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es while here and his limited stay in our city, he was compelled to decline the honor: Richmond, Va. April 25, 1861. To the Hon. A. H. Stephens, Commissioner of the Confederate States of America: Sir: The members of the Virginia State Convention, as a compliment to your official mission, and to your high individual character, tender to you a supper at such time as may suit your convenience. Jeremiah Morton, John R. Chambliss, William M. Tredway, J. G. Holladay, Thomas S. Flournoy, Charles K. Mallory. C. R. Slaughter. Most respectfully, Richmond, Va. 25th April, 1861. Gentlemen: Your very kind note, tendering me the compliment of a supper, has just been handed to me. This manifestation of regard for me personally and officially, be assured is very highly appreciated, and under ordinary circumstances it would afford me great pleasure to meet you and the members generally of your Convention around the festive board. But in the present state