Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 21, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for James Farrel or search for James Farrel in all documents.

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Charged with robbing the mail. --A young man named James Farrel was carried before Commissioner Watson yesterday, charged with robbing the mail between Farmville and Buckingham Court-House. The articles alleged to have been purloined by the accused are letters and money. The manner in which the offence was committed was not shown, as the witnesses in the case were not present. About ten days since, a suspicion being excited against the accused, he was landed in the jail at Farmville, Va., and was conveyed thence to Richmond on Wednesday, by C. S. Deputy Marshal Bass. His examination will probably take place on to morrow, (Saturday,) the witnesses having been urged to attend by that time.