Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 19, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for James Farrel or search for James Farrel in all documents.

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Prison Items. --The following persons were received at the Military Prison for the Eastern District yesterday, viz: Jno. McDonald and Henry Brent, of the Rodgers Cavalry, for being absent from their company without leave. H. McDonald, Co. B, 13th Ala, and P. S. Danbury, Cutts's Artillery, for seven days for punishment. Holland Watson, for trial before the Mayor. James Champion and James Farrel, for disobeying orders and letting two prisoners escape from their custody — Thomas Adams, for trial by Court-Martial. The following parties were received from the Libby Prison, the charge against whom did not transpire, viz: Eliza Edwards, Mrs. M. B. Brown and four children, Mrs. Sarah Yarlett, and Ellen Brown.--Forgus Mclver, a drunken man, was put in the Castle last evening for appearing there and abusing the officers. One of the sentinels at this prison yesterday discharged his musket at a prisoner for putting his head out of the window. The article shot at was not hit, and the ma