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of the graves of the soldiers buried at Arlington. There were a great many ex-Union soldiers in and around Washington at that time, and they seemed to vie with each other in their efforts to make the occasion a memorable one. The probabilities are that a greater number of ex-Union officers and soldiers took part in the ceremonies than have since participated. Among those occupying seats on the platform during the ceremonies were General and Mrs. Grant, Mr. Dent, Mrs. Grant's father; Secretaries Fish, Rawlins, Borie, Boutwell, and Cox; Postmaster-General Creswell; Sir Edward Thornton, the British minister; Senators Nye and Warner; Treasurer Spinner; Mayor Bowen; General Sherman; the venerable Amos Kendall; Hon. Mr. Laflin, of New York; Hon. Sidney Clarke, of Kansas; the Swiss consul-general; Mr. John Hitz, Doctor L. Alcan, of Paris, and others. General Logan subsequently succeeded in getting an appropriation for the publication of the reports of the ceremonies of Memorial Day,
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 10: (search)
Union army, General W. T. Sherman. A committee composed of A. T. Stewart, Hamilton Fish, B. F. Field, W. H. Aspinwall, Judge Hilton, Solon Humphrey, and William Scinauguration the question of the cabinet was settled by the appointments of Hamilton Fish as Secretary of State, vice Mr. Washburne, who was transferred to the Frenc his promise and declined to have any connection with the cabinet, after which Mr. Fish was chosen at the request of Senator Morgan, Mr. Conkling, and other New York ited States in the matter of the various troubles in that unfortunate island. Mr. Fish bitterly opposed any recognition of Cuba by the United States and finally carr eminently fitted to grace their positions as wives of cabinet officers. Mrs. Hamilton Fish, of New York, as the leading lady of the cabinet, was one of the most supcapital. Her experience as a member of the best society and as the wife of Hamilton Fish, in the various positions he had held in the State of New York, fitted her
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 12: (search)
e present, that she was unmindful of the cold. The President and Mrs. Grant and Vice-President Wilson, who was a widower, arrived at about half past 11 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Fish, Secretary and Mrs. Boutwell, Secretary and Mrs. Belknap, Secretary Robeson, Postmaster-General and Mrs. Creswell, Attorney-General and Mrs. WilliamsMrs. Fish, Secretary and Mrs. Boutwell, Secretary and Mrs. Belknap, Secretary Robeson, Postmaster-General and Mrs. Creswell, Attorney-General and Mrs. Williams, Secretary and Mrs. Delano, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Delano, were in the Presidential party, while the Diplomatic Corps, led by the Dean Blacque Bey of Turkey, Sir Edward Thornton, the Marquis de Naoville of France, Mr. and Madame Mori of Japan, and the Peruvian minister, all in full court dress — as on the occasion of allnated his cabinet, retaining those who had served during his first term, with the exception of the Secretary of the Treasury. The members of the cabinet were: Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State; William A. Richardson, Secretary of the Treasury; W. W. Belknap, Secretary of War; George M. Robeson, Secretary of the Navy; Columbus Dela
rbor. Among them were Colonel Wilcox, of the Michigan First; Colonel Corcoran, of the New York Sixty-ninth; Lieut.-Colonel Neff, of the Second Kentucky; Major John W. Potter, of the Thirty-eighth New York; Rev. G. W. Dodge, Chaplain of the Eleventh New York; Rev. H. Eddy, Chaplain Second Connecticut; Surgeons Griswold, of the Thirty-eighth New York; Grey, United States Army; Stone, United States Army; Connelly, Second New York; Harris, Second Rhode Island; Captains Downey, Eleventh New York; Fish, Third New York; Farish, Seventy-ninth New York; Drew, Second Vermont; Shurtleff, Seventh Ohio; L. Gordon, Eleventh Massachusetts; Whitington and Jenkins, New York Twenty-fifth; Lieutenants Fay, New York Twenty-fifth; Hamblin, son of the actor of that name, Thirty-eighth New York; Underhill, Eleventh New York; Worcester, Seventy-first New York; Dempsey, Second New York; Wilcox, Seventh Ohio; Gordon, Second Dragoons United States Army; Caleff, Eleventh Massachusetts; Connelly, Sixty-ninth New
slature a proposition was introduced to provide that no slave should be brought into the new State, and that all children born to slaves after July 4, 1865, should be free. The State was, also, to take measures for the apprenticeship of these children. The proposition was referred to the Committee on General Provisions. The following order was issued from the War Department, at Washington, to-day: Ordered, that the Rev. Bishop Ames, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and the Hon. Hamilton Fish, of New York, be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to visit the prisoners belonging to the army of the United States now in captivity at Richmond, Virginia, and elsewhere, and under such regulations as may be prescribed by the authorities having custody of such prisoners, relieve their necessities, and provide for their comfort, at the expense of the United States, in pursuance of the order heretofore made on this subject, and that said Commissioners be requested immediatel
