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George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 8 2 Browse Search
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana 6 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays 6 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book 6 0 Browse Search
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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Chapter 2: old Cambridge in three literary epochs (search)
and, after some interval, James Russell Lowell and Charles Eliot Norton. The list of chief contributors to the first forty volumes of the Review, as appears from the Index published in 1878, would include, in addition to those already given, C. C. Felton, George Bancroft, H. W. Longfellow, and the elder Norton —— all Harvard instructors. Its connection with Cambridge was therefore well defined and unquestionable. Judge Story, then head of the Harvard Law School, who had for many years a hieight persons at this dinner, one-half of these being of Cambridge birth or residence, since Underwood had lately removed thither. Assuming that the meeting of May 20th was that of which Underwood speaks, we know that Longfellow, Underwood, and Felton were there, and probably Holmes and Lowell, so that this company also was half or almost half made up of Cantabrigians. At any rate, the two original editors, Lowell and Underwood, were Cantabrigians by residence; and Lowell could now transfer t
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Chapter 4: Longfellow (search)
1836) was in the large house now known as the Foxcroft House and maintained by the University as a students' boarding-house. Here he formed an intimacy with Professor Felton, heartiest of Greek professors, as Dickens called him; and the circle was often enlarged by the society of Charles Sumner, then librarian of the Law School; ch are as inevitable and as innocent as similar companionships among artists or inventors. In this case, however, it was so emphatically insisted upon that, when Felton had praised, in the Christian Examiner, an article by Longfellow, some unknown hand indorsed the page at the Athenaeum Library, Insured at the Mutual. In 1837 n Boston. He then continues, In the evening I walk on the Common with Hillard, or alone; then go back to Cambridge on foot. If not very late, I sit an hour with Felton or Sparks. For nearly two years I have not studied at night, save now and then. Most of the time am alone; smoke a good deal; wear a broad-brimmed black hat, bl
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Index (search)
6. Daye, Stephen, 5, 6. Devens, Gen., Charles, 181. Devens, S. A., 76. Dickens, Charles, 123. Dowse, Thomas, 18. Dunster, Pres., Henry, 5, 6. Dwight, J. S., 57, 58, 63, 137. Dwight, Prof., Thomas, 94, 96. Elder, William, 67. Eliot, Rev., John, 6. Eliot, Rev., Richard, 7. Emerson, R. W., 34, 53, 54, 57, 60, 62, 63, 64, 68, 70, 85, 86, 90, 91, 104, 139, 158, 166, 168, 169. Everett, Pres., Edward, 14, 27, 44, 117, 123. Everett, Dr., William, 17. Fayerweather, Thomas, 150. Felton, Prof. C. C., 44, 69, 123, 124, 128. Fields, J. T., 69, 104, 106, 179. Fiske, Prof., John, 70. Flagg, Wilson, 70. Follen, Prof., Charles, 17. Fox, Thomas, 9. Francis, Prof., Convers, 17. Fuller, Margaret, (Countess Ossoli), 22, 25, 26, 36, 47, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 119, 129, 150, 174, Gage, Gen., 21. Garfield, Pres. J. A., 182. Garrison, W. L., 85, 104, 179. Glover, Rev., Joseph, 5. Glover, Widow, 6. Godwin, Parke, 35, 67. Goethe, J. W., 63, 116. Goldsmith, Oliver, 11, 95. Goodale, P
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 2: education (search)
ding board, as was the custom of the times. It appears that early in May of that year the student had begun to feel the necessity for help, for on the 12th, C. C. Felton, professor of Greek, wrote him a letter which he kept all his life. It runs as follows: I hasten to answer your letter which reached me last evening. Uviewing my Latin and Greek together daily, or rather nightly, which is the only sort of instruction I have had since your absence began. Mr. Hosmer wrote to Professor Felton, of Cambridge, who replied that I need have no fears on the score of admission, as, under the circumstances, I might be allowed to make up deficiencies while the class. On January 16, 1840, after he had been at Cambridge nearly a half-year, Dana wrote to Dr. Flint: For my part, I am in the focus of what Professor Felton calls supersublimated transcendentalism, and to tell the truth, I take to it rather kindly though I stumble sadly at some notions. But there is certainly a
rcophagus of Gaspar Spurzheim, the celebrated phrenologist; he died in 1832. Farther on is that of the poet Longfellow, who died in 1882. On Central Avenue, near the gateway, is the bronze statue, sitting, of Dr. Nathaniel Bowditch. On High Cedar Hill stands a beautiful marble temple; beneath which rest the remains of Hon. Samuel Appleton. Others eminent in public life rest here in this sacred soil:— Charles Sumner.Rufus Choate. Louis Agassiz.Rev. Wm. Ellery Channing. President C. C. Felton.Edwin Booth. Gov. Edward Everett.Charlotte Cushman. Gov. Emory Washburn.Joseph E. Worcester. Anson Burlingame.Bishop Phillips Brooks. President Josiah Quincy.James Russell Lowell. John G. Palfrey.Rev. A. Holmes, D. D. President Sparks.Oliver Wendell Holmes. Robert C. Winthrop. On Gentian Path is a beautiful granite obelisk, erected by Thomas Dowse, on which is inscribed— To the memory of Benjamin Franklin, the printer, the philosopher, the statesman, the patriot, who by hi
