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The recent Homicide --The preliminary examination of Robert S. Forde, for shooting and killing Robert E. Dison, Clerk of the Confederate States House of Representatives, on Friday last, was appointed to take place before the Mayor at the City Hall yesterday. When the case was called, all the witnesses on both sides not being present, it was continued by consent till Saturday, May 2d. In the examination of witnesses before the Coroner's jury, mention was made of a letter written by the pnjustice. I therefore address you this communication with the hope that it is not yet too late for you to reconsider your action of yesterday, and redress an unprovoked wrong. Should such fail to be the case, I can only notify you to be prepared for a settlement of the matter as soon as we shall meet. Robert S. Forde. P. S.--Any communication that you might possibly desire to make can be sent to me up to five o'clock this evening at Starke's Bookstore, Main street. R. S. F.
missed. Ann Shay was fined $5 for allowing her stove pipe to get out of order and become dangerous to people residing in an adjoining house. George Farrell, arrested as a suspicious character, was committed in default of $300 surety to keep the peace, and be of good behavior. Bill Washington, slave of Steward Lomax, of Prince George county, was examined for stealing a gold watch from Hartman Jones, colored fisherman from Charles City county, and sent before the Hustings Court for final trial. The examination of John Murphy, for shooting Martin Callahan, was further continued till the 7th of May. Frances Kelley was examined for being engaged in a riot on the 2d of April, and sent on to Judge Meredith's Court for misdemeanor. Robert S. Forde, charged with shooting and killing R. E. Dixon, on Bank street, in this city, Friday week last, waived a preliminary examination before the Mayor and had the case sent on to a Court of Hustings called for next Friday.
Murder trial. --The examination of Robert S. Forde, for the murder of Ro. E Dixon, Clerk of the C. S. Congress, will commence to-day at 10 o'clock, before the Aldermen's Court of Hustings.
Hustings Court. --In accordance with the order of the previous day the case of Robert S. Forde, charged with the murder of Robert E. Dixon, Clerk of the House of Representatives, was taken up in this Court yesterday. Mr. Crump, for the defence, submitted a motion for a continuance of the case until the next term of the Court, on account of the absence of material witnesses. The motion was argued throughout the entire day by Messrs. Crump and Randolph, and Senators Simms and Burnett, of Kentucky, counsel for the defence, and Mr. Daniel, attorney for the Commonwealth. The Court, at a late hour last evening, decided to grant the motion, and the case was accordingly continued to the next term, commencing on the second Monday in June.
Examination of Robert S. Forde,charged with the murder of Robert R. Dixon [reported for the Richmond Dispatch] Hustings Court, June 9, 1863 --Present: Recorder Caskie, and Aldermen Sanxay, Gwathmey, Timberlake, and Jonse. The first case taken up was that of Robert S. Forde, on the charge of shooting and killing Robert E. Dixon, in this city, on the 24th day of April last. Messrs. Randolph and Crump appeared for the accused, and Mr. R. T. Daniel for the Commonwealth. Dr.Robert S. Forde, on the charge of shooting and killing Robert E. Dixon, in this city, on the 24th day of April last. Messrs. Randolph and Crump appeared for the accused, and Mr. R. T. Daniel for the Commonwealth. Dr. Peachy was the only witness for the Commonwealth ascertained to be absent. Several witnesses for the defence were not present. Gen. Randolph, prisoner's counsel, asked a postponement until Thursday, to afford time to hunt up witnesses believed to be in the city. The Court refused to continue the case, but sent an officer after absent witnesses. The witnesses for the Commonwealth were then sworn. Washington Goodrich was the first witness, who deposed: That on the 24th day o
Examination of Robert S. Forde.charged with the Murder of Robert E Dixon. [reported for the Richmond Dispatch.] Hustings Court, June 10, 1863. --Present: Recorder Caskie, Aldermen Sanxay, Gwathmey, Timberlake, and Jones. The examination of the witnesses in the case of Robert S. Forde for the shooting of Robert E. DixRobert S. Forde for the shooting of Robert E. Dixon was resumed. Geo. W. Thomas deposed: Was coming out of the Treasury Department, and was attracted by the report of a pistol; ran out upon the pavement; saw Forde fire; Dixon was not in view from where he stood; did not see the first fire, but heard it, ran up as fast as he could; Dixon was then staggering on the pavement anrt was prolonged, and be at first thought it was the fire of a musket; saw Forde fire four times and Dixon twice; he went over to Forde and said to him, "My God, Mr. Forde, what does this mean? You have shot that gentleman, and I am afraid you have killed him." Forde replied, "I am sorry for it; I had a difficulty with that gentle
Judge Lyons's Court. --The quarterly session of Judge Lyons's Court will commence this morning at 10 o'clock. The case of Robert S. Forde, for the murder of Mr. Dixon, Clerk of the C. S. House of Representatives, some time since, will be brought up for examination, and it is desirable that witnesses and furors should attend promptly. The docket is a heavy one, and in order to ensure a speedy termination of the business to be disposed of, no obstacle ought to be thrown in the way of trying the cases as they are called.
Trial of Forde. --In Judge Lyons's Court yesterday the preliminary steps to the examination of Robert S. Forde, for the murder of Mr. Dixon, Clerk of the House of Representatives, in April last, occupied the whole day. The counsel for the prisoner moved to quash the indictment upon the ground that the prisoner had not been properly examined in the first place. Mr. Sanxay, who acted as Coroner at the inquest, having been one of the Justices of the Examining Court which sent Forde on for trial, said examination was therefore invalid, inasmuch as he (Sanxay) had no right to act as a committing magistrate and as a Coroner also.--The Commonwealth's Attorney contended that Sanxay merely acted as Coroner, and not as a Justice of the Peace, and that, therefore, he did not make the commitment, but that said commitment was made by the Mayor.--When acting as Coroner, Sanxay had no more right to commit than any other Coroner.--At the conclusion of the argument on both sides, the Judge desi
The Daily Dispatch: January 23, 1864., [Electronic resource], The New Confederate cruiser Rappahannock. (search)
In want of a Jary. --The entire session of Judge Lyons's court yesterday was taken up in a jury for the trial of Robert S. Forde, of Ky., charged with the murder in April last of Robert E Dixon, of Georgia. Out of the first panel of twenty four who were originally summoned, only five were considered eligible, after which the Judge ordered the sergeant of the city to summon one hundred more. Only sixty four of this number could be obtained, from which fourteen more were drawn as competent to sit in the case, making nineteen out of the eighty-four who had been summoned. The hour of adjournment having arrived, the Judge direct, that the Sergeant should have forty more jurymen summoned, from which to make a selection of five men this morning. The Court meets exactly at ten o'clock, and as there is but little doubt that the jury will be made up as soon as the Court is opened, the trial of Ferde will forthwith commence. Witnesses and jurors are requested to be punctual in th
Trial of Forde — a jury obtained. --In a short while after the opening of Judge Lyons's Court on Saturday, the live men necessary to make up the number of twenty-four from whom to draw twelve jurymen to sit in the case of Robert S. Forde, charged with the murder of Robert E Dixon, were obtained. The following are the names of those constituting the jury: E. A. Smith, James C. Johnson, Samuel D. Hicks, Powhatan E. Dapuy, Peter Vail, Henry Bodeker, James W. New, L. Oldham, Thomas Jones, Charles H. Sinton, Richard L. Brown, and A. Wolff. After the administration of the usual oaths to the jurors and witnesses, the hour of three o'clock having arrived, on motion of Gen. Humphrey Marshall, the Court adjourned till this morning at 10 o'clock. The punctual attendance of witnesses is earnestly desired.
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