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equipped; he has now but about one-fourth the number of the enemy, and consequently is no match for him. I have two ironclads here with several gunboats, and Commander Fitch assures me Hood can neither cross Cumberland river, nor blockade it. I therefore think it best to wait here until Wilson equips all his cavalry. If Hood atta. Nothing, however, was done by the government, and nothing was heard from Thomas till nine o'clock on the night of the 7th, when he telegraphed to Halleck: Captain Fitch, United States navy, started down the river yesterday with a convoy of transports, but was unable to get them down; the enemy having planted three batteries on a bend of the river, between this and Clarksville. Captain Fitch was unable to silence all three of the batteries yesterday, and will return again to-morrow morning, with the assistance of the [gunboat] Cincinnati, now at Clarksville; and I am in hopes he will be able to clear them out. Thus another avenue of communication with
, 125; runs by Port Hudson and communicates with Grant, 179; passes forts at entrance of Mobile bay, III., 41. Federal Point, Cape Fear river, situation of, III., 307; geography of, 311. Ferrero, General E., at Spottsylvania, II. 207. Fisher, Fort, on Cape Fear river, expedition against, III., 224; position of, 226; Grant's instructions for operations against, 235; first operations against, 307-322; second operations against 325-348. Fisher's Hill, battle of, III., 31-35. Fitch, Captain, at Cumberland river, III., 239. Five Forks, importance of, III., 457, 459; rebel activity at, 459, 467; battle of, 483-495. Floyd, Major-General , poltroonery of at Fort Donelson, i, 48. Foote, Admiral, at Fort Henry, i., 27-31; Fort Donelson, 35, 41, 42. Forrest, General N. B., in West Tennessee, i., 138; capture of Holly Springs, 138; chased out of West Tennessee, 141; fights Sturgis at Gun-town, Miss., II. 401; advance against national railroads, III., 51; moves into Midd