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y, doing no damage. At the first round from our guns every light in the fleet was extinguished. Heavy damage is supposed to have been inflicted. The enemy was evidently greatly alarmed. A great crashing was heard in the river, whether from our balls or the vessels colliding is unknown. The entire fleet disappeared this morning at day-light, and such of McClellan's camp as was visible seemingly in great commotion. One man was killed on our side, and six wounded--two, belonging to the Page battery, badly — all caused by an accident to our own guns. Petersburgh, August 1--P. M. The casualties last night were: William F. Dalton, of Louisiana, killed; Thomas Farquhar, of Richmond, severely wounded in the thigh; Patrick Graham, of Richmond, slightly in the left shoulder — all of Dabney's battery. Also H. Clackey, of Hanover, both hands mangled and subsequently amputated, and John Brooks, of Hanover, shockingly burned — both of Page's battery. Four others were slightly woun
reminded the beholder of an illumination for some tive occasion. Our informant could tell very little of what occurred afterward, except in regard to the part sustained by the battery to which he belongs. "Long Tom" fired fifteen rounds, some of which he felt confident took effect upon the enemy's fleet. The crashing of timber was heard distinctly amid the roar of cannon, yet the darkness of the night rendered it impossible to make any observations. The casualties in Dabney's company were three--W. F. Dalton, killed; Thomas Farquhar and Patrick Graham, wounded. In Page's battery, H. Thacker and John Brooks, of Hanover, were severely injured by the premature explosion of a gun, and four others slightly wounded. If any further casualties occurred along our extended line, they have not yet been reported. The orders were, as we are informed, to fire a certain number of rounds at the enemy, and when this was accomplished our force quietly withdrew, and the engagement terminated.
our guns every light in the fleet was extinguished. Heavy damage is supposed to have been inflicted. A great crashing was heard in the river, whether from our balls the vessels colliding is unknown. The enemy was evidently greatly alarmed. The entire fleet had disappeared this morning at daylight, and such of McClellan's camp as was visible seemingly in great commotion. One man was killed on our side, and six wounded; two belonging to the Page battery badly; all caused by an accident to one of our guns. All quiet to-day. [Second Dispatch.] Petersburg. August 1st, P. M. --The casualties last night were Wm. F. Dalton, of Louisa, killed; Thomas Farquhar, of Richmond, severely wounded in thigh; Patrick Graham, of Richmond, slightly in left shoulder, all of Dabney's battery. Also, H. Thacker, of Hanover, both hands mangled and subsequently amputated, and John Brooks, of Hanover, shockingly burned — both of Page's battery. --Four others were very slightly wounded.
have been committed between the hours of 8 and 10 o'clock. Some short time after 10 o'clock Thomas Farquhar entered the establishment of Adolph Kerchner, on Broad street, and deposited for safekeeping a large bundle of clothing. On Tuesday afternoon Farquhar offered to sell Edward L. Johnson a pair of pants, and, taking him to Kerchner's, procured the bundle and exhibited the goods to him, remarat he (F.) was the greatest thief alive. Johnson suspecting that all was not right, and seeing Farquhar secrete the clothes in a back yard, informed officer Seal of the facts and piloted him to the stolen goods. Scale arrested Farquhar, recovered a large portion of the stolen property, and lodged his prisoner in the cage. Yesterday Farquhar was examined before the Mayor and remanded for a furthlen property, and lodged his prisoner in the cage. Yesterday Farquhar was examined before the Mayor and remanded for a further hearing before a called Court of Justices, to be held on the 5th inst.
Called Courts. --Thomas Farquhar and William Hardyman, sent on by the Mayor on the charge of breaking into Edward Besson's house and stealing $1,000 worth of wearing apparel, have been examined by Courts of Magistrates and sent on for trial before Judge I yons.