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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Confederate flag. (search)
of the flag of the United States was the great Union flag displayed by General Washington on Prospect hill, in compliment, as he said, to the United Colonies, on the 2d day of January, 1776, the day of forming the new Continental army. On the evacuation of Boston by the British this standard was carried into the city by the American troops. It was the union of the crosses of Saint George and Saint Andrew, with thirteen stripes through the flag, alternate red and white--Hamilton's History U. S. Flag, p. 59. American Archives, 4th Series, vol. 5, p. 428. and the anniversary of the day which gave birth to the permanent Government of the Confederate States. I am, General, most respectfully, your obedient servant, Arthur L. Rogers, Major, Confederate States Artillery. Caaffin's Bluff, January 2, 1875. From the Baltimore Gazette. The above letter, taken from the files of the Richmond Whig, is a part of the history of the late war which was worth preserving. It is also a matter o
The U. S. Flag at Texas. --We learn from the oldest sea captain in this city, that last Sunday there was not a single vessel in this port that bore the United States flag at its mast-head, as has always been the custom. During a residence here of nearly twenty-five years, he has never before known a Sunday pass without witnessing this homer paid to our national flag. With this exception, it is believed there has not been a Sunday since annexation when the Stars and Stripes were not seen to wave from the shipping in our harbor.-- Galveston (Texas) News, 15th.
the result of their labor, what?--the Union and three stripes of Lincoln's abolition flag. Mr. Russell, in one of his letters, has well styled it "the counterpart of the U. S. Flag," and so perfectly is it so, that in a calm at sea it is not distinguishable from it. But not only is it stolen from the U. S. Flag, it is also a theft of the coat of arms of another despotism — we mean the House of Austria, whose arms are red, with a white for running through the centre. Nor is this all. The U. S. Flag itself was directly stolen from the British East India Company, with the poor addition of thirteen stars for distinction. Now, if the coat of arms of the Confederate States be drawn with the three bars horizontal, we pilfer the arms of the House of Austria; and if we adopt the plan of the United States, and draw the coat of arms with the bars perpendicular, we pilfer the arms of the town of Beauvais, in France. So that, whichever way we twist it, we will be laughed at by everybody, and d
The Daily Dispatch: may 27, 1862., [Electronic resource], The U. S. Flag in the Revolution of 1861. (search)
The U. S. Flag in the Revolution of 1861. --A late number of the Christian Observer has an interesting article under the heading of "The U. S. Flag in the Revolution of 1861." a portion of which we copy: The attempts to re-establish the supremacy of that flag in the South have been peculiarly unfortunate Southern soil was first invaded in the occupation of Alexandria. The first act of Col. Ellsworth, on entering the city, was to tear down the Confederate flag upon the Marshall House U. S. Flag in the Revolution of 1861." a portion of which we copy: The attempts to re-establish the supremacy of that flag in the South have been peculiarly unfortunate Southern soil was first invaded in the occupation of Alexandria. The first act of Col. Ellsworth, on entering the city, was to tear down the Confederate flag upon the Marshall House — but he paid the penalty of his life. The bosom friend of Abraham Lincoln was the only man in his regiment killed at the time, and he lost his life in the first attempt to remove our flag from our soil. The next step after tearing down the Confederate flag was to raise the United States flag upon the market house in Alexandria. A rigger climbed the flagstaff to arrange the tackle for hoisting it. He fell and broke his neck. Death was the punishment to unfurl a flag the people had repudi