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The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1862., [Electronic resource] 8 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 12, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Lee Finney or search for Lee Finney in all documents.

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cavalry company, now stationed there, who was charged with stealing a watch worth $200 from a citizen of the town-named Lee Finney. The testimony showed that Bowhart met Finney in a acquestered place in Manchester, and pretending to believe that he Finney in a acquestered place in Manchester, and pretending to believe that he was drunk, he very coolly put his hand into Finney's pocket, took thence his watch, which he informed him he would return when he got sober. Finney immediately got out a warrant and proceeded to the camp of the cavalry company; but though he found BFinney's pocket, took thence his watch, which he informed him he would return when he got sober. Finney immediately got out a warrant and proceeded to the camp of the cavalry company; but though he found Bowhart, he could discover no traces of his watch. The arrest and examination of the prisoner on the charge of grand larceny followed as above recited. Captain Rodgers appeared as counsel for Bowhart, who was prosecuted by Colonel Burfoot, CommoFinney immediately got out a warrant and proceeded to the camp of the cavalry company; but though he found Bowhart, he could discover no traces of his watch. The arrest and examination of the prisoner on the charge of grand larceny followed as above recited. Captain Rodgers appeared as counsel for Bowhart, who was prosecuted by Colonel Burfoot, Commonwealth's Attorney for the county. The examination resulted in the committal of the prisoner, for final trial before the Circuit Court. The prisoner established a fine character by a number of witnesses, but the Court taking into consideration the