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loss is heavy; that of the enemy much greater. Braxton Bragg, General Commanding. Murfreesboro, January 1, 1863. General S. Cooper: The expedition under General Forrest has fully accomplished its object. The railroads are broken in various places. A large amount of stores has been destroyed, many arms captured, and one thout of our infantry and covering all approaches within ten miles of Nashville. Buford's small cavalry brigade of about six hundred at McMinnville. The brigades of Forrest and Wagoner, about five thousand effective cavalry, were absent on special service in West-Tennessee and Northern Kentucky, as will be more fully noticed hereafteare soon expected, when they will be promptly forwarded. During the time the operations at Murfreesboro were being conducted, important expeditions under Brig.-Gens. Forrest and Morgan, were absent in West-Tennessee and Northern Kentucky. The reports already forwarded, show the complete success which attended the gallant brigad
Doc. 28.-report of General Negley. Report of General Negley. headquarters United States forces, camp Nashville, Tenn., November 5, 1862. sir: This morning at two o'clock Forrest's rebel cavalry, numbering about three thousand, with artillery, made an attack on our picket-line on the south, between the Franklin and Lebanon pikes. The picket-line on the Murfreesboro road gradually withdrew, with the purpose of bringing the enemy under the guns of Fort Negley, two of which were opened upon the enemy, and speedily drove him beyond the range. Almost simultaneously with the attack on the south, John Morgan's forces, twenty-five hundred strong, with a piece of artillery, made a dash on Col. Smith's command on the north side of the river, with the evident intention of destroying the railroad and pontoon-bridges. After a sharp contest, in which several companies of Illinois troops behaved with great gallantry, Morgan was repulsed, leaving a stand of regimental colors in our
they are under the immediate control of the department commander, and have even less liberty than the infantry. Whatever the cavalry was in the early part of the war in our late campaigns, both here and in Virginia, they have shown quite as great efficiency as the infantry. As an instance of this, Col. Kennett, with some one thousand two hundred cavalry and two pieces of artillery, parts of the First and Second brigades, held Hartsville for two weeks in the very face of both Morgan's and Forrest's cavalry and a body of infantry and eight pieces of artillery. He kept us on the continual alert, and a large scout went out every day, driving in their pickets and skirmishing with them. Our place was taken by three regiments of infantry with two pieces of cannon and a few cavalry, and the result was the capture of all in less than ten days time by the same forces opposed to us. The First brigade, commanded by the brave Colonel E. M. McCook, of the Second Indiana, were, after frequen
jutant-General: I herewith transmit a report of the raid of General Forrest, of the rebel army, on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, and the a-General Grant, giving information from Major-Gen. Rosecrans, that Forrest was moving with his force toward the Tennessee River, and orderingen, and I was confident that with my force I could hold it against Forrest's entire command. On the fifteenth, news was received that ForrForrest was crossing the Tennessee River at Clifton, immediately east of Jackson. Col. Ingersoll, Chief of Cavalry on Gen. Sullivan's staff, ord force of cavalry or infantry, unless accompanied by artillery. Forrest's demonstration toward Jackson, with a portion of his force, was millery to spare. On Saturday morning I learned from scouts that Forrest had encamped at Spring Creek with his entire force. I telegraphedminutes. The terms of the surrender were unconditional; but General Forrest admitted us to our paroles, the next morning, sending the Tenn
n, when a flag of truce, borne by an aid of Gen. Forrest, approached. I rode forward and demanded h Sullivan, not knowing whether this came from Forrest or not, but opined that some body was in trouas extremely desirous of advancing alone upon Forrest; but upon making known his wish, Gen. Sullivaent out three hundred mien four miles towards Forrest's advance to take and occupy a second bridge h, toward Lexington, it being understood that Forrest's force, unknown to the Federals, had made a from this expedition. It is to be hoped that Forrest may not be allowed to quit the country in conon, Wayne County, Tennessee, where they met Gen. Forrest's forces returning from Parker's Cross-Roadollows: On the thirty-first of December, Gen. Forrest was returning from his successful expeditione man was lost in fighting their way out. Forrest went over with about three thousand five hundthey retired. It is positively asserted that Forrest, with his pistol, killed one abolitionist acr[24 more...]
