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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Incidents of the occupation of New Orleans. (search)
t 1 o'clock P. M. of the 25th of April, 1862, Farragut's squadron, having completed its memorable pa. Captain Bailey had to return and report to Farragut that there was no one on shore willing to sure, and became more violent and boisterous. Farragut determined to make a formal demand for the su learned that on the morning of this same day Farragut had instructed Captain H. W. Morris of the Pebed. I afterward happened to be present when Farragut reported the hauling down of this flag to Genke an example of that fellow by hanging him. Farragut smiled and remarked, You know, General, you wce Mr. Soule thus rendered to New Orleans. Farragut fully approved my action. I was not expected such violence as on the 26th. On the 29th Farragut decided that the time had come for him to takve-pointed star.--A. K. ship delivered it to Farragut. Before we ascended to the roof, the mayor itroops [May 1st]. On the morning of May 2d Farragut sent me with the keys of the Custom-house to [1 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Farragut's demands for the surrender of New Orleans. (search)
he came as the bearer of a demand from Flag-Officer Farragut, for the surrender of the city, the lof a message from the mayor of the city to Captain Farragut, we were invited on board, and shown to tommanders, Farragut, Bailey, and Bell. Captain Farragut, who had known me from my boyhood, receivt may have been by his advice, also, that Captain Farragut assumed the placing of the flag on the Miril 26th in accordance with instructions from Farragut to Captain Morris of the Pensacola. But in aat's crew from the fleet, without orders from Farragut, raised a flag over the Mint. This flag was by Mumford on April 27th, as related above by Farragut, and another flag was raised over the Mint int in the shape of a communication from Flag-Officer Farragut, reciting all the evidences of insuborews regarding the answer to be returned. Captain Farragut had assumed as his own act the raising ofeasible one. The forts had surrendered! Captain Farragut had already dispatched a message to the m[8 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The water-battery at Fort Jackson. (search)
irst day of the bombardment, to render us any assistance, until they were forced into action by Farragut's advance. After the 20th of April the enemy's mortar-boats continued to rain shell incessanry, much less from the battery itself, as is asserted by Admiral Porter. [See p. 43.] After Farragut passed with most of his steamers there was a slackening of the fire in the forts and the water-e river all the vessels, including Admiral Porter's, that remained below the forts. As soon as Farragut's vessels could, they pushed up the river out of our range. The passage of the forts by FarrFarragut and his fleet was an act of grand heroism that should forever shed luster on the American navy, and Porter and his mortar-fleet did splendid work, and contributed very materially to the success wlaims to have done, as I think the water-battery is farther from the river-bank itself. But to Farragut belongs the great glory of the capture. In reference to the mutiny, I have only to say this,
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Confederate responsibilities for Farragut's success. (search)
Confederate responsibilities for Farragut's success. I. James Grimshaw Duncan, son of the Commander of Fort Jackson and Fort St. Philip. On the 22d of April, by order of Major-General Lovell, everything afloat, including the towboats and the entire control of the fire-barges formerly under General J. K. Duncan, was turned over to Captain J. K. Mitchell, commanding the Confederate States naval forces on the lower Mississippi River; and 150 men from both forts were given him as gunners aey are placing themselves boldly, with their lights at their mast-heads. You are assuming a fearful responsibility if you do not come at once to our assistance with the Louisiana and the fleet. I can say no more. Mitchell did not come, but Farragut did. Ii.John K. Mitchell, Commodore, C. S. N. The article by Admiral D. D. Porter, entitled The opening of the lower Mississippi, published in The century magazine for April, 1885, is open to adverse criticism, and particularly where he i
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 5.67 (search)
was compelled to retain him in the command of the Army of Tennessee and put myself under the care of a surgeon. This sickness continued for weeks, and was reported repeatedly. The United States naval officers had already ascertained that their ironclads could pass the Confederate batteries without great danger. Moreover, as General Pemberton had reported, the wooden vessels Hartford and Albatross had passed Port Hudson while most of our guns were engaged with the other vessels of Admiral Farragut's squadron. This reduced the value of our water-batteries greatly. Yet, in the first half of April, General Pemberton became convinced that General Grant had abandoned the design against Vicksburg and was preparing to reembark his forces, perhaps to join General Rosecrans; and on April 11th he expressed the belief that most of those troops were being withdrawn to Memphis, and stated that he himself was assembling troops at Jackson to follow this movement. This was approved. On the 1
