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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Stonewall Jackson in the Shenandoah. (search)
at their heels. Colonel Kenly, in his report, says that he was attacked about 2 P. M., and that he maintained his position in front of his camp until nearly 5 o'clock, when he found that he was flanked. Retiring, he made a stand at the river in his rear, and again at the cross-road leading to Middletown. At the last point his men were run down by overwhelming numbers and captured in detachments.--Editors. A large number were captured within four miles by a splendid cavalry dash of Colonel Flournoy and Lieutenant-Colonel Watts. News of this disaster reached Banks at Strasburg, by which he learned that Jackson was rapidly gaining his rear toward Newtown. The works Banks had constructed had not been made for defense in that direction, so he abandoned them and set out with all haste for Winchester; but, en route, near Newtown (May 24th), Jackson struck his flank, inflicting heavy loss, and making large captures of property, consisting of wagons, teams, camp-equipage, provisions,
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., chapter 6.38 (search)
ery: Va. Battery, Lieut. J. W. Latimer, Captain A. R. Courtney; Va. Battery, Capt. John A. M. Lusk; Va. Battery, Capt. Charles I. Raine; Va. Battery. Capt. William H. Rice. Artillery loss: Cross Keys, k, 8; w, 20; in, 8==36. cavalry, Col. Thomas S. Flournoy, Brig.-Gen. George H. Steuart, Brig.-Gen. Turner Ashby (k), Col. Thomas T. Munford: 2d Va., Lieut-Col. James W. Watts; Col. Thomas T. Munford; 6th Va., Col. Thomas S. Flournoy; 7th Va., Col. Turner Ashby (promoted Brig.-Gen. May 23d); VaCol. Thomas S. Flournoy; 7th Va., Col. Turner Ashby (promoted Brig.-Gen. May 23d); Va. Battery, Capt. R. P. Chew. Cavalry loss: Front Royal and Winchester (partial report), k, 11; w, 15 == 26. (Other casualties in the cavalry during the campaign are not specifically stated.) General Jackson reported his losses at Front Royal, Winchester, etc., from May 23d to 31st, as 68 killed, 329 wounded, and 3 missing == 400. At Cross Keys and Port Republic the casualties were 139 killed, 951 wounded, and 60 missing == 1150. As nearly as can be ascertained from the Official Records,
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The Confederate Army. (search)
ery: Va. Battery, Lieut. J. W. Latimer, Captain A. R. Courtney; Va. Battery, Capt. John A. M. Lusk; Va. Battery, Capt. Charles I. Raine; Va. Battery. Capt. William H. Rice. Artillery loss: Cross Keys, k, 8; w, 20; in, 8==36. cavalry, Col. Thomas S. Flournoy, Brig.-Gen. George H. Steuart, Brig.-Gen. Turner Ashby (k), Col. Thomas T. Munford: 2d Va., Lieut-Col. James W. Watts; Col. Thomas T. Munford; 6th Va., Col. Thomas S. Flournoy; 7th Va., Col. Turner Ashby (promoted Brig.-Gen. May 23d); VaCol. Thomas S. Flournoy; 7th Va., Col. Turner Ashby (promoted Brig.-Gen. May 23d); Va. Battery, Capt. R. P. Chew. Cavalry loss: Front Royal and Winchester (partial report), k, 11; w, 15 == 26. (Other casualties in the cavalry during the campaign are not specifically stated.) General Jackson reported his losses at Front Royal, Winchester, etc., from May 23d to 31st, as 68 killed, 329 wounded, and 3 missing == 400. At Cross Keys and Port Republic the casualties were 139 killed, 951 wounded, and 60 missing == 1150. As nearly as can be ascertained from the Official Records,
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The opposing forces at the Second Bull Run. August 16th-September 2d, 1862. (search)
= 361. Artillery: Va. Battery (Staunton Art'y), Lieut. A. W. Garber; Md. Battery (Chesapeake Art'y), Capt. William D. Brown; La. Battery (La. Guard Art'y), Capt. L. E. D'Aquin; Md. Battery, Capt. W. F. Dement; Va. Battery, Capt. John R. Johnson; Va. Battery (Courtney Art'y), Capt. J. W. Latimer. Artillery loss: k, 6; w, 20; m, 1= 27. cavalry division, Maj.-Gen. James E. B. Stuart. Robertson's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Beverly H. Robertson: 2d Va., Col. Thomas T. Munford (w); 6th Va., Col. Thomas S. Flournoy; 7th Va., Col. William E. Jones, Capt. Samuel B. Myers; 12th Va., Col. A. W. Harman; 17th Va. Battalion, Maj. W. Patrick (m w). Brigade loss: k, 18; w, 78; m, 18=114. Lee's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Fitzhugh Lee: 1st Va., Col. L. T. Brien; 3d Va.,-----; 4th Va., Col. W. C. Wickham; 5th Va., Col. Thomas L. Rosser; 9th Va., Col. W. H. F. Lee. Brigade loss (not reported). Artillery: Va. Battery (Stuart Horse Art'y), Capt. John Pelham. Loss: k, 1; w, 5 =6. The losses sustained by Longstr
red it, God's will have been accomplished. The argument was now exhausted. Be prepared; stand to your arms; defend your wives and firesides. He alluded to the momentous consequences of the issue involved. Rather than be conquered, let every second man rally to drive back the invader. The conflict may be terrible, but the victory will be ours. Virginians, said he, you fight for the preservation of your sacred rights — the land of Patrick Henry--to keep from desecration the tomb of Washington, the graves of Madison, Jefferson, and all you hold most dear. Three cheers were given for Mr. Stephens, and three for Jefferson Davis. The citizens repaired to the Spotswood House to serenade Col. Lee. Mayor Mayo appeared, and regretted that gentleman's absence; but having been appointed General of all the land forces of Virginia, he was then consulting with the Executive as to the proper measures to be pursued. The Hon. Thos. S. Flournoy and others afterwards addressed the crowd.
