Browsing named entities in George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 3, 15th edition.. You can also browse the collection for Frobisher or search for Frobisher in all documents.

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dia, 445. Persecutes the Huguenots, II 174. War with the Five Nations, 419-423. Character of its monarchy, 467. Its rivalry with England, III. 115. Missions, 128. Contends for the fisheries and the west, 175. War with England, 176. Indian alliance, 177. War with the Iroquois, 189. Colonial boundaries, 192. Excludes England from Louisiana, 203. Sends Indians into New England, 214. Desires peace, III. 225 Extent of her possessions, 235. Builds Crown Point and Niagara forts, 341. Influence on the Ohio, 346. War with Spain, claims Texas, 353. War with the Natchez, 358. Its government of Louisiana, 364. War with the Chickasas, 365 With England, 450. Ill success of her fleets, 463. Franciscans in Maine, II. 136. Franklin, Benjamin, his character, II. 375. Defends freedom of the press, 395. His volunteer militia, 456. Frederica founded, II. 430. Frederick II., in. 452. Friends. See Quakers. Frobisher's voyages, I. 81. Frontenac's expedition, II. 182.