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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Amidas, Philip, 1550-1618 (search)
ered to lay a great boxe of pearls in gage for them: but we refused it for this time, because we would not make them knowe, that we esteemed thereof, untill we had understoode in what places of the countrey the pearle grew: which now your Worshippe doeth very well understand. He was very just of his promise: for many times we delivered him merchandize upon his worde, but ever he came within the day and performed his promise. He sent us every day a brase or two of fat Bucks, Conies, Hares, Fish and best of the world. He sent us divers kindes of fruites, Melons, Walnuts, Cucumbers, Gourdes, Pease, and divers rootes, and fruites very excellent good, and of their Countrey corne, which is very white, faire and well tasted, and groweth three times in five moneths: in May they sow, in July they reape; in June they sow, in August they reape; in July they sow, in September they reape; onely they caste the corne into the ground, breaking a little of the soft turfe with a wodden mattock, or
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cabinet, President's (search)
9 Edward Livingston May 24, 1831 Louis McLane May 29, 1833 John Forsyth June 27, 1834 Daniel Webster March 5, 1841 Hugh S. Legare May 9, 1843 Abel P. Upshur July 24, 1843 John C. Calhoun March 6, 1844 James Buchanan March 6, 1845 John M. Clayton March 7, 1849 Daniel Webster July 22, 1850 Edward Everett Nov. 6, 1852 William L. Marcy March 7, 1853 Lewis CassMarch 6, 1857 Jeremiah S. Black Dec. 17, 1860 William H. Seward .March 5, 1861 Elihu B. Washburne March 5, 1869 Hamilton Fish March 11, 1869 William M. Evarts March 12, 1877 James G. Blaine March 5, 1881 F. T. Frelinghuysen Dec. 12, 1881 Thomas F. Bayard March 6, 1885 James G. Blaine March 5, 1889 John W. Foster June 29, 1892 Walter Q. Gresham .March 6, 1893 Richard Olney June 7, 1895 John Sherman March 5, 1897 William R. Day April 26, 1898 John HaySept. 20, 1898 March 5,1901 Secretaries of the Treasury. Alexander HamiltonSept. 11, 1789 Oliver Wolcott Feb. 2, 1795 Samuel Dexter Jan. 1, 1
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cincinnati, Society of the (search)
consists of a golden eagle, with enamelling, suspended upon a ribbon. On the breast of the eagle is a medallion, with a device representing Cincinnatus at his plough receiving the Roman senators who came to offer him the chief magistracy of Rome. The members' certificate is eighteen and a half inches in breadth and twenty inches in length. The general Society of the Cincinnati is still in existence, and also State societies. The president-general from 1854 till his death in 1893 was Hamilton Fish, son of Col. Nicholas Fish, one of the original members. In 1900 William Wayne, of Pennsylvania, held the office. The order worn by the president-general at the meetings of the society is a beautifully jewelled one. It was presented to Washington by the French officers. The society met with much jealous opposition from the earnest republicans of the day. Among the most Order of the Cincinnati. powerful of these opponents was Judge Aedanus Burke, of Charleston, S. C., who, in an ab
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), First republic in America. (search)
First republic in America. See New Orleans. Fish, Hamilton, statesman; son of Col. Nicholas Fish; born in New York Hamilton Fish. City, Aug. 3, 1808; graduated at Columbia College in 1827; admitted to the bar in 1830; and was elected to Congress in 1842. In 1848 he was chosen governor Nicholas Fish. of the State of New York, and in 1851 became a member of the United States Senate, acting with the Republican party after its formation in 1856. He was a firm supporter of the government during the Civil War, and in March, 1869, was called to the cabinet of President Grant as Secretary of State, and remained in that post eight years, during which time he assisted materially in settling various disputes with Great Britain, of which the Alabama claims controversy was the most important. He was presidentgeneral of the Society of the Cincinnati, and for many years president of the New York Historical Society. He died in New York City. Sept. 7, 1893.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Johnson, Eastman 1824- (search)
Johnson, Eastman 1824- Artist; born in Lovell, Me., July 29, 1824; was educated in the public schools of Augusta, Me.; studied in the Royal Academy of Dusseldorf for two years, and was elected an academician of the National Academy of Design in 1860. He has painted many notable pictures, including The Kentucky home; Husking bee; The stage coach; Pension agent; Prisoner of State, etc. His portraits include Two men, ex-Presidents Arthur, Cleveland, and Harrison, Commodore Vanderbilt, W. H. Vanderbilt, Daniel Webster, John Quincy Adams, John D. Rockefeller, Mrs. Dolly Madison, Mrs. August Belmont, Mrs. Hamilton Fish, and many others.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Joint high commission. (search)
