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Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 4: details of the battle of Manassas. (search)
across the Warrenton Pike to a ridge south of it, and nearly at right angles with Bull Run. Here they were reinforced first by Hampton's six companies and then by Jackson's brigade, when a new line was formed and the fight renewed with great obstinacy. Subsequently two of Cocke's regiments were brought up, as also the seven companies of the 8th Virginia, under Colonel Hunter; the three companies of the 49th Virginia Regiment, under Colonel Smith; the 6th North Carolina Regiment, under Colonel Fisher; and two of Bonham's regiments, under Colonel Kershaw; and engaged in the battle. The fighting was very stubborn on the part of our troops, who were opposed to immense odds, and the fortunes of the day fluctuated for some time. From the beginning, artillery had been employed on both sides, and a number of our batteries did most excellent service. Colonel Stuart made a charge at one time with two companies of cavalry on the right of the enemy's line. At a most critical period thre
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
340, 343-48, 351, 354-59, 361, 371, 475 Fairfax Court-House, 4, 39, 40, 45, 47, 48, 50, 52, 129 Fairfax Station, 4, 6, 15, 45, 47, 48, 50 Fairfield, 279, 280, 281 Fair Oaks, 74 Falling Waters, 282, 283 Falmouth, 167, 169, 198, 201, 202, 218 Farmdale, 477, 478 Fauquier Springs, 303 Feagans, Captain, 152 Ferguson, Colonel, 410, 423, 434 Field, General, 170, 342, 353, 354, 355, 357, 360 Fincastle, 327, 328, 330, 377, 379 First Division, C. S. A., 50 Fisher, Colonel, 32 Fisher's Hill, 333, 334, 406, 407, 413, 426, 429, 430, 431, 435, 436, 437, 440, 441, 449, 450, 454, 456 Fishersville, 460 Florida Regiment, 60, 63, 67, 69, 73 Folk's Old House, 246, 247 Forest Road, 374, 376 Forno, General, 107, 114, 115, 116, 126 Fort Haskell, 476 Fort Hill, 425, 426 Fort Magruder, 59, 68, 69, 70, 73 Fort Steadman, 476 Fort Stevens, 389 Fortress Monroe, 58, 61, 65 Fox's Gap, 386 Franklin County, 468 Franklin, General (U. S. A.), 15
tion. All honor is certainly, due to the noble Old North State, which, it has always been said, sent a larger number of troops to the field, in proportion to its population, than any other State in the Confederacy, and which buried so many thousands of its gallant sons, in defence of our lost cause. note by the Publishers.-Both the statements are probably true, to some extent. We have unquestionable evidence that Fisher's regiment captured one section of Sherman's battery just before Col. Fisher received his mortal wound. But the same evidence shows that there was another section (both under Captain Ricketts) which was captured by other troops; our friend does not know what troops, but no doubt the 27th Virginia. The firing of musketry and the rattling of bayonets was now terrible beyond description. For one hour there was an incessant cracking of rifles, without a single moment's pause. The enemy were evidently retiring, and unless reinforced from the left and centre, the day
lf to def, as I knowed she would if she reckoned I was livina. She loved me, I knowed, but dat warn't no ‘count at all. De slaves are ingarded as dey must marry jist for dar mass'r's int'rest. Good many on demo jist marry widout any more respect for each oder den if dey was hogs. . . . . I and my wife warn't so. I married Lizzy, and had a ceremony over it, coz I loved her an‘ she loved me. Well, arter I heern dat she was livin‘ wid ‘nudder man, dat ar made me to come to Canada. Ole man Fisher was us boys' preacher. He runned away and used to pray, like he's ‘n earnest. I camped wid him. Many's been de ‘zortation I have ‘sperienced, dat desounded t'rough de trees, an‘ we would almos' ‘spect de judgment day was comin‘, dar would be such loud nibrations, as de preacher called dem; ‘specially down by de lake. I b'lieve God is no inspector of persons; an‘ he knows his childer, and kin hear dem jest as quick in de Juniper Swamp as in de great churches what I seed in
d, &c., That Slavery or involuntary servitude, in all cases whatsoever (other than in the punishment of crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted), shall henceforth cease, and be prohibited forever, in all the Territories of the United States now existing, or hereafter to be formed or acquired in any way. No measure of the session was more vehemently opposed, not only by the Democrats without exception, but by the Border-State Unionists with equal zeal and unanimity; even Mr. Fisher, of Del., denouncing it, though he did not vote on the final passage. Mr. Cox, of Ohio, stigmatized it in debate as a bill for the benefit of Secession and Jeff. Davis. Mr. Crisfield, of Md., characterized it as a palpable violation of the rights of the States, and an unwarrantable interference with private property — a fraud upon the States which have made cessions of land to this Government, a violation of the Constitution, and a breach of the pledges which brought the dominant [Republ
