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elong to the mizzen. Spen′cer-mast. (Nautical.) A small mast abaft a lower mast for hoisting a trysail. Spend. (Mining.) To break ground, to work a way. Sperma-tor-rhe′a Syr′inge. (Surgical.) An instrument for injecting the male urethra with emollients, astringents, or caustic, as the case may require. Otis' Spermatorrhea syringe. Spetch′es. The trimmings of hides, used for making glue. Sphe′ra-nau′ti-ca. An old-time nautical instrument, mentioned in Frobisher's voyages. Sphere. See globe; armillary sphere. Spher′e-o-type. (Photography.) A positive collodion picture taken upon glass by placing a mat before the plate, so as to give a distinct margin to the picture. Sphere-turning lathe. Sphere-turn′ing lathe. A lathe for turning billiard-balls and similar objects to a truly spherical form. In Hyatt's (Fig. 5376), the ball is held between chucks a, attached to opposite spindles, and moved toward each oth