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and for the rights of his native State he would ever contend. The Chairman then requested some one to nominate a Secretary, and, on motion, F. S. West was appointed. On motion of Mr. Benjamin Bragg, the Chairman was instructed to appoint — a committee of fifteen, to prepare business for the meeting. Committee: Benj. Bragg, --Pleasants, Thos. Clemmitt, Wm. Snead, Geo. Bargamin, A. M. Bailey, Thos. Olvis, John A. Belvin, Jas, Walker, Robert Ware, Wm. Macfarlane, Thos. Elmore, Wm. Forbes, W. C. Barnes, W. S. O'Brien. Immediately after the appointment of the committee, there were loud calls upon various gentlemen to address the meeting. Mr. P. H. Aylett was called up, and amid the confusion was understood to say that he thanked the meeting for the compliment conveyed in this call, as it recognized his claims as a member of the great and honorable fraternity of working men. He expressed his readiness to address the meeting after the transaction of the business for whic
dent; H. K. Ellyson, Corresponding Secretary; J. E. Burress, Recording Secretary; J. B. Wood, Treasurer; A. M. Balley, Auditor. Other Managers--Joel B. Watkins, William M Young, William Sands, E. W. Roach, Miles Turkin, J. B. Jeter, A. Broaddus, H. W. Dodge, A. P. Fox, Napoleon Burke, Francis J. Barnes, J. C. Williams. J. L. Burrows, Charles S. Cocke, Jos. H. Fox, H. H. Wyer, T. W. Sydnor, W. P. Farish, J. F. Keesee, J. H. Cocke, John M. Murray. E. J. Willis, R. H. Bagby. David Shaver, William Forbes, Josiah Dabbs, T. G. Keen, F. M. Barker, M. W. Reed, J. B. Henderson. Sunday School and Publication Board,Richmond--W. H. Gwathmey, President; B. Grimsley, 1st Vice-President; A. Fleet, 2d Vice-President; Alexander H. Sands, Corresponding Secretary; P. B. Law, Recording Secretary; George J. Sumner, Treasurer; J. H. Beck, Auditor. Other Managers.--Samuel Wortham, W. A. Armistead, Charles H. Winston, W. B. Davidson, Joseph C. Courtney, R. H. Bosher, John C. Williams, Jordan H. Martin
Alarm of fire. --The alarm of fire on Saturday night, about 8 o'clock, was caused by Mr. Wm. Forbes's machine shop, on Main street, opposite the Spotswood House, having been set on fire by some unknown scoundrel. A timely discovery and vigorous application of water, prevented the destruction of a great deal of valuable property, some of which as this time could not be replaced.
that all requisitions for subsistence drawn from the Subsistence Department were directed by the Commissary General to Capt Forbes, the issuing Commissary. In carrying out the orders of the Quartermaster's Department for subsistence to be furnished prisoners, it was understood between Capt. Warner and Capt Forbes that the rations of meat should be of fresh beef when Capt. Forbes could supply it; and when beef was not to be had, the requisitions for meat rations should be filled by supplies ofCapt. Forbes could supply it; and when beef was not to be had, the requisitions for meat rations should be filled by supplies of bacon, bulk pork, or salt beef. The butcher for the Subsistence Department in Richmond was a certain George R. Wilson, upon whom orders were given by Capt. Forbes to supply rations of beef under the requisitions made by Capt. Warner. It appears frCapt. Forbes to supply rations of beef under the requisitions made by Capt. Warner. It appears from the statement of Wilson, herewith submitted, that orders were drawn upon him for fresh beef in favor of Capt. Warner on the 1st, 6th, 8th, 9th, 13th, 20th, 21st, 22d, and 23d days of November, which were not filled because the supply of beef on ha
In the cage. --The following subjects were arrested and locked up in the cage yesterday: William Butler, charged with stealing fifteen pairs of cotton cards, valued at $825, the property of William Forbes. Henry, slave of Wright & Ford, trespassing on Mrs. Gwathmey's premises, being without a pass, and carrying unlawful weapons. A free negro, named Emma Slaughter, charged with aiding and abetting Robert, slave of Thos. L. Courtney, to escape to the Yankees. Albert Baily, free, charged with enticing a slave belonging to William Stagg, of Petersburg, to run away.
es were bandaged all over, while Mrs. Donohoe and Mrs. O'Kieff each sported bruised checks and bruised, distended eyes. At the conclusion of the evidence, the Donohoes were discharged, but Mr. and Mrs. O'Kieff were required to enter into bonds to keep the peace and be of good behavior for twelve months. Four small boys, viz: John Bastin, Thos. Doland, Cary Trabue, and Joseph Pearman, appeared to answer the charge preferred against them of stealing fifteen pairs of cotton cards from William Forbes, which they offered for sale. The testimony elicited in the case proved the charge upon Bastin, but the others not being implicated to any serious degree with the robbery, they were discharged with an admonition. Bastin was remanded for a continuance of the examination. The Mayor postponed the case against John, a negro belonging to John B. Davis, charged with aiding and abetting Carter, slave of Dr. Cook, to escape to the Yankees by writing him a pass. Thornton, belonging to
Mayor's Court. --The following is a summary of the proceedings before the Mayor yesterday: Cornelius, slave of President Davis, charged with stealing money from his master, and attempting to escape to the Yankees, did not appear, he having escaped from the upper station-house after being locked up therein. A charge was preferred against William Butler and John Bastin, white boys, of stealing fifteen pairs of cotton cards, worth $800, from Wm. Forbes. The evidence implicating these boys with the theft, the Mayor remanded them for examination before the Hustings Court. The charge against Henry, slave of Wright & Ford, of trespassing on the premises of Mrs. Gwathmey, being without a pass, and carrying unlawful weapons, was examined into, and the accused ordered to receive thirty lashes. Emma Slaughter, a free negress, made her appearance to answer the charge of aiding and abetting Robert, slave of Wm. Gibbes, of Lynchburg, to escape to the Yankees.--The Mayor, a
pped for stealing money and wearing apparel from Sally Brockmore. Reuben Manheim, alias Reuben Morris, charged with obtaining, under false pretences, a piece of cloth, valued at one thousand eight hundred dollars, the property of Samuel M. Price, was remanded for trial before Judge Lyons. Washington, slave of Lyttleton Bowles, charged with breaking into the house of Robert W. Oliver and stealing a lot of corned beef and a turkey, was ordered to receive thirty-nine lashes. Catherine, wife of Washington, charged with receiving the same, knowing them to have been stolen, was discharged upon the payment of costs of prosecution. Amanda, slave of William Forbes, and John, slave of Frank Allen, charged with breaking into the dwelling-house of Samuel W. Allen with intent to commit a larceny were each ordered to receive thirty-nine lashes on their bare backs. One or two other cases of a trivial character were disposed of; after which the court adjourned till this morning.