jor-General Wheeler, Brig.-General Wharton, Col. Forrest, and five thousand or six thousand men, withe command of Major-Gen. Wheeler and Brigadier-Generals Forrest and Wharton. It is certainly very g as high as eight thousand--under Wheeler and Forrest; the former said to have lately been made a Mwell as loss, of the gallant Eighty-third. Forrest admits a loss of two hundred killed, includinding three captains and several lieutenants. Forrest's son is reported dangerously wounded. Woodw Although I think this is the last attempt Forrest or Wheeler will make in this vicinity, it is t evening in Franklin, where he had ordered Gen. Forrest, Wharton, and Major Hodgson (commanding parted, had gained the rear of the town, while Gen. Forrest, with his brigade mounted, and in line of bd back before they again sweep the outworks. Forrest turns in his saddle, tells his troopers that e, more than a mile long, at first walks off. Forrest is seen in its front. It gains the eminence.[1 more...]
d ability. Colonel Gilbert and Major Miller both had their horses shot from under them in the early part of the fight. The battery used nothing but shell, and apparently had very little effect upon the enemy. I should judge that the engagement commenced about ten A. M. and closed at half-past 2 P. M. Information which was received the fifth, of the force that had been engaged the fourth, tended to the belief that it was about two thousand cavalry, with four pieces of artillery, under General Forrest. On the fifth, two negroes who claimed to have deserted from Van Dorn's command, came into camp as we were starting out, and stated that there was a force at Spring Hill of at least twenty thousand. I know of no other information being communicated to Colonel Coburn of the strength and position of the enemy. On the morning of the fifth, Colonel Coburn hesitated about starting, and appearing to be awaiting orders, but finally said, Well, Lieutenant, addressing myself, if we must g
anklin, Tenn., March 28, 1863. the cavalry engagement between our forces, under General Green Clay Smith, and the rebels under Cols. Stearns and Wheeler and Gen. Forrest, near Franklin, Tenn., deserved more than a passing notice. Considering the disparity of the numbers on each side, and the complete success of our forces, it enemy's lines, and Major Smith was sent out in advance to meet it. He received a written message, stating that we were entirely surrounded by a large force of General Forrest's command, demanding an immediate and unconditional surrender, and stating that upon refusing to comply, we should be cut to pieces. The answer returned was:three wounded in the engagement. The enemy, to my knowledge, had one killed and five wounded. The enemy's force consisted of three brigades, commanded by Generals Forrest, Armstrong, and Stearns, and a battalion of Independent Scouts, under the command of Major Sanders, numbering in all not less than five thousand men. An a
ight batteries opened upon them with murderous effect, literally strewing the ground with men and horses. I had halted Stanley four miles out on the Murfreesboro road. He at once crossed his forces over at Heights's Mills, vigorously attacking Forrest's divisions, moving down on the Lewisburgh pike, capturing six pieces of artillery and some two hundred prisoners; but, owing to the unfavorable nature of the country, was unable to hold them, being attacked by greatly superior numbers, outflankem to some extent. Dearly, however, they paid for it, as a very small proportion of them escaped either death or capture. Van Dorn advanced on the Columbia pike with a battery of artillery. Cosby came by the Lewisburgh pike, while Starnes and Forrest were essaying to make the rear of our works by a road crossing the Harpeth three miles east of town, and known as the Nichol Mill Road. In anticipation of this move on their part, Gen. Granger had sent a large body of cavalry, under Gen. Stanle
ey were in position as had been stated by General Forrest. There was another reason not less potenccurred until the twenty-eighth. On that day Forrest with his brigade, having been ordered by me f three wounded. The loss of the enemy heavy. Forrest falling back. On the twenty-eighth, ForresForrest discovered a heavy force of cavalry, under Colonel Streight, marching on Moulton and Blountsvillehe loss of five killed and fifty wounded--Captains Forrest and Thompson, it is feared, mortally. The days and nights of fighting and marching, Gen. Forrest captured Col. Streight and his whole commanntinel account. Rome, Ga., May 7. General Forrest received news that large forces of Yankeeced upon him by a military necessity. As General Forrest was in such close pursuit of Colonel Streant achievements for our arms of the war. General Forrest and his glorious men captured a force of ke down and were overtaken and paroled by General Forrest. Horses, mules, wagons, arms, and equipm[5 more...]