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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The gun-boats at Belmont and Fort Henry. (search)
avy Yard, where he was the executive officer. Foote, Schenck, and myself were then the only survivonely seas, and talking with a pious shipmate, Foote became convinced of the truth of the Christianhat made his company very desirable. Flag-Officer Foote arrived at Cairo September 12th, and relenemy fly in the greatest confusion. Flag-Officer Foote was at St. Louis when the battle of Belmof 1861-62, an expedition was planned by Flag-Officer Foote and Generals Grant and McClernand agains gallant ship (which, in the language of Flag-Officer Foote, had fought most effectively through tword the vessel was killed or wounded. flag-officer Foote during the action was in the pilot-housee Cincinnati and surrendered the Fort to flag-officer Foote, who sent for me, introduced me to Generted at the time that, in surrendering to Flag-Officer Foote, the Confederate general said, I am glado surrender to so gallant an officer, and that Foote replied, You do perfectly right, sir, in surre[5 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The defense of Fort Henry. (search)
four. Of the 54 men who went into action [see General Tilghman's report], 5 were killed, 11 wounded or disabled, and 5 missing. When the Essex dropped out of the fight I could see her men wildly throwing themselves into the swollen river. Admiral Foote reported that his flag-ship was struck thirty-eight times, and the commanding officers of gun-boats (with several of whom I had enjoyed a warm personal acquaintance) complimented me highly on what they termed the extraordinary accuracy of the fire. I believe that with effective guns the same precision of fire would have sunk or driven back the flotilla. The formal surrender was made to the naval forces; Lieutenant-Commander Phelps acting for Flag-Officer Foote, and I representing General Tilghman. The number captured, including Tilghman and staff, hospital attendants and some stragglers from the infantry, amounted to about seventy. During the evening a large number of army officers came into the fort, to whom I was introdu
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Sawing out the channel above Island number10. (search)
ir lives. During the whole work not a man was killed, injured, or taken sick. While all this was being done in front of the boats, Lieutenant Randolph was at work with his detachment in the rear in improvising gun-boats to supply the lack of Foote's. The barges used were coal-barges, about eighty feet long and twenty wide, scow-shaped, with both ends alike. The sides were six inches thick, and of solid timber. The original plan was to use three of the steamboats with a barge on each sidetection was prepared for a large number of sharp-shooters. The boats and barge gun-boats were kept concealed in the bayou, just back from New Madrid, for a day or two, till the soldiers could be prepared for the passage and attack. Meanwhile Foote concluded to risk the passage of the island with the Carondelet and afterward with the Pittsburgh, and the whole plan was changed; the gun-boats could move so much more rapidly that they were to silence the Confederate field-guns, while the trans
and to hold itself in readiness to act as circumstances might require, either in assaulting the works or in supporting the First division. In the mean time, the gunboats were prepared for action, and at half-past 12 o'clock this morning, Flag-Officer Foote opened a fire on the enemy's works, at seventeen hundred yards distance, from the iron-clad gunboats Cincinnati, (flag-ship,) Commander Stembel; Essex, Commander Porter; Carondelet, Commander Walke; and St. Louis, Lieut. Commanding Pauldingnd quantities of stores, etc., fell into the hands of the victors. The main body of the garrison escaped before the works were occupied by the victors. General Grant arrived at the fort within an hour after it had been surrendered, when Flag-Officer Foote gave up the fort and his prisoners, into the hands of the land forces, and, after having despatched Lieutenant Phelps, with the Conestoga, Tyler, and Lexington up the river, in pursuit of the enemy's gunboats, the Flag-Officer, with the Cin
manned by the Third Rhode Island detachment, under Capt. Gould, and effectively worked. There was no loss on the National side.--Brig-Gen. Viele's Report. The Ninth battery of Rhode Island Artillery, under the command of Lieut. Wightman, passed through New York, en route for Port Royal, S. C.--N. Y. Times, February 16. The President, through the Secretaries of War and the Navy, returned thanks to Brig.-Gen. Burnside and Flag-Officer Goldsborough, and to Brig.-Gen. Grant and Flag-Officer Foote, and the land and naval forces under their respective commands, for their gallant achievements in the capture of Fort Henry and at Roanoke Island. Bowling Green, Ky., was evacuated this morning by the rebels, and occupied by the National army under command of Brig.-Gen. D. C. BuelL The National troops reached Big Barren River, opposite the city, about two o'clock this afternoon, having accomplished a difficult march of forty miles in twenty-eight hours and a half. They found the b
inst the United States.--New York World, February 17. Brig.-Gen. Price, a son of Sterling Price, Col. Phillip, Major Cross, and Capt. Crosby were captured near Warsaw, Mo., by Capt. Stubbs, of the Eighth Iowa regiment. They had some five hundred recruits with them, in charge, but they had just crossed the Osage River, and as Capt. Stubbs had but a small force, he did not follow them.--N. Y. Commercial, February 20. The United States gunboat St. Louis, under command of Com. A. II. Foote, proceeded up the Cumberland River, Tennessee, this afternoon, and destroyed, a few miles above Dover, the Tennessee Iron Works, which had been used for the manufacture of iron plates for the rebel government. One of the proprietors, named Lewis, was taken prisoner.--Chicago Post. Fort Donelson, Tenn., with from twelve to fifteen thousand prisoners, at least forty pieces of artillery, and great quantities of stores, was surrendered, this morning, to the Union forces under Gen. Grant.