es while here and his limited stay in our city, he was compelled to decline the honor: Richmond, Va. April 25, 1861. To the Hon. A. H. Stephens, Commissioner of the Confederate States of America: Sir: The members of the Virginia State Convention, as a compliment to your official mission, and to your high individual character, tender to you a supper at such time as may suit your convenience. Jeremiah Morton, John R. Chambliss, William M. Tredway, J. G. Holladay, Thomas S. Flournoy, Charles K. Mallory. C. R. Slaughter. Most respectfully, Richmond, Va. 25th April, 1861. Gentlemen: Your very kind note, tendering me the compliment of a supper, has just been handed to me. This manifestation of regard for me personally and officially, be assured is very highly appreciated, and under ordinary circumstances it would afford me great pleasure to meet you and the members generally of your Convention around the festive board. But in the present state
The Convention. --Among the members of this body which arrived in Richmond yesterday, were R. M. Conrad, Winchester; C. R. Slaughter, Lynchburg; L. S. Hall, Wetzel; Jas. Barbour, Jr., Culpeper; J. B. Dorman, Lexington; J. M. Speed, Lynchburg; Thos. S. Flournoy, Halifax; Wood Bouldin, Charlotte. Hon. Jno. Janney, President of the Convention, has been in the city for some days. The Convention will no doubt reassemble at 12 o'clock in the hall of the House of Delegates.
The Daily Dispatch: June 17, 1861., [Electronic resource], The vote on the Ordinance of Secession. (search)
tegue, Allen T. Caperton, Edmund T. Morris, William P Jeremiah Morton, John R. Cham lise, William J. Seblett, Mantings Chairman, Johnson Cr k, Samuel A. Coffman, William C Parks, Raphael M. Conn, Wm. Ballard reston, James H. Cox, Geo. W. Randolph, Richard H. Cox, Geo. W. Richardson, John Cri Timothy Rives, Havey Deskins, Robert E. Scott, James B. Dorman, William C. Scott, John Echols, John T. Sowell, ler W. Fisher, James W. Sheffey, Thomas S. Flournoy, Charles R. Slaughter, William W. Forbes, Valentine W. Southall, Napoleon B. French, John M. Speed, Samuel M. Garland, Samuel G. Staples, H. L. Gillespie, James M. Strange, Samuel Graham, William T. Suthorlin, Ferdall Gregory, Jr, George P. Layle, William L. Goggin, John T. Th nion, John Goods, Jr., William M. Tredway, Thomas F. Goode, Robert H. Turner, F. L. Hale, Franklin P. Turner, Cyrus H John Tr, L. S. Hall, Edward Waller, Lewis
The ladies of Halifax. --Amongst the many patriotic ladies whose noble deeds command the approbation of the country, those of Halifax deserve especial notice. Having sent forth their husbands and sons to battle, they have formed themselves into societies to aid in clothing the brave defenders of our soil and to alleviate their sufferings. The "Wolf Trap Aid Society," but recently formed, promises unusual success, under the management of the following ladies: Mrs. Thos. S. Flournoy, President; Mrs. H. Chastain, Vice President; Mrs. D. A. Claiborne, Treasurer, Mrs. Wm. Clarke, Secretary.
6th Reg't. Va. Cavalry. --The Governor has made the following appointments in this regiment, viz: Lieut.-Col. Julian Harrison to be Colonel, vice Field, promoted; Major J. Grattan Cabell to be Lieut.- Colonel, vice Harrison, promoted; Capt. Thomas S. Flournoy to be Major, vice Cabell, promoted.