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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The battle of fleet Wood. (search)
ous eyes were cast toward the foot of the hill, where stood those three rifled guns, and around them the battle raged fiercely. Three times were they over-ridden by the Confederate Horse, and twice were they retaken by their friends. This statement has been courteously questioned by Colonel Thomas, of the First Pennsylvania Cavalry. My authority is this: Stuart states, in his report, that the Thirty-fifth Virginia Battalion penetrated to the enemy's artillery, but were driven back. Major Flournoy, commanding the Sixth Virginia Cavalry, states: We charged and took the battery, but were unable to hold it. Colonel Lomax, Eleventh Virginia Cavalry, says: I charged the enemy on the right of the Culpepper Court-House road, capturing a battery of three guns and many prisoners. --See Official report of battles, Richmond, 1864. These circumstances might easily have escaped Colonel Thomas' notice, on a field so confused and dusty. But Colonel Lomax, with the Eleventh Virginia, made the l
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 11: McDowell. (search)
annock, through the fears excited for Washington City, and thus assure the left flank of the army protecting Richmond against an assault from the direction of Fredericksburg. General Ewell was accordingly withdrawn from the Rappahannock towards Gordonsville, and then, towards the eastern outlet of Swift Run Gap. He brought with him three brigades, those of Brigadier-Generals R. Taylor, Trimble, and Elzey, with two regiments of cavalry, commanded by Colonel Th. S. Munford, and Lieutenant-Colonel Flournoy, with an adequate supply of field artillery. The whole formed an aggregate of about 8,000 men, in an admirable state of efficiency. The afternoon of April 30th, General Ewell entered Swift Run Gap, and took the position which General Jackson had just left to march towards Staunton. General Banks had been deceived by feints of an attack in force in the direction of Harrisonburg, on the previous day, and on that morning; so that he received no knowledge of the true direction of
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 12: Winchester. (search)
zey, and Stewart, and the cavalry regiments of Ashby, Munford, and Flournoy, with eight batteries of artillery. At Mossy Creek, he had been mape through this accident. In the forenoon, Colonel Ashby and Colonel Flournoy had been detached with all the cavalry except a company or twopassage of reinforcements or fugitives between the two posts. Colonel Flournoy, with his own and Colonel Munford's regiments, kept a short dithey had made one span of the bridge impassable for horsemen. Colonel Flournoy, however, accompanied by the General, with difficulty passed fperemptory determination was communicated to the whole party. Colonel Flournoy instantly hurled his forces in column against the enemy, and bwart, in temporary command of the cavalry regiments of Munford and Flournoy, was directed to strike the Winchester road at the village of Newtd its part in this pursuit as well as the four companies under Colonel Flournoy, two days before, in the pursuit from Front Royal, but a smal
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 27 (search)
r officers in Kentucky, two men will be shot or hung by the enemy. Thus the war will be still more terrible! Vallandigham has been sent to Shellbyville, within our lines. I think our people ought to give him a friendly greeting. May 28 There is some animation at the polls, this being election day. It is said Mr. Wickham, who for a long time, in the Convention, voted against the secession of Virginia, is leading Mr. Lyons, an original secessionist, and will probably beat him. And Flournoy, an old Whig politician, will probably be elected governor. A dispatch from Gen. Johnston, dated yesterday, says in every fight, so far, around Vicksburg, our forces have been successful, and that our soldiers are in fine spirits. Papers from the North have, in great headings, the word Vic-tory, and announce that the Stars and Stripes are floating over the City of Vicksburg! They likewise said their flag was floating over the Capitol in this city. If Vicksburg falls, it will be a
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Second paper by Colonel Walter H. Taylor, of General Lee's staff. (search)
(I do not know his name) to move his pieces to the rear. I also directed Lieutenant-Colonel Lindsay, commanding Sixteenth Louisiana Volunteers, upon my extreme right, to deploy his regiment as skirmishers in retreat, and Colonel Campbell and Major Flournoy, with the First, Thirteenth, Nineteenth and Twentieth, in all about two hundred and fifty muskets, to move to the rear, and to fight as they went. I also directed Colonel Hundly to deploy his men as skirmishers. The cavalry of the enemy chaaved themselves, under all circumstances, in a way to entitle them to the confidence of my superior officers. Colonel Hunter, Fourth Louisiana Volunteers; Major Picolet, commanding Thirtieth; Lieutenant-Colonel Lindsay, Colonel Campbell and Major Flournoy all gave every assistance and conducted their parts with skill and courage. I would particularly commend Lieutenant A. T. Martin, commanding battalion of Sharpshooters, for his conspicuous gallantry and skill, and regret to say he was wounde