y and clearness of his method that made them so interesting to his young listeners. What I wish for you, he would say, is culture that is alive, active, susceptible of farther development. Do not think that I care to teach you this or the other special science. My instruction is only intended to show you the thoughts in nature which science reveals, and the facts I give you are useful only, or chiefly, for this object. . . . Agassiz had the cooperation not only of his brother-in-law, Professor Felton, but of others among his colleagues, who took classes in special departments, or gave lectures in history or literature. Among these additional instructors was Luigi Monti, the Young Sicilian of Longfellow's Wayside Inn, In sight of Etna born and bred, who was at the time teaching in Harvard College. Mr. Kendall's School. Mr. Joshua Kendall's Day and Family School to fit young men for Harvard College was begun in the fall of 1865, its nucleus being some pupils whom Mr. Kendal
y years: J. Mellen, Esq., A. Craigie, Esq., James Munroe, Sidney Willard, William Hilliard, Esq., Thomas Lee, Esq., Samuel Child, Jr., Charles Folsom, Esq., Hon. Joseph Story, Stephen Higginson, Esq., Dr. F. J. Higginson, Rev. Thomas W. Coit, Jonas Wyeth, Jr., John G. Palfrey, William Newell, Nehemiah Adams, R. H. Dana, Ebenezer Francis, Jr., Andrews Norton, Alexander H. Ramsay, Richard M. Hodges, William Saunders, J. B. Dana, C. C. Little, Simon Greenleaf, J. E. Worcester, John A. Albro, C. C. Felton, Charles Beck, Morrill Wyman, James Walker, E. S. Dixwell, Converse Francis, William T. Richardson, H. W. Longfellow, Edward Everett, Asa Gray, Francis Bowen, Joseph Lovering, John Ware, John Holmes, Estes Howe, William Greenough, Robert Carter, E. N. Horsford, Charles E. Norton. Dr. Holmes remained president until his death in 1837, when Joseph Story was put in his place, Dr. Ware still remaining vice-president. Levi Hedge (Ll. D.) was treasurer until 1831, when, on account of ill-
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, chapter 4 (search)
sister had greatly helped in that particular sentence. When it is considered that Channing's method reared most of the well-known writers whom New England was then producing,that it was he who trained Emerson, C. F. Adams, Hedge, A. P. Peabody, Felton, Hillard, Winthrop, Holmes, Sumner, Motley, Phillips, Bowen, Lovering, Torrey, Dana, Lowell, Thoreau, Hale, Thomas Hill, Child, Fitzedward Hall, Lane, and Norton,--it will be seen that the classic portion of our literature came largely into existvering, were men eminent as scholars from youth to old age; the third, Jones Very, was a man of genius; and the fourth, Charles Mason,--now Judge Mason, of Fitchburg,--certainly knew incomparably more of Latin than I did. Of the older professors, Felton was a cultivated Greek scholar, and Beck brought to Latin the thoroughness of his German drill. I need not say what it was to read French with Longfellow; and it is pleasant to remember that once — during one of those preposterous little rebelli
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, Index. (search)
5, 118, 168, 169, 170, 171, 173, 174, 176, 180, 182, 185, 190, 204, 244, 272, 279, 297, 327, 331, 332, 341, 359. Emigrant Aid Society, The, 196. Epictetus, 270. Epilogue, 362-364. Erckmann-Chatrian, 320. Estray, The, 102. Everett, Edward, 12, 79, 189. Everett, Mrs., Edward, 12. Fallersleben, Hoffmann von, 101. Falstaff, quoted, 174. Farlow, W. G., 59. Farrar, Mrs., John, 90. Faust, 244. Fay, Maria, 34, 74, 75. Fay, S. P. P., 75- Fayal, Voyage from, 196. Felton, C. C., 53, 54. Fichte, J. G., 102. Fields, J. T., 176, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 292. Fillmore, Millard, 136. Finnegan, General, 262. Fiske, John, 58, 59. Fitzgerald, Lord, Edward, 66. Fletcher, Andrew, of Saltoun, 183. Follen, Charles, 16. Forbes, Hugh, 220, 221, 222. Foster, Abby Kelley, 146. Foster, Dwight, 88. Foster, S. S., 116, 146, 327. Fourier, Charles, 101. Francis, Convers, 100, 101. Franklin, Benjamin, 16. Free Church of Worcester, 146. Freeman, Watson, 155. Fre
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 12: (search)
re the following: London Quarterly (by Richard Ford); North American, January, 1850 (by W. H. Prescott); British Quarterly, February, 1850; London Athenaeum, March, 1850; Revue des Deux Mondes, 1850 (by Rossieuw de St. Hilaire); El Heraldo, Madrid, March, 1850 (by Domingo del Monte); London Morning Chronicle, May, 1850 (by Shirley Brooks, who wrote to Mr. Ticknor to inform him of the authorship); Christian Examiner, Boston, April, 1850 (by G. S. Hillard); Methodist Quarterly, New York (by C. C. Felton); L'Opinion Publique, Paris, which had five articles in 1851 (by Count Adolphe de Circourt); London Spectator, Examiner, Literary Gazette, and Gentleman's Magazine, 1850; Journal des Debats, 1852 (by Philarete Chasles, who also paid a tribute to the work in his Voyages d'un Critique en Espagne, 1868); Blatter fur Literarische Unterhaltung, 1853 (by Ferdinand Wolf). Private letters also flowed in, of course, and some of these are of a character suitable to be introduced here. A deli