Found occurrences of C. C. Felton in 9 documents in
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Document |
Max. Freq. ⇩ |
Min. Freq. ⇩ |
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge |
11 |
1 |
all entities in this document |
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 |
10 |
0 |
all entities in this document |
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition |
9 |
1 |
all entities in this document |
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) |
8 |
2 |
all entities in this document |
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana |
6 |
0 |
all entities in this document |
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays |
6 |
0 |
all entities in this document |
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book |
6 |
0 |
all entities in this document |
The Cambridge of eighteen hundred and ninety-six: a picture of the city and its industries fifty years after its incorporation (ed. Arthur Gilman) |
5 |
1 |
all entities in this document |
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899 |
5 |
1 |
all entities in this document |