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g-machine.Tron. Numbering-stamp.T-square. Object-staff.Universal square. Octant.Vernier. Odometer.Vernier-compass. Optical square.Vernier-transit. Outkeeper.Volvette. Paging-machine.Way-wiser. Pedometer.Weather-glass. Perambulator.Weigh-bridge. Plane-table.Weighing-machine. Planimeter.Weighing-scales. See also specific indexes under meter ; scope ; gage ; Graph ; level ; indicator ; micrometer ; register. Cal′cu-lator. A machine, in the nature of an orrery, invented by Ferguson, for exhibiting the motion of the heavenly bodies. Cal′cu-li In′stru-ments. (Surgical.) These comprise instruments for removing stony concretions in the human bladder; for crushing them so as to allow them to pass through the urethra and be discharged by the natural flow of urine; for grasping and withdrawing them, and for making incisions into the bladder. See Lithontripter ; litholabe ; lithotomy forceps ; lithotomy knife ; lithotomy staff,, etc. Cale-bas′ser-ie. (Fr.) A
zed Jew who was acquainted with some of the Oriental languages, but his messenger failed to make connection. Columbus died before the error was discovered; he named the natives indians, and so much of the matter remains to this day. See map; where the globes of Behaim and Schoner are compared with the previous maps of Ptolemy, Strabo, Hecataeus, and others. Then to Moxon's, and bought there a payre of globes; cost me £ 3 10s. — Pepys, 1663. In the history of globe-making, the name of Ferguson, the mathematician, has an honorable place. Modern globes are made of paper and plaster, are perfectly balanced on their axes, and are proof against changes of temperature. The first thing is a wooden mold, which is of a spherical form, and has two axial pins at its poles. This is placed in a frame, and, as it revolves, is covered over with wetted strips of strong paper. This is covered with successive thicknesses of pasted brown and white paper, laid in strips. The mold, with it
erspective-glass up and down the church, by which I have the great pleasure of seeing and gazing at a great many very fine women; and what with that, and sleeping, I passed away the time till sermon was done. — Pepys's Diary, 1667. Per-spec′tive-instru-ment. A mechanical contrivance to assist persons in drawing in perspective. A camera-lucida or camera-obscura will enable a perspective delineation. See camera-lucida; camera-obscura. Bevis's perspective-instrument, described by Ferguson, consists of a rectangular board with a hinged movable frame of an arched shape, and having two adjustable strings, which may be made to intersect each other and assume any direction. The eye steadily beholding an object, say the pediment of a building, the strings are brought into coincidence with the required lines of the object; the frame is then laid down on the board, the point or lines marked on the paper, and, the frame being raised, another point or line is observed and similarly t
sed as satyrs, the antitype of the modern Carnival Even the more sedate Father Liber of the erudite Pliny did not escape infection. To establish the parallel more distinctly, it may be said that, in the fifth incarnation of Vishnu, the god goes down to tophet with an umbrella in his hand Dionysius is also represented descending, ad infernos, with a small umbrella. In one feast of Athene, a white parasol was borne by the priestesses of the goddess from the Acropolis to the Phalerus. Mr. Ferguson states, in his Handbook of architecture, that the umbrella is shown in the cave of Karli, in India, and supposes the sculpture to be over eighteen hundred years old. The umbrella so used is called a tee, or tope finial, is a prominent feature in some Oriental buildings, especially the Chinese. The pagodas are a series of umbrella-like roofs. One, two, and a terminal, like other illustrations of the law of climax, may have had something to do with the triple crown or tiara. The machiner