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ss Elizabeth R. Carty. Mrs. Ella J. Fuller. Abner H. Barker. Mrs. H. A. C. Scott. William Leavens. J. A. C. Emerson. Andrew F. Curtin. E. Earl Blakely. Miss Annie E. Durgin. Mrs. Lester H. Williams. Miss Annie P. Danforth. Frank S. Gilkey. Percy W. Richardson. Papers and Addresses. George H. Remele. Moses W. Mann. Miss Annie E. Durgin. J. P. D. WlNGATE. Miss lily B. Atherton. Percy W. Richardson. Miss Katharine H. Stone. Mrs. John Googins. F. H. C. Wooley. Wilson Fiske. Historic Sites. Moses W. Mann. John H. Hooper. Herman L. Buss. Miss Catherine E. Harlow. Miss Ella L. Burbank. Genealogy. Miss Eliza M. Gill. Miss Annie E. Durgin. Miss Hetty F. Wait. Henry E. Scott. Heraldry. Charles B. Dunham. John Albree. Charles H. Loomis. Charles M. Green. C. W. M. Blanchard. Library and collection. George H. Remele. Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Miss Martha E. Hayes. Miss lily B. Atherton. Rosewell B. Lawrence. William Gushing W
stable harbor from the adventurers on that memorable expedition from Provincetown which finally found and selected Plymouth. Barnstable as a harbor would appear far more attractive than Plymouth. What if it had not snowed on that boisterous December day? But here again, those of us who stand by providential dispensation will find a text. Plymouth was practically a deserted village site cleared for settlement and in some part made ready for their habitation. Could they have survived anywhere else on this coast that first terrible winter? The later colonists who had had a chance to hear of it, and better opportunities to settle about it, were quick enough to find the bay with its hundred islands, and its two navigable inlets which the Relation says we heard of from the Indians but did not enter. If I have not properly answered your question let me know unless, indeed, you prefer the ills you know to the possibilities you can only guess at. Very truly yours, Wilson Fiske.
dress us, so the remaining have been sustained by our own membership. In November it was fitting that the subject should be The Pilgrims at Provincetown. Mr. Wilson Fiske led off in a talk on the timely subject and was followed by several others, and the meeting was one of much interest. At the December meeting, special conat the Probate office. At the Item—I give to little Turell Tufts. . . that my shadow may remain the portrait of Ebenezer Turell thus bequeathed was displayed by Mr. Fiske, who had procured it from the First Parish Church for the occasion. At the item, I give to Simon Tufts my watch a silver watch with chain and seal was passed arsuccessor. Miss Atherton read Dr. Holmes' poem The Parson's Legacy, relating to the president's chair at Harvard College, said to have been given by Mr. Turell. Mr. Fiske exhibited a copy of the letter written by the parson calling for a fast day, to select a colleague to assist him in his latest years. Light refreshments were se
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 24., Medford Historical Society. (search)
lbert H. Cowin. Andrew F. Curtin. Life Member. Walter F. Cushing. Life Member. Carrie E. Cushing. N. B. Cunningham. Marion C. Conant. Fred P. Carr. Norman R. Catherin. N. R. Catherin, Mrs. Willard Dalrymple. Julia W. Dalrymple. Charles T. Daly. Annie P. Danforth. Louise G. DeLong. Edward B. Dennison. Jessie M. Dinsmore. Henry B. Doland. Frederick H. Dole. Lucy E. Draper. Charles B. Dunham. Annie E. Durgin. John A. C. Emerson. Will C. Eddy. Wilton B. Fay. Wilson Fiske. George O. Foster. Blanche Foster. Viola D. Fuller. George S. T. Fuller. Ella J. Fuller. Frederick W. Fosdick. Eliza M. Gill. Adeline B. Gill. Frank S. Gilkey. Sidney Gleason. Hall Gleason. J. H. Googins, Mrs. T. P. Gooding, Mrs. Charles M. Green, Dr. J. N. Gunn. Charlotte B. Hallowell. Velma L. Hamlin. Catherine E. Harlow. Life Member. David R. Harvey. Samuel C. L. Haskell. George S. Hatch. Charles M. Hayden. Martha E. Hayes. John H. Hooper. E. V. Ho