correspondence succeeded the efforts to settle by treaty. Finally, in January, 1871, the British minister at Washington, Sir Edward Thornton, in a letter to Secretary Fish, proposed, under instructions from his government, a Joint High Commission, to be appointed by the two governments, respectively, to settle disputes of every kind between the United States and Great Britain, and so establish a permanent friendship between the two nations. Mr. Fish proposed that the commission should embrace in its inquiries the matter of the Alabama Claims, so that nothing should remain to disturb amicable relations. The suggestion was approved, and each government appointed commissioners. The President appointed, for the United States, Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State; Samuel Nelson, associate-justice of the United States Supreme Court; Robert C. Schenck, minister to England; Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar, late United States Attorney-General; and George H. Williams, United States Senator from Oreg
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mora, Antonio Maximo 1818-1897 (search)
7 Claimant; born in Cuba in 1818; inherited large sugar plantations near Havana; declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States in New York City in 1853; and after the beginning of the Cuban revolution in 1868 was accused of aiding the insurgents. His property, valued at $3,000,000, was seized by the Spanish government (1869), and he was arrested, imprisoned, and in 1870 was sentenced to death. He, however, escaped to the United States, where he laid his case before Hamilton Fish, then Secretary of State, at the same time declaring that he had in no way aided the insurgents. The United States immediately opened a diplomatic correspondence with Spain in regard to the matter. In September, 1873, Spain relinquished all claims against American property in Cuba, excepting the Mora plantation. An agreement was made that claims for damages by de facto American citizens should be placed before an international committee. Accordingly the claim of Mora was submitted to
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Navigation acts. (search)
t the time of the Franco-German War of 1870-71, even so sturdy a patriot as General Grant, then President, was persuaded for a time that it would be a good thing for our commerce as a neutral nation to permit American registry of foreign-built vessels, the theory being that many vessels of nations which might become involved in the struggle would seek the asylum of our flag. Actuated by powerful New York influences, which found expression through Roscoe Conkling, Edwin D. Morgan, and Hamilton Fish, already conspicuously hostile to the American merchant marine, General Grant in a special message recommended that Congress enact legislation to that end. This proposition was antagonized by Judge Kelly, of Pennsylvania —always at the front when American interests were threatened—in one of his most powerful efforts, couched in the vehement eloquence of which he was master, which impressed General Grant so much that he abandoned that policy and subsequently adhered to the existing system
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York, State of (search)
ouckDemocrat. Gerrit Smith. William C. BouckDemocrat 1842 Luther Bradish. Alvan Stewart. Silas Wright. JrDemocrat 1844 Millard FillmoreWhig. Alvan Stewart. John YoungWhig 1846 Silas Wright, JrDemocrat. Ogden Edwards. Henry Bradley. Hamilton FishWhig1848 John A. Dix Democrat. Reuben H. Walworth. William Goodell. Washington HuntWhig 1850Horatio SeymourDemocrat Horatio SeymourDemocrat. 1852 Washington HuntWhig. Minthorne Tompkins. Myron H. ClarkWhig 1854Horatio SeymourDemocrto 1832 Silas Wright, Jr.22d to 28th 1832 to 1844 Nathaniel P. Tallmadge23d to 28th1833 1844 Henry A. Foster28th1844 John A. Dix28th to 31st1845 to 1849 Daniel S. Dickinson28th to 32d1845to 1851 William H. Seward31st to 37th1849to 1861 Hamilton Fish32d to 35th1851 to 1857 Preston King35th to 38th1857 to 1863 Ira Harris37th to 40th1861 to 1867 Edwin D. Morgan38th to 41st1863 to 1869 Roscoe Conkling40th to 47th1867 to 1881 Reuben E. Fenton41st to 44th1869 to 1875 Francis Kernan44th t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Presidential administrations. (search)
5-69: Lincoln; Johnson, Vice-President (succeeded as President April 15, 1865), Republican; Seward, State; McCulloch, Treasury; Stanton, until 1867, War. Congress, Republican; Colfax, speaker. 1869-73: Grant; Colfax, Vice-President, Republican; Fish, State; Boutwell, Treasury. Congress, Republican; Blaine, speaker. 1873-77: Grant; Wilson, Vice-President, Republican; Fish, State; Bristow and others, Treasury. Congress, 1873-75, Republican; Blaine, speaker; 1875-77, Senate Republican, HousFish, State; Bristow and others, Treasury. Congress, 1873-75, Republican; Blaine, speaker; 1875-77, Senate Republican, House Democratic; Kerr, later Randall, speaker. 1877-81: Hayes; Wheeler, Vice-President, Republican; Evarts, State; Sherman, Treasury. Congress, House Democratic; Randall, speaker; Senate, 1877-79, Republican; 1879-81, Democratic. 1881-85; Garfield; Arthur, Vice-Presi- dent (succeeded as President Sept. 19, 1881), Republican; Blaine, later Frelinghuysen, State; Windom and others, Treasury; Lincoln, War. Congress, 1881-83, Senate tie, House Republican; Keifer, speaker; 1883-85, Senate Republic