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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 3 3 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: April 23, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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f the soldiers' wives. In East-Tennessee we are more fortunate. We have a large force here in our nitre and mining bureau; good, trusty fellows, who under Captain Finnie's direction, have been digging villainous saltpetre out of the bowels of the earth. In consideration of their delving in caves and boiling nitrous earth, they have been exempted from conscription. They have done good service for the Confederacy. Captain Finnie, through their aid, has shipped innumerable barrels of nitre to the confederate powder-mill. But now the question arises, how is our great crop of wheat to be saved? It was suggested to the commander of this department that ops, but to assist their neighbors, and especially the wives and children of soldiers who are in the army. We have no doubt that under the regulation which Captain Finnie will adopt, the nitre brigade will do good service in the ensuing harvest. Some of our tory friends, whose wheat-fields, contrary to their expectations, gi
made us feel proud of the place of our nativity. Among the many Virginians present, we observed John Tyler, Jr., son of Ex-President Tyler. Mr. Tyler had the pleasure of firing a gun in honor of the noble act of his State. The demonstration on last night was well worthy of the people of Montgomery. At 8 o'clock a large crowd gathered in front of the Central Bank, and in the midst of large bonfires and the display of fireworks, were entertained with speeches by Alex. B. Clitherall, Col. Finnie, of Memphis, John Tyler, Jr., Mr. Bullock, of Kentucky, Jas. Hodgson, S. Harris, D. Workman, Mr. Chilton, John Pollard, and others. The Mobile Tribune, of the 19th inst., thus describes the scene in that city, on the reception of the news: We have never seen so much excitement and so general an exhibition or joy as there was yesterday, after the reception of the news that Virginia had joined our Confederate States. Houses were illuminated, bells were rung in all directions, and