the evening, The visit of Myles Standish and his party to the site of Medford on September 21, 1621, and called Miss Atherton, who read an extract from the oration of Charles Sprague (Boston, July 4, 1825), The Disappearing American Indian. The president then spoke on Indian trails, read from Paths and Legends of New England Border and of the Mohawk Trail, and then asked Mr. Charles Daly to read extracts from Mourt's Relation—the Expedition of the Massachusetts, which he did. Then Mr. Wilson Fiske gave his impression of the visit thus described. This was also given in the current issue of the register. The president then called attention to a large framed lithograph hanging at the right of the chair. It was published in 1873 and is now very rare. It is the March of Myles Standish, and was loaned to the society by Mr. Mann the next speaker called upon, who reviewed the story just read in the original. He traced the march of the Pilgrim band from their landing place, where C
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 28., The Society's Meetings, season of 1923-24. (search)
The Society's Meetings, season of 1923-24. October 15. Unfavorable weather conditions—dense fog in evening. Mr. Wilson Fiske gave an interesting talk upon Hudson River, to small attendance of twelve. November 19. The printed copy of Mr. George E. Davenport's lecture on Middlesex Fells having been presented to the Society, Former President Will C. Eddy read the same and illustrated it with slides, some of which were Mr. Davenport's. Twenty-five, including visitors, were present. December 17. Thirty-five were present, including Miss Bell (teacher) and twelve girl scouts. Professor Gilmer of Tufts College gave illustrated talk on John Brown. January 7, 1924. An adjourned meeting was held to hear reports on by-laws and nominations, but no action was taken as but eight were present. January 21. A very high wind and cold evening, barely a quorum present at annual meeting. Reports were made, amendment to by-laws regarding dues passed and officers elected. Meetings def
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 29., Medford Historical Society. (search)
ay be of general interest to the members. Officers for the near 1926. President. Edward J. Gaffey. Telephone, Mystic 0031. 43 high street, Medford Vice-Presidents. Albert W. Ellis. Miss Katharine H. Stone. Hall Gleason. Wilson Fiske. Recording Secretary. Miss Elizabeth R. Carty. 18 Lincoln Street, Stoneham. Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer. George S. T. Fuller. Telephone, Mystic 3167-W. 15 George Street, Medford. Librarian and curator. Moses Wh I. Davenport. Mrs. H. Abbie Dearborn. Edward B. Dennison. Miss Jessie M. Dinsmore. Charles B. Dunham. Will C. Eddy, Newton. Life MemberAlbert W. Ellis. Life MemberMrs. Alma L. Ellis. John A. C. Emerson. Hon. Wilton B. Fay. Wilson Fiske. Hon. Frederick W. Fosdick. George O. Foster. Mrs. Blanche W. Foster. Mrs. Viola D. Fuller. George S. T. Fuller. Mrs. Ella J. Fuller. Edward J. Gaffey. Miss Adeline B. Gill, Waltham. Sidney Gleason. Hall Gleason. Miss Annie
The Bay path. [Read before the Medford Historical Society by Mr. Wilson Fiske.] SO good a historian as Lord Macaulay declared that of all human inventions, the alphabet and the printing press excepted, those inventions which abridge distance (that is, which promote inter-communication) had done most for mankind. Which is equivalent to saying that man rises above the savage only when and only so far as he establishes communication and effects co-operation with his fellows. And Macaulay knew not the telegraph, the telephone, the wireless, the airplane, the automobile, the bicycle—hardly the locomotive. How must we be civilized now? Now I propose to speak of the road and a road; and the road is the very sign and symbol of inter-communication. This must have been recognized a very long time ago. If we would seek the best word on roads and road-making (which is not the last word, but perhaps more nearly the first) we must look back more than five and twenty centuries to the u