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rom Hilton Head are to the 22d, but the news is unimportant: On the 17th, the survey steamer Bibb, while sounding the channel off Battery Bee, struck a torpedo, which exploded, throwing the bow of the vessel out of water, but she sustained no material damage, and none of her officers or crew are injured. A number of torpedoes have been raised, and the search is progressing.--The work of sounding the channel and fixing lights is progressing rapidly. Secretary Welles, Assistant Secretary Fox and Major-General Anderson are to visit Charleston and raise Fort Sumter's old flag. General Saxton has established his headquarters in Charleston. The execution of Captain Kennedy. Captain Robert Kennedy, convicted of being a Confederate spy, was executed on Saturday at Fort Lafayette. An account says: At 12:55 o'clock, Colonel Burke, the commandant of the fort, Marshal Murray and his deputy, the executioner, and two reporters, entered the cell of the condemned