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Doc. 9. fight at round Mountain, Tenn. Colonel Grose's report. Murfreesboro, Tennessee, August 30, 1862. General J. Ammon. McMinnville, Tennessee: I arrived here this morning at six o'clock. The forces under my command had an engagement with General Forrest between three and four o'clock P. M., on the twenty-seventh instant, at Round Mountain, two and a half miles from Woodbury. He made the attack upon our rear, and, as he supposed, upon our train. But instead of my train, his heavy force came in contact with the Twenty-third Kentucky, under Colonel Mundy. The enemy were handsomely repulsed, and with a portion of Captain Mendenhall's battery, the right wing of the Thirty-sixth Indiana, and Colonel Mundy's regiment, we pursued and drove them over two miles, scattering them in every direction. Our loss is four of the Twenty-third Kentucky, and one of Lieutenant-Colonel Cochran's cavalry wounded. The loss of the enemy is much larger. Your obedient servant, W. Grose
eek (C. and N. R. R.), between the troops temporarily under my command, and the enemy under General Forrest. At eight A. M. the train containing the Forty-fourth United States colored infantry, an for Nashville, but when near Mill Creek, he was attacked by a rebel cavalry command, under General Forrest. The fight that ensued was quite creditable to the forces under Colonel Johnson. Colonel Jnt on this day. Being now within half a day's march of Bainbridge, where I knew the whole of Forrest's cavalry had but just crossed the river, it was necessary to advance with more caution. We reelieved to be Armstrong's brigade, which I afterwards learned definitely, had been sent back by Forrest from Barlow Station, to reinforce Roddy and protect General Hood's trains. At Leighton I lea-all (of Lieutenant-Colonel Prosser's command) in the charge on Russel's force. The whole of Forrest's cavalry, except Armstrong's brigade, was at Okalona, Mississippi, within one day's march of u
remainder, with General Roddy, taking the roads to Tuscumbia and Florence. Towards dark a new force appeared in our front, on the Tuscumbia road, believed to be Armstrong's brigade, which I afterwards learned definitely, had been sent back by Forrest from Barlow Station, to reinforce Roddy and protect General Hood's trains. At Leighton I learned that Hood had commenced crossing the river at Bainbridge on Sunday morning, and finished on Tuesday evening, marching at once towards Corinth. Tn hundred and fifty and one thousand stand of arms, and captured a considerable number of pistols. Our entire loss, one man killed and two wounded--all (of Lieutenant-Colonel Prosser's command) in the charge on Russel's force. The whole of Forrest's cavalry, except Armstrong's brigade, was at Okalona, Mississippi, within one day's march of us when the supply train was captured. He had been sent there as soon as he crossed at Bainbridge on Tuesday evening, to repel our cavalry from Memphi
noon, encamp for the night, and wait the following morning for the cavalry to move out, with which, as already stated, I had been instructed to co-operate. While at Duck River we learned that the enemy had thrown several pieces of artillery into the river, being unable to get them across. We also learned that his rear guard was composed of all the organized infantry that could be drawn from his army, which was placed under the command of General Walthall, and his cavalry, commanded by General Forrest. After advancing some five miles south of Columbia, the afternoon of the twenty-third, the head of the corps came on a party of the enemy posted advantageously in a gap, through which the highway passed, with enclosing heights on either side. I ordered Brigadier-General Kimball, commanding the leading division, to deploy two regiments as skirmishers, to bring up a section of artillery, and with this force to advance and dislodge the enemy from the pass. The service was handsomely
w said he had been in seventeen battles, but was never under such a heavy musketry fire before as that they encountered from us. The success that had attended General Forrest's army in repelling Grierson's and Morgan L. Smith's column that was moving to co-operate with General Sherman in the Meridian expedition, and his late decideunded rebel officers said that the whole force of the enemy was about fifteen thousand. Lieutenant-General S. D. Lee commanded in person. Prisoners said that General Forrest and General Lee disagreed, and that if Forrest had his way we should not have been so successful. The following are our losses, obtained from official resoForrest had his way we should not have been so successful. The following are our losses, obtained from official resources; In First division, General Mower's, First brigade, Colonel McMillen: killed, fifteen; wounded, seventy-four; missing, four. Total, ninety-three. Second brigade, Colonel McClure, (succeeding Colonel Wilkin, who was killed): killed, four; wounded, twenty-two; missing, four. Total, thirty. Third brigade, Colonel Wood
se armies, he had a large cavalry force under Forrest, in North-east Mississippi; a considerable fotroops. The cavalry force of the enemy under Forrest, in Northern Mississippi, was evidently waitiths of March and April, this same force under Forrest annoyed us considerably. On the twenty-fourterrillas and raiders, seemingly emboldened by Forrest's operations, were also very active in Kentuc a severe fight were compelled to surrender. Forrest destroyed the railroad westward, captured theOn the morning of the thirtieth one column of Forrest's command, under Buford, appeared before Hunt handsomely repulsed. Another column under Forrest appeared before Columbia on the morning of thby General Thomas to destroy the forces under Forrest before he could recross the Tennessee, but waOn the twenty-fifth he surprised and captured Forrest's dismounted camp at Verona, Mississippi, on ured the fortified city of Selma, defended by Forrest with seven thousand men and thirty-two guns, [6 more...]