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The defense of Vicksburg. (search)
ieutenants Harrod and Frost, Aides-de-camp. These troops and officers constituted the garrison of Vicksburg from the beginning to the end of operations. The troops had but recently had a fearful baptism of fire in the fierce bombardment by Admiral Farragut of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, and the batteries of the Chalmette. They were already veterans, and many of them were skilled artillerists.--S. H. L. The first military operations were the laying out and construction of some batteries for anding points above the city; these were afterward known as the Upper batteries. The work of making an accurate map of Vicksburg and vicinity was also begun. But we had not many days for these preliminaries. On the 26th of June the advance of Farragut's fleet arrived in sight. The next morning found it in position for bombarding. A flotilla of mortar-boats was moored close to the farther shore of the river just beyond the range of our lower batteries. A second flotilla had crept along the
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 5.69 (search)
g-ship. Then I wrote letters to the general-in-chief informing him of our present position, dispatches to be telegraphed from Cairo, orders to General Sullivan, commanding above Vicksburg, and gave orders to all my corps commanders. About 12 o'clock at night I was through my work, and started for Hankinson's Ferry, arriving there before daylight. While at Grand Gulf I heard from Banks, who was on the Red River, Banks reached Alexandria on the 7th of May, and was acting in concert with Farragut's and Porter's fleet to control the waters of Red River.--editors. and he said that he could not be at Port Hudson before the 10th of May, and then with only fifteen thousand men. Up to this time my intention had been to secure Grand Gulf as a base of supplies, detach McClernand's corps to Banks, and cooperate with him in the reduction of Port Hudson. The news from Banks forced upon me a different plan of campaign from the one intended. To wait for his cooperation would have detained me
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Naval operations in the Vicksburg campaign. (search)
] During the months of May and June, 1862, Farragut's fleet had been slowly working up from New Ocept at Vicksburg. The advance division of Farragut's squadron under Commander Lee in the Oneida pt on Vicksburg with any hope of success, and Farragut went back to New Orleans. Soon after, FarrFarragut received pressing instructions from the Navy Department to attack Vicksburg, and in consequence across the neck of land opposite Vicksburg. Farragut replied, suggesting the cooperation of Davis'ksburg. A week before, on the 7th of July, Farragut had written to the department that he hoped s the Arkansas made her appearance, therefore, Farragut had already been meditating a return down the Williams and his troops. Davis had expected Farragut's departure, but he had relied on the occupatmilitary forces at Baton Rouge, and after Admiral Farragut had attended to the minutest details of iurg, communicated with the vessels above. At Farragut's request, General Ellet sent two of his rams[17 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 5.75 (search)
was made in broad daylight, under the disguise of an English gun-vessel, at a time when the Oreto was short-handed, the captain and crew ill, and the battery incapable of resistance. As a bold dash, it was hardly paralleled during the war. The second passage was made at night, without disguise, after the squadron had received full warning, and had been reenforced specially to capture the cruiser. On the Texas coast the blockade was only of moderate efficiency, and in the summer of 1862 Farragut determined to convert it at the principal points into an occupation. With this object, he sent out three expeditions. The first, under Acting-Lieutenant J. W. Kittredge, successfully attacked Corpus Christi August 16th-18th, but having no troops to hold the place withdrew to the bay. The second expedition, composed of the Kensington and Rachel Seaman, under Acting-Master Frederick Crocker, was sent in September to Sabine Pass, a point of great importance in blockade-running operations on
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 5.76 (search)
ern, our eyes rested on enemies. I had long known the most of these as valued friends, and if I now had any doubts of the success of the Arkansas they were inspired by this general knowledge rather than from any awe of a particular name. It seemed at a glance as if a whole navy had come to keep me away from the heroic city,--six or seven rams, Lieutenant John Grimball, C. S. A. From a photograph. four or five iron-clads, without including one accounted for an hour ago, and the fleet of Farragut generally, behind or inside of this fleet. The rams seemed to have been held in reserve, to come out between the intervals. Seeing this, as we neared the head of the line I said to our pilot, Brady, shave that line of men-of-war as close as you can, so that the rams will not have room to gather head-way in coming out to strike us. In this way we ran so near to the wooden ships that each may have expected the blow which, if I could avoid it, I did not intend to deliver to any, and probabl
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