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Your search returned 15 results in 7 document sections:
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), History of Crenshaw Battery , (search)
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), North Carolina and Virginia . (search)
The Daily Dispatch: may 23, 1861., [Electronic resource], A true friend of his country. (search)
A true friend of his country.
--The following pleasant paragraph is from the Kanawha Valley Star:
Capt. Thomas R. Friend, of this county, has contributed 250 bushels of wheat to the fund for the support of the volunteers of this section.
He has an abundance of grain, a mill to grind it and teams to haul it, hundreds of fat cattle, sheep and hogs, and authorizes us to say that all these will be freely given in defence of Virginia.
The troubles bring with them this consolation, the assurance that the spirit of unselfish patriotism has not yet departed.
The Legislature.
--In the Senate yesterday a communication from the Governor was read, enclosing a message from the Governor of Georgia, in regard to the supply of salt.
Ordered to be printed and referred to the Committee on Salt.
A bill was reported to authorize the Board of Public Works to modify the contract of lease between the State agent and Thomas R. Friend.
The Committee of Courts of Justice asked to be discharged from the further consideration of a resolution of inquiry in regard to amending the act of 1862 entitled an act further to provide for the public defence, so as to provide some mode of granting exemptions in certain cases, a bill having been reported on the subject.
The following resolutions of inquiry were submitted: By Mr. Newman, of Mason: Of preventing by law during the existing war the killing of sheep, of calves under one year old, or of pigs under six months old. By Mr. Christian, of Augusta: Of further legislation to prevent the crime of
The Daily Dispatch: October 17, 1863., [Electronic resource], The Legislature. (search)
The Legislature.
--In the Senate the bill to modify the salt contract between Stuart, Buchanan & Co. and Thomas R. Friend, was taken up and passed.
House substitute for the Senate bill to arm and equip the State forces was received and, on motion of Mr. Armstrong, laid on the table.
The bill to regulate prices was then taken up, and continued under discussion.
In the House the Senate bill to supply deficiencies for the support of the Central Lunatic Asylum was read a second time and committed.
Senate bill to enlarge the powers of the Common Council of Petersburg — giving authority to suppress gaming and disorder — was ordered to its third reading and passed.
The Senate's amendments to the amendments of the House to the bill to suppress gaming were taken up, and, after considerable discussion, which was participated in by Messrs. Anderson, Hall, Pendleton, Tomlin, Shackelford, and others, adopted by a vote of ayes 56, noes 45.
The Senate's amendment provi
The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1863., [Electronic resource], Acts passed by the Virginia Legislature . (search)