mpbell, when he was requested to grant Major-General Forrest a personal interview, and complied withville October third. On the withdrawal of Forrest's troops from Athens a garrison was sent to rt toward Huntaville, and the remainder, under Forrest in person, moved through Lynchburg toward Colding its own nobly. The second column (under Forrest in person, and estimated at three thousand mecure the crossing at that place in advance of Forrest, while General Rousseau, already on the way t Rousseau's command at that point. Lieutenant Commander Forrest, United States Navy, commanding the in crossing Elk river; and on the same night Forrest passed through Lawrenceburg. A report was ref the Tennesse from Decatur to Tuscumbia, and Forrest, with the main cavalry force, was reported atawait further instructions. In the mean time Forrest was moving eastward from Corinth, MississippiWalthall, and all his available cavalry under Forrest. With the exception of his rear guard, his a[12 more...]
raph from Grand Junction to Corinth, and also cut it and destroyed four bridges between Booneville and Guntown, on the Mobile and Ohio road. The main column then moved rapidly on Tupelo, and on Christmas night surprised, captured, and dispersed Forrest's dismounted camp at Verona. Here they captured six officers and twenty men, destroyed two trains of sixteen cars each, loaded with new wagons, pontoons, supplies, &c., for good, burnt three hundred army wagons, most of which had been captured from Sturgis, destroyed four thousand, new Engliah carbines which were for Forrest's command, and large amounts of ordnance stores and ammunition, with quartermaster's stores and commissary stores for Hood's army. From Verona the command moved south along the line of the road, destroying it thoroughly to a point between Egypt and Prairie stations. At Okolono telegrams were taken from the wires from Lieutenant-General Taylor and Major-General Gardner, ordering Egypt to be held at all hazar
via Selma and Montgomery, Alabama, to reinforce that portion of the enemy's army operating against General Sherman. There remained in Central Mississippi, under General Taylor, but one corps of the enemy's infantry, and about seven thousand of Forrest's cavalry, the headquarters of the command being at Meridian, Mississippi. On the sixth of February a communication was received from Lieutenant-General Grant, directing an expedition, commanded by General Stoneman, to be sent from East Tenne, and General Long and Colonels Miller and McCormick among the latter. General Upton met with less resistance than Long — entered the enemy's works and the town, capturing many prisoners. In the darkness and confusion following the assault Generals Forrest, Buford, Adams, Armstrong, and others, made their escape. Lieutenant-General Dick Taylor had left earlier in the afternoon. As the fruits of the victory, however, there remained twenty-six guns and two thousand seven hundred prisoners, bes
G. Cooke, Seventeenth United States colored infantry, and Captain C. G. Penfield, Forty-fourth United States colored infantry, by a company of scouts belonging to Forrest's command, numbering thirty-six men, commanded by Captain Harvey. As soon as captured we were robbed of everything of any value, even to clothing. We were kept a small town called Lewisburg, some eighteen miles south of Duck river. There the officers were sent under a guard of four men to report, as I supposed, to General Forrest's headquarters. The guards told us that was their destination. They took us along the pike road leading from Lewisburg to Masesville about four miles, and tre decently buried on the premises of Colonel John C. Hill, near-by. The shooting occurred on the twenty-second, and on the twenty-third, about mid-day, one of Forrest's men came to the house where I was lying, and inquired for me; said that he had come to kill me. The man of the house said it was entirely unnecessary, as I was