Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 30, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Floyd or search for Floyd in all documents.

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urse to be pursued with the garrison at Fort Sumter were discussed, Floyd and Thompson dwelling upon "the irritation of the Southern heart," dent, urging the immediate reinforcement of Sumter, while Thompson, Floyd, and Thomas contended that a quasi treaty had been made by the office to their violations of law and seizures of Government property. Floyd, especially, blazed with indignation at what he termed the "violatilled the President, were surprised and enraged to be thus rebuked. Floyd and Thompson sprang to their feet with fierce, menacing gestures, shat was the last Cabinet meeting on that exciting question in which Floyd participated. Before another was called all Washington was startleame; the door opened, his resignation was thrust into the room, and Floyd disappeared from Washington. Such was the end of Floyd and the begFloyd and the beginning of Stanton. Col. Corcoran. Col. Corcoran, of the New York 69th, writes two letters from his prison in Charleston to friends in