ly 14. and moved out, next morning, from Bolivar Heights on the Winchester turnpike to Hall's Mills, thence taking the road to Shepherdstown; where it was soon involved in a spirited fight with Fitz Hugh Lee's cavalry, and driven back a short distance to a strong position, where it held its ground, repulsing several determined charges, until the Rebels were willing to give it up. The day's loss was about 100 on either side; Cols. Drake (1st Virginia) and Gregg were among the Rebel killed; Capt. Fisher, 16th Pa., being the highest officer lost on our side. The ground was so rough and wooded that nearly all the fighting was done on foot. Gen. Meade crossed the Potomac at Berlin on the 18th; moving by Lovettsville, July 19. Union, July 20. Upperville, July 22. and Salem, July 24. to Warrenton; July 25. thus retaking the line of the Rappahannock which our army had left hardly two months before. This movement being in advance of Lee, who halted for some days near Bunker
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 2 (search)
ntinue their forced march, their zeal would have brought the whole to the field long before the commencement of the battle. Three brigades of the Army of the Shenandoah were engaged in the battle, not General Jackson's alone, as is stated in the above extract. See previous Narrative, and Johnston's and Beauregard's reports. The only collision in the transportation of these troops from the Piedmont to the Manassas Station, occurred Saturday night or Sunday morning, of a train bearing Colonel Fisher's (Sixth North Carolina) regiment, with an empty one returning. It obstructed the track so little, that the regiment was carried on, reached its destination Sunday morning, and took part in the battle. Elzey's brigade, following on another train, passed over the place of collision soon after the occurrence, and arrived upon the field but an hour later than Fisher's regiment. The detention, that kept all the remaining troops out of the battle, was due to miserable mismanagement of the
to keep Kentucky From joining in the ride; But she heeded not their entreaties-- She has come into the ring; She wouldn't fight for a Government Where Cotton wasn't king. chorus — So wait for the wagon, &c. Old Lincoln and his Congressmen, With Seward by his side, Put old Scott in the wagon, Just for to take a ride. McDowell was the driver; To cross Bull Run he tried, But there he left the wagon, For Beauregard to ride. chorus — Wait for the wagon, &c. Manassas was the battle-ground; The field was fair and wide; The Yankees thought they'd whip us out, And on to Richmond ride; But when they met our “Dixie” boys, Their danger they espied; They wheeled about for Washington, And didn't wait to ride. chorus — So wait for the wagon, &c. Brave Beauregard-God bless him!-- Led legions in his stead, While Johnson seized the colors, And waved them o'er his head. To rising generations, With pleasure we will tell How bravely our Fisher And gallant Johnson fell. chorus — So wait for the
ish line, with any prospect of success, was impossible. This opinion coincided with my own, and much as I regretted the necessity of abandoning the attempt, yet the path of duty was plain. Not so strong a work as Fort Fisher had been taken by assault during the war, and I had to guide me the experience of Port Hudson, with its slaughtered thousands in the repulsed assault, and the double assault of Fort Wagner, where thousands were sacrificed in an attempt to take a work less strong than Fisher, after it had been subjected to a more continued and fully as severe fire. And in neither of the instances I have mentioned had the assaulting force in its rear, as I had, an army of the enemy larger than itself. I therefore ordered that no assault should be made, and that the troops should re-embark. While superintending the preparations for this, the fire of the navy ceased. Instantly the guns of the fort were fully manned, and a sharp fire of musketry, grape, and canister swept th
E. LodgeBoston1300 476 ShipBeverlyP. Curtis'sP. CurtisWilliam PerkinsBoston682 477 Stmr.Sir John HarveyJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisClark, Jones, & Co.Boston700 478 ShipOnwardJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisReed & WadeBoston872 479 ShipStar of the UnionJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisReed & WadeBoston1079 480 ShipWhirlwindJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisW. & F. H. Whittemore & Co.Boston990 481 ShipCompetitorJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisW. F. Weld & Co.Boston850 482 ShipNational EagleJ. T. Foster'sJ. T. FosterFisher & Co.Boston1060 483 ShipEllen FosterJ. T. Foster'sJ. T. FosterJ. & A. TirrellBoston1042 4841853ShipWest WindJ. T. Foster'sJ. T. FosterJ. & A. TirrellBoston1080 485 BarkEdward EverettJ. T. Foster'sJ. T. FosterJohn H. Pearson & Co.Boston245 486 ShipMorning StarJ. T. Foster'sJ. T. FosterT. B. Wales & Co.Boston1103 487 ShipHortensiaJ. T. Foster'sJ. T. FosterPerritt & Co.New Orleans700 488 ShipWild RangerJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisThatcher & SearsBoston1000 489 ShipEagle WingJ. O. Cur