be torn up, and the bridges burned, which order was obeyed, and by this time the work of destruction is complete on a great part of the road. A rumor prevailed on the streets this afternoon, that Polk was preparing to evacuate Columbus to-morrow, remove all the guns, etc., and demolish the fortifications. The forces at New Madrid and Fort Pillow, together with the Columbus troops, are to repair at once to Memphis, and make a stand, making an army of about fifty thousand men. The city of Clarksville, on the Cumberland River, Tennessee, was taken possession of to-day by the National forces, under command of Flag-Officer A. H. Foote, U. S.N., having surrendered without an engagement. Two thirds of the inhabitants having fled from the town, Com. Foote, at the request of the Mayor, issued a proclamation, assuring all peaceably-disposed persons, that they might resume with safety their business avocations, requiring only the military stores and equipments to be given up.--(Doc. 52.)
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 14: battle and capture of Fort Henry by the Navy. (search)
he escape of the garrison, whilst the gun-boats were to attack as before mentioned. On the afternoon of the 5th, Flag-officer Foote came on board the Essex, and our crew were called to quarters for drill and inspection. After putting them through Arriving at the island chute, the line of battle was formed, the Essex on the extreme right, the Cincinnati, with Flag-officer Foote on board, on our left, the Carondelet on her left, and the St. Louis on the extreme left — the wooden boats taking nt to merit a vote of thanks, as appears from the following: Relative to a vote of thanks to General Grant, Flag Officer Foote and others, for their courage and gallantry exhibited in the bombardment of Fort Henry. Resolved by the General Asat the thanks of the people of Ohio be, and through their representatives are, hereby tendered to General Grant and Flag-officer Foote, and the brave men under their command, for the courage, gallantry and enterprise exhibited in the bombardment and
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 15: capture of Fort Donelson and battle of Shiloh. (search)
as writing about picks and shovels he informed Foote that he was only waiting for the return of thee water side were preparing for the attack. Foote, according to his own report, did not considerg about than a number of vessels in groups. Foote's vessels were struck about fifty times each bmen or guns. In this case the report of Flag-officer Foote was very indefinite, and he only gives areports. After the battle of Fort Donelson, Foote's gun-boats had to go to Cairo for repairs, whwas in his hands. Lieut. Gwin in writing to Foote, puts it Rear-Admiral Henry Walke, (Commanderilliant writers of history and biography that Foote sent the Carondelet to Fort Donelson upon a reort Donelson. From Commander Walke to Flag-officer Foote. U. S. Gun-Boat Carondelet, Paducathe following report of Commander Walke to Admiral Foote. U. S. Gun-Boat Carondelet, Near Forgratulatory orderFebruary 17th, 1862. Flag-officer Foote, the Commander-in-chief of the Naval For[12 more...]
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 16: operations on the Mississippi. (search)
the fire of the works at Fort Donelson, Flag-officer Foote proceeded to Cairo to repair some of hisme day that the above affair took place, Flag-officer Foote sent Lieut.-Com. Phelps to Columbus withs Gen. Pope's appeal for a gun-boat that Flag-officer Foote, for the first time, summoned a council with over fifty guns bearing on the vessels. Foote does not mention who was the exception, and whixteen mortar-rafts, while, according to Flag-officer Foote, the Confederates had thirteen gun-boats run the gauntlet of the batteries? But Flag-officer Foote still hesitated for reasons already giveNo.10 surrendered on the 7th of April to Flag-officer Foote just as he was preparing to attack with m the time he moved his army to New Madrid. Foote would no doubt have sent the ironclads down paretary of the Navy, in answer to that of Flag-officer Foote: General order, no. 7.U. S. Flagch courage and energy, ever since the day when Foote first left Cairo with the gun-boats and mortar[18 more...]