ments Virginia cavalry were immediately sent forward to strengthen the picket on this road. Major Flournoy at this time held the front with the Sixth regiment and a squadron of sharp-shooters from the Ninth Virginia cavalry. About ten o'clock, Major Flournoy fell back to Brandy Station, and shortly thereafter Captain Moorman's artillery opened fire on the enemy from this point. Just then Generaroads. A very short time after this a sharp carbine fire announced their arrival at Brandy. Major Flournoy fell back rapidly, contesting every hill, and only giving way when in danger of being outfla their squadrons, which were carefully massed behind the declivity of a hill. Toward night, Major Flournoy, with the Sixth Virginia cavalry, was ordered to make a demonstration on the enemy, but no orders were given him to fight them. Major Flournoy formed his regiment and darted off. In a short time he had charged them three times most gallantly, driving before him a whole brigade of the enemy
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 15: the Army of the Potomac on the Virginia Peninsula. (search)
stand on a ridge a mile distant, from which he was soon pushed across the river. He attempted to burn the bridge behind him over the Shenandoah, but failed. His pursuers put out the flames, and he was soon overtaken by the cavalry of Ashby and Flournoy, when he again gave battle. In that encounter he was severely wounded, and himself and seven hundred of his men, with a section of rifled 10-pounders and his entire supply-train, fell into the hands of the victors. On the same day the Thirtyeneral Ewell, composed of the brigades of Generals Elzy, Taylor, and Trimble, the Maryland line, consisting of the First Maryland and Brockenborough's battery, under General George H. Stewart, and the Second and Sixth Virginia cavalry, under Colonel Flournoy. was rapidly making his way toward Winchester. It was Jackson's intention to cut Banks off from re-enforcements and capture or disperse his troops. Banks had perceived his danger too soon, and with his usual energy and skill he resumed his
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 19: the repossession of Alabama by the Government. (search)
The voyage Was, otherwise, a most delightful one, on that soft April evening, while the sun was shining. The Alabama is a very crooked stream, everywhere fringed with trees. Bluffs were frequent, with corresponding lowlands and swamps, opposite. It is a classic region to the student of American history, for its. banks and its bosom, from Montgomery to Mobile, are clustered with the most stirring associations of the Creek War, in which General Jackson and his Tennesseeans, and Claiborne, Flournoy, and others, appear conspicuous, with Weatherford as the central figure in the group of Creek chieftains. We were moored at Selma, on the right bank of the stream, at about midnight, at the foot of the bluff on which the town stands, and whchi was then crowned with the ruins of the cotton warehouses and other buildings, fired by Forrest. See page 519. We spent a greater part of the next day there. It, too, must have been a beautiful city in its best estate before the war. It was grow
r, after destroying his camp and stores. He tried to burn the bridge over the North Fork of the Shenandoah, but the Rebels were upon him and extinguished the flames. A few miles farther on, he was overtaken by the Rebel cavalry under Ashby and Flournoy, and a fight ensued, in which Col. K. was severely wounded, his train captured, and his command nearly destroyed. Fully 700 prisoners, a section of rifled 10-pounders, and a large amount of stores, were among the trophies of this Rebel triumph.of Gen. Ewell. comprising the brigades of Gens. Elzey, Taylor, Trimble. and the Maryland Line, consisting of the 1st Maryland regiment and Brockenbrough's battery, under Brig.-Gen. Geo. H. Stewart, and the 2d and 6th Virginia cavalry, under Col. Flournoy. On our side, Brig.-Gen. Gordon, in his official report, says: From the testimony of our signal officers, and from a fair estimate of the number in Rebel lines drawn up on the hights, from fugitives and deserters, the number of regim
-second Virginia infantry, mistaking us for the Yankees, fired into my advance squadron, causing a stampede, wounding several. The Yankees, pressing on my rear, captured eight men. Such management I never saw before. Had the batteries retired by echelon, and the cavalry in the same manner, we could have held our position, or driven back their cavalry by a counter charge from ours. But a retreat was ordered, and a disgraceful stampede ensued. Mortified and annoyed at such management, Colonel Flournoy, of the Sixth, accompanied me to see General Ewell, who was kind enough to intercede with General Jackson, and have us at once transferred to General Ashby's command. Here the gallant Ashby succeeded in rallying about fifty straggling infantry, and poured a volley into the Yankee cavalry, emptying many saddles, and giving them a check, clearing the road for the rest of the day. Ashby's cavalry, the Sixth, and a portion of the Second were all equally stampeded. We then marched across th
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