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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War. 2 0 Browse Search
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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 14: battle and capture of Fort Henry by the Navy. (search)
ird Assistant Engineer; Sydney H. McAdam, Master's Mate; James P. Paulding, Master's Mate; John A. McDonald, U. S. N., Acting Gunner; Robert H. Medill, Carpenter;---Sypher, Armorer. Gun-boat Carondelet. Henry Walke, U. S. N., Commander; Richard M. Wade, First Master; John Doherty, Second Master; Charles C. Gray, Third Master; Henry A. Walke, Fourth Master; William Hinton, Pilot; Daniel Weaver, Pilot; James S. McNeely, Assistant Surgeon; George J. W. Nixsin, Acting Paymaster; William H. Faulkner, Chief Engineer; Charles H. Caven, First Assistant Engineer; Samuel S. Brooks, Second Assistant Engineer; Augustus F. Crowell. Third Assistant Engineer; Theodore L. Gilmore, Master's Mate; Edward E. Brennand, Master's Mate; Richard Adams, Gunner; Oliver Donaldson, Carpenter; H. H. Rhodes, Armorer. By referring to the public or official dispatches of the war, the names of the commanders and officers above mentioned will be found constantly referred to in battles with the enemy, and