Browsing named entities in Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders.. You can also browse the collection for Fox or search for Fox in all documents.

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ary and naval expeditions from New York. consultation of the Cabinet on the Sumter question. Capt. Fox's visit to Charleston. his project. objections of Gen. Scott. singular article in a New Yoret and sedulous consultation, that extended through several weeks. About the last of March, Capt. Fox, of the Federal Navy, was sent to Charleston by the government, and stated that his object wasight angles to the Confederate line of fire, and thirteen hundred yards distant --a feat which Capt. Fox argued was entirely practicable, and that many safe examples of it had been furnished by the Cevice was at last conceived. On the afternoon of the 4th of April, President Lincoln sent for Capt. Fox, and said he had decided to let the expedition go, but he would send a messenger from himself is extraordinary conduct of the naval expedition is found in a curious account from the pen of Capt. Fox himself. He writes: As we neared the land, heavy guns were heard, and the smoke and shells fr
unition, and more than one hundred thousand dollars worth of commissary stores. There was also recovered about $900,000 of coin of which the Lexington Bank had been robbed, in accordance with Fremont's instructions, which Gen. Price ordered to be immediately restored to its owners. The capture of Lexington and the bold and brilliant movements of the Missouri patriots in other parts of the State-among them the operations in Southeastern Missouri of the partisan Jeff. Thompson and his Swamp Fox brigade --excited rage and alarm in the Washington administration. Gen. Fremont, who was severely censured for not having reinforced Mulligan, hoped to recover his position by activity and success; he put himself at the head of the army, and advanced towards Jefferson City, sending back the promise that he would overwhelm Price. It was at this period that Gen. Price found his position one of the greatest emergency. He had received intelligence that the Confederate forces, under Gens. Pillo
he place of ambush was reached about dark. In the mean time Pollard's force had been increased by a detachment from the 24th Virginia Cavalry, Capt. McGruder commanding, and now numbered about seventy or eighty men. These were also joined by Capt. Fox, of the 5th Virginia Cavalry, with a few men, and he, being the ranking officer, assumed command of the whole force, which was ranged along the road in ambush. Scouts were sent out to ascertain the whereabouts of the enemy, who, it was foundieve that all present did their duty, only to find that all the credit was afterwards claimed, with a considerable degree of success among the ignorant, by those who were not present. The credit of the command of our party belongs alone to Capt. Fox, than whom there was no more chivalric spirit in either army. In making this statement, I am actuated only by a desire to do justice to the memory of one who was too unassuming to sound his own trumpet. I am also told, by soldiers, that Lieut