of the 11th New York (Fire Zouaves). Col. Wilcox was also taken prisoner, as well as Col. Michael Corcoran, of the 69th New York (Irish), and Maj. James D. Potter, of the 38th New York-both slightly wounded. Gen. Beauregard reports the Rebel loss at 269 killed and 1,533 wounded; So De Kay, a Rebel officer, writing to The Louisville Courier from Manassas Junction, on the 22d, says: Our loss is fully two thousand killed and wounded. Among the killed are Gen. Bee, of South Carolina
Vice-President, 319; letter to, from Reverdy Johnson, 858. Ewell, Gen., repulsed at Bull Run, 544. Exports, value of, by 8th Decennial Census, 23. F. Fairfax Court-House, Va., Union cavalry dash into, 533; reoccupied by our forces, 620. Fairfield, Mr., of Me., offers petitions for Abolition in the Federal District, 143. Faneuil Hall, Boston, is refused for a meeting to consider the circumstances of Lovejoy's death, 142. Fannin, Col., captured and shot in Texas, 150. Farnham, Col. N. L., wounded at Bull Run, 545. Fayetteville, N. C., seizure of Arsenal, 411; 485. Federalist, The, citation from, 42; 45; 46. Federalists, the, their political blunders, 82; their foreign policy, 265. Female anti-Slavery Society, mobbed, 127. field, David Dudley, 166; in the Peace Conference, 398; absent from, 400. fillibustering, with regard to Cuba, 269-270; participators in, never brought to justice in the Union, 275; indorsed by the Democratic party, 277-8; den