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Feb. 1.--Lieut. James E. Jouett reported himself at Washington, to Secretary Toucey. Lieut. Jouett is attached to the steamer Crusader, now in the Gulf, but was temporarily employed on the Wyandotte. He went ashore at Pensacola, and was immediately seized as a prisoner, but released on parol of honor, not to bear arms against the State of Florida, and a passport was furnished him. Having proceeded to New Orleans, with the hope of being able to join his vessel from that point, he was again thh arrest, unless he departed speedily. The next train found him en route for Washington. After hearing the statement, Secretary Toucey requested the statement to be committed to writing, as the position of Jouett is a novel one. This statement has been made, and, with the passport, laid before the Government. Jouett does not consider his parole binding, should the Department order him back to the Gulf. He silently received his passport, but gave no promise whatever.--N. Y. Times, Feb. 2.
A Monkey over an open powder magazine would represent, with tolerable exactness, the late conduct and present position of the President of the once United States. No great confederacy, or family of states, was ever before cursed with a President so utterly ignorant of the real character of the people and principles he was called on to rule or direct.--Charleston Mercury, Feb. 2.
t states that he has reliable authority for asserting that ten or twelve officers and about three hundred men have been introduced into the fort, within the last fortnight. They are supposed to have been taken down by the Brooklyn, and to have been landed at night in small boats with muffled oars. This, if true, will account for the reports which, from time to time, have emanated from Charleston, of small boats having been seen at night rowing in the neighborhood of the fort. We may mention, as corroborative of this report, the fact, that letters have been received in this city from a gentleman who left here four weeks since, and is now within Fort Sumter. They are very guarded in their language, as if the writer did not repose unbounded confidence in the inviolability of letters intrusted to the Charleston Post-office. But of the fact that he has recently obtained access to the fort, and is now serving there under Maj. Anderson, there is no doubt whatever.--N. Y. Times, Feb. 4.
Feb. 12.--The Charleston Courier observes that, The seceding States have pursued a brave, direct, decided course. They regard the United States as a foreign power. They are prepared to maintain a separate and independent nationality. If they are let alone they will never give Mr. Lincoln any trouble, and if the spirit of fanaticism is layed, and the North returns to its senses, they will establish intercourse with the Southern confederacy, and a better feeling will prevail between the two sections than has existed during the long period of their forced Union. But the patriotic and short-sighted compromisers propose to remain where they are and fight. It continues: The South might, after uniting, under a new confederacy, treat the disorganized and demoralized Northern States as insurgents, and deny them recognition. But if peaceful division ensues, the South, after taking the federal capital and archives, and being recognized by all foreign powers as the government de facto
Feb. 14.--Some time ago it was gravely proposed in South Carolina to abolish the Fourth of July, and to select some other day for the annual occasion of blowing off the surplus patriotism of the Palmettoes. In the course of the popular revolt several favorite national airs were pronounced against, struck from the music books, and replaced by sundry French revolutionary melodies, with variations to suit the peculiar phases of South Carolina Jacobinism. More temperate counsels prevailed in the Congress. Mr. Brooke, of Mississippi, protested that the stars and stripes were the idol of his heart, when Mr. Miles of South Carolina, who has been drawing his salary pretty regularly for several years from the federal government, said that he had always, even from the cradle, looked upon that flag as the emblem of tyranny and oppression. We sincerely trust that these fugitive States, after having stolen our constitution, will not claim also our flag.--Commercial Advertiser, Feb. 14.
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), A New Phase of the Georgia seizures. (search)
Republican, Governor Brown of Georgia acted hastily in seizing the New York vessels. Governor Morgan did not refuse to accede to the demand for the surrender of the arms seized by the police of this city. On receiving the telegraphic message from Governor Brown he wrote to inquire as to its authenticity; and (says the Republican) so far as appears, he gave no intimation of his intention to refuse the demand for the. arms. The same paper adds this significant paragraph, from which it is to be inferred that Governor Brown hoped to accomplish a master-stroke by an act of devotion to the South, so as to strengthen his claims for a prominent place in the new Confederation: Under these circumstances it were impossible to beat it out of the brains of some uncharitable persons that our Governor, in his hasty proceedings, was quite as intent on bringing something from Montgomery as he was from New York. For ourselves, we pretend to no opinion on the subject. --Evening Post, Feb. 15.
Feb. 25.--It is said that Jefferson Davis is at Charleston. Shortly after his arrival it was quietly arranged for him to pay a visit to Fort Sumter, which was accomplished privately. The interview is represented to have been an earnest and prolonged one, but all not immediately in the secret were left wholly to conjecture as to what took place between him and Major Anderson. It has, however, been knowingly given out at Charleston that there will be no fight at Fort Sumter--great stress evidently being placed upon the fact that these two old acquaintances in the army cannot be brought into bloody conflict with each other. On the other hand, it is believed that if the alleged visit had elicited any particular comfort for the great leader of the secession movement, such good news would not have been kept for private consumption merely.--New York Times.
At the court-house in Milledgeville, Georgia, Martin V. Brantley, confined in the penitentiary of Georgia for robbing the United States mail, was brought before Judge Harris on a writ of habeas corpus, sued out by his counsel. It was contended that under the new relations subsisting between the State of Georgia and the United States, the prisoner was entitled to a discharge. The Judge, however, took a different view of the case. He decided that the ordinance by which Georgia had declared her secession from the Union, does not extend beyond a separation from the other States and a withdrawal of the powers she delegated to the General Government; that upon the past exercise of those powers by the latter Government the ordinance does not assume to act, and was not designed to act; and that it does not annul any of its acts. The prisoner was therefore remanded.--National Intelligencer, Feb. 5.