the loss of two of his men wounded.--(Doc. 36.) The iron-clad steam gunboat Mystic was launched at the town in Connecticut from which she takes her name. Her extreme length over all is two hundred feet, and her armor, which extends two feet below the water-line, is composed of longitudinal iron bars three and a quarter inches thick, showing four inches face, and bolted every six inches with three-quarter inch bolts. Her rig is that of a brigantine.--N. Y. Times, February 16. Hamilton Fish and Bishop Ames returned to Washington to-day, and made report to the Government of their mission to relieve Union prisoners in the South. They repaired to Fortress Monroe, and made known their commission to the Confederate authorities at Norfolk, by whom the matter was referred to Richmond. A reply came refusing to the Commissioners admission to the Confederate territory, but expressing readiness to negotiate for the general exchange of prisoners. The Commissioners opened negotiation
r said: The recommendation was urged as a retaliation for the infamous and reckless breach of good faith on the part of the Northern Government, with regard to the exchange of prisoners, and was accompanied by the exposure of this perfidy in a lengthy correspondence conducted by the War Department. We have been enabled to extract the points of this interesting correspondence. It appears from the correspondence that, at the time permission was asked by the Northern Government for Messrs. Fish and Ames to visit their prisoners within the jurisdiction of the South, our government, while denying this permission, sought to improve the opportunity by concerting a settled plan for the exchange of prisoners. For the execution of this purpose, Messrs. Conrad and Seddon were deputed by our government as Commissioners to meet those of the Northern Government under a flag of truce at Norfolk. Subsequently, a letter from Gen. Wool was addressed to Gen. Huger, informing him that he (Ge
le attempting to run the blockade of Charleston, S. C.--Charleston Mercury, May 27. A reconnoitring party from Pope's command had a skirmish near Corinth, Miss., resulting in a complete rout of three rebel regiments, with loss of knapsacks, blankets, and haversacks. Several were killed and wounded, and six prisoners were taken. The regiments fled in confusion across the creek. The national loss was four wounded. A party of National troops from the Fifth Virginia regiment, and Captain Fish's company of Connecticut cavalry, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Latham, surprised a guerrilla band on Sheff's Mountain, Randolph County, Va., and put them to flight, capturing most of their arms and equipments, and without any loss on the National side.--Wheeling Intelligencer, May 27. The steamer Swan, laden with one thousand bales of cotton, and eight hundred barrels of rosin, was captured off the coast of Cuba by the United States brig Bainbridge, and bark Amanda, and sent t
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 14: the great Uprising of the people. (search)
t least one hundred thousand persons were in attendance during the afternoon. Four stands were erected at points equidistant around Union Square; and the soiled and tattered flag that Anderson had brought away from Fort Sumter, was mounted on a fragment of its staff, and placed in the hands of the statue of Washington. The meeting was organized by the appointment of a President at each of the four stands, with a large number of assistants; The four Presidents were John A. Dix, ex-Governor Hamilton Fish, ex-Mayor William F. Havemeyer, and Moses H. Grinnell. These were assisted by numerous vice-presidents and secretaries, who were chosen from among men holding opposing opinions. and it was addressed by representative men of all political parties, who, as we have observed, were in perfect agreement on this occasion, in a determination to support the Government in maintaining its authority. An account of the proceedings of this meeting, containing the names of the officers, and a
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 17: events in and near the National Capital. (search)
tle of the Union defense Committee. The Committee was composed of the following citizens:--John A. Dix, Chairman; Simeon Draper, Vice-Chairman; William M. Evarts, Secretary; Theodore Dehon, Treasurer; Moses Taylor, Richard M. Blatchford, Edwards Pierrepont, Alexander T. Stewart, Samuel Sloane, John Jacob Astor, Jr., John J. Cisco, James S. Wadsworth, Isaac Bell, James Boorman, Charles H. Marshall, Robert H. McCurdy, Moses H. Grinnell, Royal Phelps, William E. Dodge, Greene C. Bronson, Hamilton Fish, William F. Havemeyer, Charles H. Russell, James T. Brady, Rudolph A. Witthaus, Abiel A. Low, Prosper M. Wetmore, A. C. Richards, and the Mayor, Controller, and Presidents of the two Boards of the Common Council of the City of New York. The Committee had rooms at No. 80 Pine Street, open all day, and at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, open in the evening. The original and specific duties assigned to the Committee, by the great meeting that created it, were, to represent the citizens in the col