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tory before. The period of which he treats in his present volume, is one of the most interesting in history. It is that of the Great Armada, which was sent to invade England, and which was destroyed in the Channel and the North Sea, by Drake, Frobisher, Raleigh, the English fire-ships, the winds, the waves, the cliffs of England, and the iron-bound coast of Norway. The researches of Mr. Motley place an entirely different face upon the events of this period, from what they have ever before bopanish invasion, and he encouraged her not to believe anything so unpleasant. In that way he kept his office, and got credit for the happy event, which was due to no foresight of his own. To Walsingham,--first of all — to Drake, to Raleigh, to Frobisher, to Essex, to Hawkins--to her gallant seamen, and her invincible little Navy — England owed her salvation from the danger. These facts, which have just come out now, in the 19th century, offer a singular commentary upon the manner in which his